ASI Webinar Replay: Business Strategies for Indexers with Sergey Lobachev

ASI Webinar: Business Strategies for Indexers

with Sergey Lobachev

Running an indexing business is a challenging task. The path to success depends on various factors, including effective marketing, strong customer relations, sound project management, thoughtful organization of the office space, and responsible financial management. All those factors, however, should align with a unique business strategy and a set of actions that helps your company to stay competitive in a constantly changing environment. Business strategies are equally important for big corporations and for small enterprises, for new and for established companies.

This webinar provides an introduction into the concept of business strategy, explains its relevance to the indexing profession, outlines the stages of development and implementation of business strategy, and explains why strategic thinking is important to the overall success of your business.

Sergey Lobachev launched his indexing business in 2014. He writes back-of-the-book indexes for scholarly monographs, textbooks, and trade publications focusing on literature in humanities and social sciences. His technical expertise includes embedded indexing in MS Word using Word Embed and DEXembed and indexing in LaTeX. His interest spans from the exploration of early modern history to building digital libraries. Sergey holds a PhD in Russian history and MLIS degree. In 2017, he won the Purple Pen Award. Sergey served as an executive of the Indexing Society of Canada, and he is currently a production editor of the ICS Bulletin.

The live webinar was Wednesday, February 19, 2020.

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