ASI Webinar Replay: An Introduction to Abstracting

ASI Webinar: An Introduction to Abstracting
A Way to Enhance Your Indexing

with Lisa Ryan

Abstracting is an indexing specialty that adds value to a document by providing a summary and bibliographic detail of the work. Abstracts are formal summaries, giving a brief objective summary of the essential content of a book, article, speech, report, dissertation, or other work. Abstracts are important tools for information users, assisting readers in deciding whether or not to read the full text. Since abstracts contain complete bibliographic citations, they are useful when writing up research. Knowing how to write abstracts can enhance your indexing.

In this webinar, you will:

  • discover what abstracting is
  • review the skills needed to compose abstracts
  • understand how to add bibliographic detail
  • learn how to write abstracts
  • explore abstracting opportunities

Lisa Ryan, founder and developer of Stellar Searches LLC, has 24 years of searching, writing, indexing, and abstracting experience beginning as a graduate of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill’s Master of Science program from the School of Information and Library Science and continuing with employment at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Library in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. She also worked at the Center for Transportation and the Environment at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, and the National Association of Home Builders and U.S. Department of Transportation, both in Washington, D.C. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Emerson College with a Master of Arts in Writing and Publishing.

This webinar was produced on September 28, 2022.

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