See Also—August 2024

ASI News
—ASI launches new awards program honoring indexers
—Discover the power of macros in online learning course
—Webinar: Crafting metatopics for biographies
—Dive into summer Key Words
ASI membership: Did you know?
Chapters and SIGS
—Special Interest Groups meeting in August
Associated Industry News
—Learn about Canadian Bursary
Business and Marketing
—Book sales increase
Spotlight on Ritu Amrita

ASI News

ASI launches new awards program honoring indexers

ASI's new awards program honoring excellence in indexing will recognize winners in two categories: scholarly/technical books and trade books. The inaugural awards will be presented in 2024, for books published in either 2022 or 2023. Each winner will receive $500. At the judges' discretion, an honorable mention may be awarded as well.

Indexes will be judged on criteria, including elegance, usability, accuracy, and consistency of style. Submissions will be accepted between July 31, 2024 and September 27, 2024. Full information on the criteria, submission rules, and the judging process is available here.

Questions? Contact Awards Committee chair Amy Hall.

Discover the power of macros in ASI Online Learning Course

Three-Part Course with Elizabeth Bartmess this October

Learn how to create reliable shortcuts in your indexing software to work more efficiently and accurately.

This will be the focus of ASI's in-depth three-session "Make Your Own Macros—Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Indexing and Increase Accuracy." The online learning course will be presented by Elizabeth Bartmess on Wednesday, October 9, 16, and 23, 2024.

The hands-on course, aimed at both beginners and at indexers who want to enhance their macro skills and learn new techniques, will explore:

Week 1: Identifying macro-shaped problems.
Week 2: Designing, building, and debugging macros.
Week 3: Text manipulation, scripting, and getting help.

Examples will be demonstrated for creating and using macros in CINDEX, Sky 8, and Macrex, along with the use of macro software.

Elizabeth, an indexer who won the Purple Pen Contest for New Indexers in 2023, has a master's degree in information science. She volunteers with the Open CINDEX project, is co-chair of ASI's Pacific Northwest Chapter, and is co-webmaster for the Digital Publications SIG.

Full details and registration can be found here.

Webinar: Crafting metatopics for biographies

Join longtime indexer Fred Leise on August 21, 2024, and learn to sharpen your skills in identifying and crafting metatopics for biographies.

The ASI webinar, "Biographical Metatopics, or, the Why of the Who," will offer a brief refresher on metatopics and then delve into the specifics of creating metatopic entries for biographies. Participants will learn to:

  • Understand and recognize different types of metatopics.
  • Identify the metatopic of a biography.
  • Use some basic statistics for analyzing biographical metatopic entries.
  • Understand what metatopic clusters are and how to use them.

For details and to register, click here.

Dive into summer Key Words

ASI's 2024 conference at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania was a time for learning, reconnecting, and honoring indexing achievement. The summer issue of Key Words—available now—explores the workshops and sessions that made the event a success. There is also a recap of the ISC/SCI virtual conference.

This issue of ASI's quarterly journal also debuts the "Ask Kate" indexing advice column as well as "Index Zero," focusing on indexing and technology/software.

ASI membership: Did you know?

ASI members have access to a host of resources through the website, including a sample indexing agreement, which can be tailored to your specific needs.

Chapters and SIGS

Special Interest Groups meeting in August

 TExtract The Digital Publications Indexing SIG will meet online on August 8, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time/noon Eastern time. Visit DPI SIG’s website for more information about the group.

Contact Pilar Wyman with questions.

The History/Archaeology Special Interest Group will hold an online social gathering on August 30, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. Visit the H/A SIG's website for information about joining, or check out the SIG's discussion group.

Email Vickie Jacobs with questions.

Information about all of ASI’s SIGs is available here.

Please share news about your SIG or chapter with See Also.

Associated Industry News

Learn about Canadian Bursary

The Indexing Society of Canada (ISC/SCI) will hold an online informational session about its Diversity in Canadian Publishing Bursary, on September 17, 2024.

The bursary is part of ISC/SCI’s program focused on increasing diverse voices in the Canadian publishing industry, to help achieve equality of opportunity for aspiring indexers belonging to underrepresented and/or marginalized groups.

The application deadline for the 2024 bursary is October 6. It will be granted to one person and will cover fees for an approved indexing program, two years of ISC/SCI membership, and entry into the mentorship program. Go to the application webpage for full details.

Business and Marketing

Book sales increase

There are some bright spots in the publishing industry, according to a report last month from Publishers Weekly, based on book sale statistics from the American Association of Publishers.

In addition to a nearly 25 percent jump in May of sales for adult fiction, sales of nonfiction for adults rose more than 9 percent. For e-books, the news is mixed, with a 5.7 percent increase in adult fiction, and a 6.5 percent decrease in adult nonfiction. Across all categories, year-to-date revenue was up 5.5 percent.

Full details from the AAP are available here.

Spotlight on Ritu Amrita

This month's Spotlight is on Ritu Amrita, owner of Book Indexing Services.

If you would like to be in the Spotlight, or would like to nominate someone for it, please contact Laurie Hlavaty.

Where do you live now? Where are you originally from? Do you share your home with pets or family?

I live in Pondicherry, a Union Territory in India, known for its French colonial heritage, bordered by the southeastern state of Tamil Nadu. My native place is in the region of Jharkhand/Bihar. I share my home with my husband and my two sons.

What is your educational background?

I completed my graduation in botany, a field that endlessly captivates me with its exploration of plant diversity. Following this, I pursued a master's degree in biotechnology. My solid foundation in biology enables me to effortlessly grasp the fundamental concepts and ideas presented in any biological science academic text.

Do you have any hobbies, travels, volunteer work, or other interesting things to share?

Cooking is my passion, and I delight in experimenting with a variety of dishes, finding great joy in serving delicious meals to my loved ones. Additionally, I enjoy reading books, traveling, and occasionally painting, which relaxes my mind and brings me immense happiness.

What kind of work did you do before you studied indexing? Are you still doing that or other work in addition to indexing?

I started my career in indexing by watching my husband—a freelance indexer—work. Even though I didn't know much about it at first, I was fascinated by the process and slowly learned all about it. Now, I am proud to work full time as a freelance indexer, driven by my love for organizing information.

What is a favorite strategy to help motivate or inspire when you are feeling stuck during a work project?

When it's hard to concentrate because of the challenges of indexing, I find comfort in music. I usually like silence to avoid distractions, but music helps me get back on track. Taking a walk also refreshes my mind and boosts my productivity.

When did you start indexing? When did you join ASI?

I began my journey into indexing in 2008, initially learning the basics from my husband, Sanjiv. I later gained hands-on experience at a publishing company, where I worked on team projects and honed my skills in independent index preparation. In 2014, I transitioned to full-time freelance indexing and joined the American Society for Indexing in 2018 to further enhance my professional development in the field.

For you, what is the best advantage of ASI membership?

One of the greatest benefits for me has been the Indexer Locator and the informative seminars and webinars, which have proven immensely helpful in my career.

Items to be considered for the See Also newsletter should be submitted by the 15th of the month before publication. For September 2024 issue, please email by August 15. Thank you.

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