ASI Webinar Replay: Indexing Lives: Savvy Strategies for Indexing Biographies and Memoirs

Indexing Lives: Savvy Strategies for Indexing Biographies and Memoirs

with Connie Binder

Biographies are delightful to read, but present special challenges to the indexer. The genre includes autobiographies, memoirs, biographies devoted to one main character, works about two or more characters linked thematically, and even books about corporate entities written in a biographical style.

During this webinar, Connie will provide an overview of the issues indexers commonly encounter when indexing biographies, and provide strategies for dealing with them. For examples, we’ll peek into biographies she has indexed, as well as look at perspectives from other indexers.

You will learn:

  • Methods for approaching the text
  • Main entry options for the subject of the biography
  • Subentry order options
  • Standard ways to identify family members
  • Ways to distinguish people with similar sounding names
  • How to index the topical themes and threads that make the person
  • Data entry tips to minimize frustration, speed up the indexing process, and improve accuracy
  • Resources to consult when indexing biographies

If you have burning questions, submit them before the webinar and Connie will be sure to answer them during her presentation:

As a kid reading her way through the public library, the biographies section was Connie’s favorite. She read them all. Perhaps she had an insatiable curiosity about lives and adventures different from her own. Perhaps she was just plain nosy. Regardless, the interest persists, and biographies are her favorite genre to index. A freelance indexer for almost 20 years, Connie indexes trade and scholarly books in a variety of subjects.

This webinar was recorded on Wednesday, August 29, 2018

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