| EA | Indexing for Editors and Authors |
| GE | Genealogy and Indexing |
| IN | Indexing Names |
| MS | Marketing Your Indexing Services |
| R1 | Index It Right! Advice from the Experts: Volume 1 |
| R2 | Index It Right! Advice from the Experts: Volume 2 |
| R3 | Index It Right! Advice from the Experts: Volume 3 |
| RB | Running an Indexing Business |
| SB | Starting an Indexing Business |
| SC | Indexing Specialties: Cookbooks |
| SH | Indexing Specialties: History |
| SL | Indexing Specialties: Law |
| SM | Indexing Specialties: Medicine |
| SP | Indexing Specialties: Psychology |
| SS | Indexing Specialties: Scholarly |
| TC | Ten Characteristics of Quality Indexes |
| TT | Indexing Tactics & Tidbits |