Taming the Metatopic
with Kay Schlembach
This webinar was recorded November 19, 2014
Do you struggle with mastering the metatopic of a book? Are you comfortable working with the metatopic? What IS the metatopic, and why is it increasingly important?
By taming the metatopic, both main and local, a stable index structure can be developed. Kay will present examples, discuss various approaches, and suggest solutions to this challenge. If time permits, finding the metatopic in biographies will also be discussed.
This webinar will help you improve your indexing skills through an exploration of the menace and management of the metatopic. We will focus on three areas: characteristics, definition and purpose of the metatopic; increasing importance of the metatopic; exploration and examples of successful metatopic management.
From this webinar, you will:
- Understand the purpose of the metatopic
- Determine the metatopic with greater success
- Learn to easily create better metatopic structure within your index
Plus, access a PDF of the slides that accompany Kay's presentation.
Kay Schlembach has based her professional life on service, both to clients and the indexing profession. Since 1996, she has indexed hundreds of books and manages projects as a senior managing partner for Potomac Indexing. Large, multivolume projects are a specialty, as well as accounting, business, professional, and school publishing texts.
For more than a decade, Kay taught the acclaimed Practical Introduction to Indexing workshop, as well as serving on the ASI board of directors. During her ASI service, Kay was instrumental in the development, adoption, and implementation of the ASI Training in Indexing distance learning course.
She works full-time as an indexer and project manager while continuing to develop her taxonomy application skills. Kay lives and works near Albany, New York.
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