Call for Hines Award Nominations
Nominations Due March 24, 2024

The 2019 Hines Award award recipient was Fred Leise, with Ina Gravitz, then committee chair and winner of the 2016 Hines Award.
Do you know someone who has given unstintingly of their time and talents to ASI? Then consider nominating them for the 2024 Hines Award.
ASI's Theodore C. Hines Award recognizes those who have made exceptional contributions to ASI and to the indexing profession. The deadline for submitting a nomination for the 2024 award is March 24, 2024.
Hines Award nominees should demonstrate a long-term and ongoing commitment to ASI and the indexing profession through service as an officer, as a board member, or in other leadership roles at the national level and/or within Chapters and SIGs. Other contributions worthy of note include active participation in national and regional conferences, web site management, publications, committees, educational activities, etc.
To submit a nomination, send a letter by email to the Hines Award Committee, documenting the reasons the nominee is worthy of consideration. If you submit a nomination, you should also solicit additional letters of recommendation for that individual. Additional letters of support may be sent directly to the committee.
The nomination letter and letters of support should clearly demonstrate why the nominee is deserving of the honor. Letters from people who have known the nominee in different roles are helpful and provide a fuller picture of the nominee’s service. Rules and procedures for submitting nominations are available on the ASI website here.
The award, if given, will be presented at the ASI Annual Meeting. While the nomination process is open every year, the award is only given in years when the nomination and recommendation letters demonstrate that a nominee has made exceptional contributions to ASI.
Hines Award Nomination Process
The Hines Committee depends on members to submit nominations for this Award. Please think of someone you know who has offered distinguished service, perhaps as an officer, board member, or committee member, or who has worked with ASI for the advancement and improvement of the indexing profession. Send your nominating and supporting letters to the Hines Award Committee chair. The recipient, who should be a current or former active member of ASI, will receive a lifetime membership in ASI.
Note that the Hines judging process is confidential. Nominees should not be informed that they are being nominated; nor should that information be publicly revealed online prior to the judging.
Fred Leise is chair of the Hines Committee and the 2019 Hines Award recipient. Also serving are Kendra Millis, 2020 Hines Award recipient, and Ina Gravitz, 2016 Hines Award recipient.
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