ASI Webinar Replay: Indexing Geographic Place-names

ASI Webinar: Indexing Geographic Place-names
Information and Tools to Get Place-names Right

with Bill Wheaton

In this webinar, Bill Wheaton will provide information to help index geographic place-names. We'll look at many aspects including: accurate spelling, identifying places whose names have changed, finding authoritative (and non-authoritative, but useful) sources of place-names, what sources to use to qualify place-names, and variations in place-names.

We'll look at guidance provided by experts about indexing place-names. We'll use a number of examples and demos to show various existing systems that can be used to support place-name indexing. Throughout the session, we'll touch on a number of interesting details about place-names that might help you think about place-names and how to properly index them.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Determine the authoritative and non-authoritative place-name systems (U.S. and global) and how to use them.
  • Discover whether a place has a new name and what the major drivers are of place-name changes.
  • Hear what happens when a place-name changes and how that change is reflected in society.
  • Know what sources to use to qualify an obscure place-name used by an author.
  • Find what guidance the key indexing authors/thinkers/practitioners provide regarding place-names.
  • Compare and contrast indexing place-names to indexing personal names.
  • Learn how the term “index” is used in cartographic and spatial information systems.

Join us for this fascinating trip through the world of geographic place-names.

Bill has a B.A. in Geography (Dartmouth College, 1982) and M.A. in Liberal Studies (Duke University, 2004). Before retiring in 2022, Bill spent his career as a Geospatial Scientist at Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI, Redlands, CA) and Research Triangle Institute (RTI, Research Triangle Park, NC). His work entailed applying geospatial technologies to human problems in environmental protection, health, economics, international development, and social policy. He has used many different types of sources of geographic place-names throughout his career and brings insights and tools to those whose indexing work may benefit from a better understanding of this topic.

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The webinar is $79 for non-members, and you will have long-term access to the replay following the event. If you are a returning customer, please purchase using your email address on file: Guest

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This webinar was presented on March 13, 2024.

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