These are resources that professional indexers may find useful in their daily work.
Thesauri will be found by subject on this page. For additional resources, consult ASI's list of online thesauri.
And, as always, ASI does not endorse or promote products, companies, political parties, religious groups, advertising or information found in web sites we provide links for.
General Reference Sources | Specific Reference Sources |
General Reference Sources
- Dictionaries, Thesauri, and Other Language Tools
- Acronym directory. Search only.
- A compilation of dictionaries, glossaries and other language-related and writing tools. Also translation, etymology and puzzle-solving assistance.
- Bilingual Contextual Dictionary
- The Free Dictionary. English, Medical, Legal, Financial, and Computer Dictionaries. With search engine.
- The Free Thesaurus. Thesaurus of synonyms, antonyms, and related words from three sources: Collins Thesaurus of the English Language, The American Heritage Roget's Thesaurus, and WordNet. Filter by part of speech to show only the results you want to see.
- Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names Online
- German/English Translation Service. This isn't a Web page; the LEO translation services is a translation-by-email service. Put words you want to have translated into the email message body and receive a translation in reply. (Note that the service translated individual words, not sentences.) Send your email message to with no subject and the message body of your words-to-be-translated.
- Language Dictionaries. List of language dictionaries.
- Library of Congress Controlled Vocabularies. Includes link to CRS Legislative Subject Terms (formerly Legislative Indexing Vocabulary (LIV)).
- Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Material I and II. (NOTE there are two distinct and separate links: one for volume I and one for volume II.) If you are looking for a thesaurus of terms related to graphic materials, this is where you want to be exploring. For browsing and searching.
- LookWayUp Dictionary. This dictionary and thesaurus site allows approximate spellings on look-up and combines a multilingual dictionary, thesaurus, translation, and other handy tools. The built-in thesaurus gives synonyms, antonyms, and up to 25 types of related terms.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Search only.
- National Information Standards Organization (NISO) standards page includes access ANSI/NISO Z39.19 - 2005 Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies (Related international standard: ISO 2788). This standard presents guidelines and conventions for the contents, display, construction, testing, maintenance, and management of monolingual controlled vocabularies. It focuses on controlled vocabularies that are used for the representation of content objects in knowledge organization systems including lists, synonym rings, taxonomies, and thesauri. Available for a fee.
- Onelook dictionary. Search only. (For browsing, see You can choose to look up your word in one dictionary or through all of the variety of specialized and general dictionaries available. A great source! Contains listings for over 200 searchable dictionaries.
- Online Dictionary of Language Terminology. The ODLT is an online dictionary of language terminology that consists of concise, simply worded explanations of terms that English speakers use to talk about the English language.
- Online English Grammar.
- The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus. Search only. Search for words, close matches, synonyms, and so on. Much more than a dictionary.
- The World Bank Thesaurus. Search or browse by letter.
- Transportation Research Thesaurus. The Transportation Research Thesaurus was developed to provide a tool to improve the indexing and retrieval of transportation information. The thesaurus covers all modes and aspects of transportation. A primary use will be to provide a common and consistent language between producers and users of the Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database. The thesaurus is currently also used as an indexing tool for federal, state and university collections. The TRT Web site allows users to access terminology through Alphabetical, Hierarchical, Keyword In Context or Keyword Out of Context displays. The full display shows relationship of terms including SN (Scope Notes), UF (used for terms), BT (Broader Term), NT (Narrower Term), and RT (Related Term).
- Dictionaries of computer terms.
- Science glossaries.
- Encyclopedias, Collections of Information, and Fact Books
- CIA World Factbook.
- Encyclopædia Britannica. A classic and now completely free online.
- Articles from Concise Columbia Electronic Encylopedia, Third Edition.
- ERIC Thesaurus. ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) is a national education database of bibliographic citations and digests, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. This online version of the ERIC Thesaurus provides immediate search access to portions of the ERIC database. The 40-member ERIC Vocabulary Review Group (VRG) presently oversees the Thesaurus development effort. Search only.
- Flags of the World. An extensive site devoted to vexillology.
- Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). Covers U.S., its territories, and Antarctica; the authoritative source of geographic names in the U.S.
- Geographic Names Server (GNS). The official repository of standard spellings of all foreign geography names, sanctioned by the U.S. Board of Geographic Names (BGN).
- Still can't find it? Try one of the following:
- Encyberpedia (list of online encyclopedias).
- Credo Reference (Formerly xrefer with access to over 50 dictionaries, fact books, and desktop encyclopedias not otherwise available online). SUBSCRIPTION basis only now but many libraries subscibe and you might be able to access it via your library membership!
- Phone Directories, Organizational Listings, and Geographical Maps
- US states' business directory and Yellow Pages broken out by categories.
- David Rumsey Map Collection. The collection contains over 200,000 maps from the 16th century to the present.
- Google Maps. This tool allows you geographically pinpoint U.S. addresses, down to the street number, and then print a map of the areas of interest.
- Index of World Geonames Databases. This site contains links by country to the official website of each country's geographic names database.
- Internet Toll-Free Directory
- MapQuest. This tool allows you geographically pinpoint U.S. addresses, down to the street number, and then print a map of the areas of interest.
- National Center for Charitable Statistics - National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE). The National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities offers a definitive classification system for nonprofit organizations recognized as tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Code.
- The capabilities of Thomas Register Online, the world's largest industrial buying source, have been expanded to offer local search, CAD search, brand search, and more. You can search by company, product, product category, and service, or you can use one of the 2300 supplier catalogs.
- U.S. Census. 2010 data available.
- ZIP Code Lookup, Address Information, Postal Rates. From the U.S. Postal Service.
- Of Particular Interest to Indexers
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resources
- Index-L Archives.
- International Standards Organization (ISO) — ISO 999:1996 — Information and documentation — Guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes. Available for a fee.
Art and Architecture Reference Sources
- The Art & Architecture Thesaurus. The AAT is a controlled vocabulary for describing and retrieving information on fine art, architecture, decorative art, and material culture. This database is created and maintained by the Getty Information Institute, and endorsed by library, archives, and museum professional groups.
- The Union List of Artist Names. The ULAN is a database of biographical and bibliographical information on artists and architects, including a wealth of variant names, pseudonyms, and language variants. This database is created and maintained by the Getty Information Institute, and endorsed by library, archives, and museum professional groups.
Biographical Reference Sources
- Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Searchable biographical data on members of the U.S. Congress from 1774 to the present.
- Merriam-Webster Biographical Dictionary.
- Political Graveyard. This database of historic cemeteries and political families offers brief biographical data on 53,115 (as of December, 1999) deceased politicians, diplomats, and judges, and is indexed in a number of ways, including an alphabetical index (by last name). The site also features a list of links, and some of those sites might also be helpful.
Business Reference Sources
[General Business Information] [Small Businesses, Self-Employment, and Working from Home] [Health in the Workplace] [ Finding Work] [Additional Business Reference Sites]
- General Business Information
- Accounting, Business Studies and Economics Dictionary for Students. Searchable dictionary with over 3000 business and commerce terms.
- The Better Business Bureau. The BBB provides instant access to business and consumer alerts. You can also file a complaint online.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Trade Show Calendar. Allows you to search for upcoming tradeshows and conferences by industry.
- Small Businesses, Self-Employment, and Working from Home Included are references that indexers may find useful in establishing and running their indexing business..
- Inc. Online. The online version of Inc. magazine.
- Internal Revenue Service. Small business and self-employed tax information center.
- Shopify. Free cloud-based tools for small business including an invoice generator and a business card maker.
- Small Business Resource Guide. Essential considerations for starting a small business.
- U.S. Small Business Administration. This site has government links, public domain business programs, bank ratings, information about financing and other help, and more.
- Health in the Workplace
- The American Occupational Therapy Association produces a database that has its own thesaurus. The link above will take you to this database, from which you can access the database.
- Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injury. This site covers work-related health rather thoroughly, but its library of related books is quite valuable.
- ErgoWeb Inc.. Volumes of ergonomic information.
- How To Create an Ergonomic Work-From-Home Setup. Information and diagram.
- OSHA's Ergonomics Page. These sites, maintained by the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration, have plenty of information regarding ergonomics and RSI.
- Sitting or Standing: Tips for Treating Your Body Well at Work. A comprehensive article on the effects of prolonged sitting or standing, and how to offset these effects for better health.
- Typing Injury FAQ.
- There is also a mailing list for RSI sufferers. Send the message SUBSCRIBE SOREHAND firstname lastname to
- Finding Work
- Additional Business Reference Sites
- See Phone Directories, Organizational Listings, and Geographical Maps above for some lists of businesses and their profiles.
Computer and Technology Reference Sources
- Dictionaries of Computer Terminology
- Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC). For searching only.
- Hacker's Dictionary.
- Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems.
- Webopedia. An excellent searchable dictionary of computing terms.
- Internet-Related Information
- Federal Agencies Directory. A list of government agencies and their locations on the Web.
- Internet Public Library. (No longer being updated, but still available and quite useful).
- Other Computer and Technology Information
- Computer, Telephony & Electronics Industry Glossary. Browse and search.
- Dot What!?. Extensive collection of the (typically) three letter codes at the end of file names that indicate the type of the file. Search and browse for extensions used by most popular operating systems.
- Another extensive collection of filename extensions.
- FileInfo. Another filename-extension source.
Health and Medicine Reference Sources
- Alcohol Industry and Policy Database. Thirteen thousand articles and news stories about the alcohol beverage industry, alcohol policy, and prevention efforts. The time period covered is 1991 to the present; the Web version is updated monthly.
- American Medical Writers Association (AMWA). The American Medical Writers Association was founded in 1940 to help medical authors improve their writing skills. Now, as then, AMWA strives to help biomedical communicators construct more effective communications by offering continuing education seminars, courses offered at our Annual Conference, and through our many publications.
- Kinsey Institute. The Kinsey Institute has at its site a thesaurus that deals with all aspects of sexuality. Although there is no direct link to their thesaurus, you can contact the librarian of the site for more information.
- Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): on the WEB. These subject hierarchies are brought to you by the National Library of Medicine. MeSH is the most used thesaurus in publications for medical and health professionals.
- Medicine Net. Lists of diseases and medications, in nonmedical language.
- MEDLINE Plus. This is NLM's consumer health site, with links to MEDLINE and a host of other medical info sources, including databases, web links, dictionaries, physician listings, organizations, etc.
- Merck Manual. The most widely used medical text worldwide. Searchable.
- National Rehabilitation Information Center (U.S) produced a thesaurus of rehabilitation terms.
- PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 11 million citations from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. A tutorial is provided on the site as an aid to first-time searchers.
- Reference.MD, Medical information from National Library of Medicine 2007 Medical Subject Headings, National Institutes of Health Unified Medical Language System, Drugs@FDA, Federal Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System. Medical concepts or drugs are presented as concept trees that you can drill into to see related concepts.
- Sites dealing with health in the workplace
Legal Reference Sources
- Duhaime's Law Dictionary. Browse only.
- Findlaw. Findlaw is a commercial Web portal focusing on law and government.
- Internet Law Library. Over 7,500 links to legal resources.
- Ivan Hoffman. Articles on legal topics for writers and publishers, including copyright, contracts, the Internet and electronic rights.
Science Reference Sources
- Biological Sciences
- Cell biology glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function. Hosted by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
- Phylogenetic glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function. Hosted by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
- Botany and Zoology Sciences
- Botanical glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function. Hosted by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
- PLANTS National Database. Maintained by the USDA's National Plant Data Center, this huge database can be searched by common or scientific name; reports accessible from the home page include invasive and noxious plants, threatened and endangered plants, wetland plants, and much more.
- Zoology glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function. Hosted by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
- Chemistry and Biochemistry Sciences
- Biochemistry glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function. Hosted by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
- Periodic table of the elements.
- Pesticide Common Names. Lists of common names (e.g., DDT, malathion, paraquat), molecular formulae (e.g., C13H17F3N4O4), Chemical Abstracts Registry Numbers (e.g. 50-00-0, 209866-92-2), systematic names (e.g., 2-tert-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol); also hierarchical lists of pesticides.
- Environmental and Earth Sciences
- Ecological glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function. Hosted by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
- Geologic glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function. Hosted by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
- Physics, Astronomy, and Aerospace
- Astronomy thesaurus. This thesaurus, compiled by Robyn M. Shobbrook and Robert R. Shobbrook provides access to the thesaurus in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. For browsing and searching.
- Physics laws list. This glossary contains laws, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants, experiments, and thought experiments in physics--an absolute must for physics junkies and indexers. Browse only.
- Space Weather glossary. Browse only; requires browser's "search" function.
- Space flight glossary. Search and browse.
- Science, Technology, and Industry
- ECHO (Exploring and Collecting History Online). ECHO is a portal to over 5,000 websites concerning the history of science, technology, and industry.
Technical Writers' Resources
- The Journal of Electronic Publishing. Published by the University of Michigan Press.
- TECHWR-L. Anything related to any facet of technical communication (practice, research, teaching) is appropriate for this discussion list.
Libraries and Library Sciences
- Cataloging & Classification Quarterly (CCQ). Includes abstracts of articles, editorials, and cataloging news columns; includes a Call for Papers for publication.
- Internet Public Library. (No longer being updated, but still available and quite useful).
- Library of Congress. Features some online exhibitions as well as a country-by-country tour of the world.
- Library Science Graduate Degree Guides. Scholarships, comprehensive degree program data, licensing, certification information by state and career profiles.
- Online Books Page. Provides full text of about 50,000 books and external links to many more.
- Project Gutenberg. Thousands of free ebooks.
- Quick Reference. Links to government databases, online dictionaries, and travel services. Sponsored by Purdue University.
- Virtual International Authority File. A gateway site to national library collections.
- WWW Virtual Library. Libraries and Information.
- Master's in Library Science. Guides for those seeking a MLS or MLIS.
Miscellaneous References
- Academic Info. Extensive listing of academic programs and much more. The subject guides cover hundreds of topics and list both print and online resources.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation. Includes the ten-most-wanted list.
- LitQuotes. A small listing of literary quotations.
- Martindale's Reference Desk. Online reference tools on everything from Aerospace medicine to Zoology: calculators, dictionaries, shareware, and more.
- Mediafinder. Directories of magazines, newsletters, and catalogs
- U.S. Government Printing Office. Includes the Federal Register, GAO reports, and other official databases.
- U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
- Vanderbilt Television News Archive.