If you're feeling weary of snow and cold weather, head for Arizona this April for Bloom in the Desert. Check out the interesting presenters at the conference, plus two pre-conference workshops. If you are interested in textbook indexing, join us for a new webinar this month. We look forward to seeing you in Scottsdale!
ASI Webinars: Textbook Indexing with Diana Witt
Register for ASI's Conference “Bloom in the Desert”
ASI Candidates for the Board
Upcoming Chapter Events
Western New York Chapter
Recent Chapter Events
Chicago-Great Lakes Chapter
ASI Webinar: Textbook Indexing: Basic skills and guidelines for creating a good textbook index with Diana Witt
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
10 a.m. Pacific, 11 a.m. Mtn., 12 p.m. Central, 1 p.m. Eastern
There’s still time to register! Diana Witt will discuss the pros and cons of updating vs. original creation of textbook indexes; how to handle non-text material such as glossaries, graphics, appendices; how to create multiple name, subject, and company indexes simultaneously; the pros and cons of updating versus original creation of textbook indexes; and more.
Learn more and register on this webpage.
As with other ASI webinars, members of ASI can log in for member pricing, and the recorded webinar will be available any time for replay.
ASI 2019 Conference “Bloom in the Desert”
Scottsdale, Arizona
April 25–27, 2019
Plan to join your indexing colleagues for ASI’s annual conference in sunny Scottsdale. The conference program is available online and registration is open.
This year’s optional preconference program includes a choice of two full-day workshops:
- New Indexers: Indexing from A to Z, with Heather Ebbs
- Climbing Camelback: Intermediate/Advanced Topics in Indexing, with Fred Leise
ASI Candidates for the Board
ASI has announced this year’s slate of candidates for the Board of Directors. The Nominations Committee's goals when putting together the slate of candidates focus on securing a strong future for ASI. These goals include the development of a strong Board of Directors that will function well as a whole while also representing the diversity of ASI members and their views; broadening the number of people who are included in ASI leadership at all levels; and ensuring that ASI will continue to have active members with board experience who are willing to take on future leadership roles at the highest levels. We believe the candidates will help achieve all of these goals, and that they will work diligently to further the mission of ASI.
President Elect: Meghan Miller Brawley
Treasurer: Anne Fifer
Director at Large (Three positions are open in 2019): Nan Badgett, Shannon Li, Rachel Shaw
To see the candidate biographies and vision statements, visit this webpage. Only ASI members may vote. If elected, the candidates will take office at the ASI Annual Conference on April 27, 2019.
Chapter Events
Upcoming Chapter Events
Western New York Chapter Meeting
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Rochester, NY
At the Western New York Chapter meeting, the featured speaker is Sergey Lobachev, who will discuss business development strategies. Location and other details will be posted soon. Questions? Email chapter head Lisa DeBoer.
Recent Chapter Events
Chicago/Great Lakes Winter 2019 Workshop

Front: Mamta Jha, D'Ann Hamilton; Back: Linda Presto, Jim Fuhr, Denise Alberts, John Rademacher, Cyndi Rademacher
The Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter hosted their Winter Workshop the weekend of February 22 at Chicago’s revered Newberry Library, host to a large collection of research materials and genealogy information. The first day focused on getting to know the library, its history, and materials. Returning from the Fall 2018 workshop, a genealogy expert gave a lecture and tour (including some secret vaults not available to the public!). Attendees had free time to wander and scour the computers for information on their family line. The second half of the day a board member of the Chicago genealogy society reviewed the morning session and discussed genealogy indexing opportunities.
Our second day included a presentation by ASI member Jane Friedman on art indexing. She discussed indexing and how she manages her business, including getting work and managing assignments and administrative needs. Carolyn Weaver of the Pacific Northwest Chapter (PNW) presented via Skype on disaster planning. The final session was viewing ASI’s webinar, “Indexing with Index Manager,” as presented by Pilar Wyman.
The chapter was honored to have its attendees join them, including their friend Mamta Jha from India! Evening outings were spirited and full of fun. Next, the chapter is planning its Fall Workshop for October 4–5, 2019.
Spotlight—Elise Wormuth
In today’s Spotlight is new indexer Elise Wormuth (NorthLight Wordcraft). If you would like to be in the Spotlight or nominate someone, please contact the editor, Ælfwine Mischler.
Where do you live now? Where are you originally from? Do you share your home with pets or family?
I live in Minneapolis, having returned home to Minnesota after living in California for 40 years. I share my home with Hugo, a Maltese mix rescue dog, and Roderigo, a lineolated parakeet.
What is your educational background?
I have a PhD in Language, Literacy, and Culture (English Education). My BA and MA were in English Literature and Creative Writing.
Do you have any hobbies, travels, volunteer work, or other interesting things to share?
I am an avid genealogist, just finishing up a book on German genealogy for beginners. I paint in watercolor, not very well considering the years I’ve spent trying, but I just love doing it. I’m a fine art photographer as well, though I don’t do much of that any more. I’ve traveled in Europe a few times in recent years. The most memorable trip was in 2015 when we arrived in Paris on Thursday and terrorists struck on Friday. We decided to stay and had two wonderful weeks in what turned out to be a very interesting time to be there.
What kind of work did you do before you studied indexing? Are you still doing that or other work in addition to indexing?
I was an English professor at San Francisco State University, also Director of the Composition Program and Associate Dean of the College of Humanities. I taught prospective teachers from middle school through community college, composition from basic first-year students through graduate students, and various literature classes. I don’t teach any longer, but I do freelance editing now and then. I’ll always be involved with writing.
When did you start indexing? When did you join ASI?
I took the Berkeley course that began in January 2018, finishing up last June. Since then, I’ve indexed one book as a subcontractor and just finished my first solo project. I joined ASI soon after I began the course.
For you, what is the best advantage of ASI membership?
I attended the annual conference last year and enjoyed it immensely, meeting many wonderful people. I’ve done several webinars that I enjoyed and found very helpful. My membership in the Chicago-Great Lakes chapter led me to go to a great workshop last October, and my recent indexing project was a direct result of my page in the Indexer Locator. I’m very happy to be a member!
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