ASI Webinar: Using Diacritics in SKY
Character Map and Translation Manager in SKY v7 and v8
with Ælfwine Mischler
September 13, 2023
11 am Pacific; 12 pm Mountain; 1 pm Central; 2 pm Eastern
Working with diacritics while writing an index can be a challenge, but savvy indexers discover how to use their indexing program to best advantage. Once you learn how to handle diacritics efficiently, you'll increase your speed, leading to enhanced production.
You can directly copy and paste letters with diacritics in SKY v8, but sometimes characters won’t copy from the PDF. The Translation Manager will get the characters you need into your index. SKY v7 has a limited Character Map, and thus the Translation Manager is the primary tool for entering diacritics. You can also use the Translation Manager as a shortcut for entering em and en dashes and other characters.
This webinar will show you how to deal with diacritics using the Character Map and Translation Manager, in both SKY v7 and SKY v8.
In this webinar, you will:
- learn what to do when characters don’t copy and paste
- discover how to find letters in the Character Map
- find out how to use the Translation Manager
- explore how to add characters to defined letter groups
- become familiar with the differences in handling diacritics in v7 and v8 of SKY
Long-time SKY user, Ælfwine Mischler will show you how troubling diacritics can be smoothly included in your index.
Ælfwine is an American indexer, copyeditor, and proofreader based in Cairo, Egypt. She has been using SKY since she began indexing in 2014. She primarily works on texts in Islamic studies, Middle East studies, and Egyptology. She has published articles in The Indexer and blog posts on An American Editor and has presented webinars on indexing Arabic names for ASI and ISC/SCI. You can learn more about her and find a list of her publications on her website
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