Submission Guidelines
- Books may be submitted for consideration for the 2013 ASI/H.W. Wilson Company Award for Excellence in Indexing between December 1, 2012, and February 23, 2013
- Deadline for nominations for the 2013 Award is February 23, 2013.
- Submission fee is $25.00 for ASI members, $35 for nonmembers. Make checks payable to: American Society for Indexing.
- Only one index per indexer may be submitted.
- Include one photocopy of the complete, printed index from the book.
- If the index is a separate volume of a multi-volume work, include at least two other volumes of the work, so that judges can compare the index to the work itself.
- Books must be sent in reusable cartons.
- Include one self-addressed package-size mailing label (no return postage is necessary), which will be used for returning book to submitter in reuseable carton.
- Books eligible for consideration must have been published (copyrighted) in the United States in 2012. Books with a 2013 copyright date are also eligible if the book was in distribution prior to December 31, 2012. NOTE: Books with a 2013 copyright submitted for the 2013 judging are ineligible for resubmission for the judging in 2014.
- To nominate an index, please send the following:
- copy of the book(s)
- photocopy of the index
- submission fee
- self-addressed mailing label (1)
- completed submission form
- books with a 2013 copyright date: Include documentation confirming that the book was distributed prior to December 31, 2012.Examples:Â letter from publisher confirming a 2012 release; dated notice from a library or bookseller that the book is "now available for loan/purchase"; dated cover letter or packing slip for complimentary copy received by indexer; signed statement from indexer stating the date the index was submitted to client and the circumstances under which distribution prior to December 31 was confirmed.
- Send nomination materials to:
Wilson Award Submissions
Michele Levinthal
25235 SE Klahanie Blvd., Apt. M302
Issaquah, WA. 98029
Contact for more information.