ASI News
—Register for "The Eyes Have It" ASI conference; early rate savings until April 14
—Get a good look at indexing during Indexing Workshop with Fred Leise
—Catch replays of 2022 conference
—Cast your ballot for ASI board members
—ASI's Annual Meeting set for May 19
—No nominations received for Hines Award
Chapters and SIGS
—DPI SIG to meet in May
To Your Health
—8 Tips for Healthy Eating in 2023 & How to Stay Fuller Longer
Associated Industry News
—The value of an index is the focus of BISG webinar
Business and Marketing
—First estimated taxes due in April
Spotlight on Pilar Wyman
ASI News
Register for "The Eyes Have It" ASI conference;
early rate savings until April 14
Come learn more about artificial intelligence, stoplists and e-book indexes. These will be among the subjects explored this month at ASI's 55th Annual Conference, "The Eyes Have It: The Indexer Perspective—Past, Present & Future."
The virtual event will be held April 28-April 29, 2023, and includes eight sessions about indexing and the business of indexing, two keynote addresses, as well as opportunities for socializing and networking.
ASI members and non-members are welcome. Early bird rates are available through April 14; regular-rate registration takes place until April 26. For full details on the conference program, the presenters and to register, go the conference page.
Get a good look at indexing during Indexing Workshop with Fred Leise
Master indexer Fred Leise will offer "Looking Forward: An Introduction-to-Indexing Workshop" on Thursday, April 27. This program for new indexers or those curious about indexing precedes ASI's two-day conference, which kicks off the following day.
Space is limited for the three-hour online program, which offers an expansive look into the world of indexing from someone who has been in it for more than 25 years. Attendees will become familiar with the index-creation process, including indexable concepts, metatopic identification, term selection and locators. Get a look, too, at the business of indexing and how to manage your indexing projects.
ASI members and non-members are welcome. Early bird rates are available through April 14. Full details about the workshop and registration are available here.
Catch replays of 2022 conference
Replays of the sessions and keynote addresses of the ASI 2022 Conference—"The Future of Indexing: A Mix of Art & Technology"—are available for last year's attendees until April 30, 2023. To view them, click here.
Cast your ballot for ASI board members
Have you voted for your new 2023 ASI Board of Directors? This year's ballot comprises the following members.
(Click on their name to learn more about each candidate.)
- President-Elect
- Shelley Quattrocchi
- Alexander Nickerson
- Kara Pekar
- Johnna Dinse
Directors at Large
ASI is continually looking for new leaders to work together to represent the diversity of its members and give voice to their views. Help ASI achieve that goal by voting now (if you haven’t already).
Members need to login to access the candidate page and ballot.
The deadline to vote is 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, April 7, 2023.
ASI's Annual Meeting set for May 19

ASI President
Gina Guilinger
At the general meeting, Gina Guilinger will deliver the president's report, Cheryl Lenser will give the treasurer's report, and our new directors will be welcomed to the board. Gina will also thank our volunteers with the presentation of the Kohlrabi Awards.
Watch your inbox for the link, and join us for this event on May 19, 2023.
No nominations received for Hines Award
ASI's highest service honor will not be awarded this year.
Unfortunately, the Hines Award Committee did not receive any nominations. Many outstanding volunteers keep our organization running smoothly, and a number of those volunteers have given a great deal of their time and effort over the course of their indexing careers.
The Hines Award recognizes those members who have gone above and beyond in support of ASI.
“I encourage everyone to thank our volunteers and to give consideration to who might deserve the special recognition of the award in future years,” suggests Kendra Millis, committee chair.
Chapters and SIGS
DPI SIG to meet in May
The Digital Publications Indexing SIG will gather online on May 4 (9:00 a.m. Pacific/noon Eastern time).
Planned discussions include Shelley Quattrocchi's report about the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) system.
You can visit DPI’s website for more information about the group, or contact SIG manager Pilar Wyman with any questions.
Information about all of ASI’s SIGs is available here. Please share news about your SIG with See Also.
To Your Health
8 Tips for Healthy Eating in 2023 & How to Stay Fuller Longer
Whether you need to make it through an afternoon without overeating or you’re trying to keep your energy while not stopping for a quick bite, eating well-balanced and proper meals during the day can play a big part in helping you feel fuller for longer. Get eight helpful tips here.
Associated Industry News
The value of an index is the focus of BISG webinar
ASI members Kate Mertes and Devon Thomas were guest speakers at a recent Book Industry Study Group event for publishers titled "Index Confidential: A conversation about how indexing can make better books." The webinar was hosted by BISG Executive Director Brian O'Leary.
Mertes gave an overview of the index-creation workflow, focusing on an indexer's relationship and communication with publishers and authors, including what information an indexer needs to evaluate a potential project; negotiating pay; schedules; indexer queries; submission of the index; and post-project feedback. She also emphasized the importance of timely payments to indexers.
Thomas started her presentation with potent examples showing the value of an index versus the "blunt tool" of a full-text search. She then explained electronic publications, including the embedded indexing workflow; embedded vs. linked indexes; and the pitfalls of machine-aided indexing. She offered resources on indexing and tools to find the right indexer for a project.
Their presentations were followed by a short Q&A session, which included discussion about author-generated indexes. To view the replay of this webinar, click here
Business and Marketing
First estimated taxes due in April
For those who are self-employed and pay quarterly estimated taxes throughout the year, the first payment is due this month.
Here are the federal tax due dates for 2023, according to Kiplinger and other sources:
April 18, 2023: First payment, for income earned January 1 to March 31. This is also the date when 2022 income taxes need to be filed.
June 15, 2023: Second payment, for income earned April 1 to May 31.
September 15, 2023: Third payment, for income earned June 1 to August 31.
January 16, 2024: Fourth payment, for income earned September 1 to December 31.
Freelancers and others who are self-employed should use IRS form 1040-ES to calculate their taxes.
Kiplinger advises also checking individual state tax departments, in case the due dates vary.
Spotlight on Pilar Wyman
This month's Spotlight is on Pilar Wyman, owner of Wyman Indexing. If you would like to be in the Spotlight, or would like to nominate someone for it, please contact Laurie Hlavaty.
Where do you live now? Where are you originally from? Do you share your home with pets or family?
I live in Washington, DC, close to my 84-year-old father, though he is still working and may never really slow down. His career in government service had us living abroad most of my childhood, so I’m one of those Washingtonians who grew up overseas. I was born in Beirut, Lebanon, was raised in the Middle East, and then lived in Spain before settling in Annapolis, Maryland, to raise my children. Ten years ago, after my mother died, I returned to DC. I recently discovered my 1st and 2nd great-grandparents’ gravesites, in a beautiful, local historic cemetery. I am a fourth-generation Washingtonian.
What is your educational background?
I was a liberal arts student and majored in mathematics and philosophy while reading the Great Books at St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. I also studied mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, and Mills College as a National Science Foundation Minority Graduate Fellow.
Do you have any hobbies, travels, volunteer work, or other interesting things to share?
My hobbies include needlework, hiking, puzzles, travel, volunteer work as time allows, and live music. I started off 2023 walking in a Second Line in New Orleans: Laissez les bon temps roulez, mes amis! (Let the good times roll, my friends!)
What kind of work did you do before you studied indexing? Are you still doing that or other work in addition to indexing?
I started work in indexing when I was a college student in the 1980s and worked as a typist doing data entry for a professional freelancer. I’ve never really looked back, you could say, because after that initial work as a college student, I kept coming back to it. As an indexer, I feel like I get to be a student forever. That’s one of the benefits and joys of this profession.
What is a favorite strategy to help motivate or inspire when you are feeling stuck during a work project?
Just keep swimming, walking, putting one foot in front of the other, even if it is to simply put some sort of flag on an index entry you’re writing, so as to review it later. Little breaks can be good, too, to clear your head.
When did you start indexing? When did you join ASI?
I officially started my own indexing sole-proprietorship, Wyman Indexing, in February 1990, before becoming pregnant with my first child. That was exactly 33 years ago as I type this, and it turned out to be great timing. I joined ASI on my own then, too. I indexed part time when my children were small, full time since they were grown.
I’m not as active in ASI as I used to be. For many years, I served ASI actively as a leader in the Washington, DC, chapter (now the Mid- and South-Atlantic Chapter), as editor of Key Words, as the international representative, as president, and on various committees. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know and working with my colleagues in ASI and our sister societies. I treasure all those relationships and friendships.
What a fascinating ride it’s been. I’m looking forward to more.
For you, what is the best advantage of ASI membership?
For me, professional development and networking are the biggest advantages of ASI membership. I learned HTML in one of Jan Wright’s workshops, for example. I continue to learn about new tools and techniques from other indexers in the Digital Publications Indexing (DPI) special interest group.
Items to be considered for the See Also newsletter should be submitted by the 15th of the month before publication. For May inclusion, please submit to by April 15.
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