Members can edit their website profile online including Indexer Locator listings and expect immediate update of most information on the website.
Complete instructions are here on this page:
How to Log In and Edit Your Profile
Once you're logged in, the Member Access box will have links to see your profile and to edit your profile.
Problems? Questions? See below:
To save your changes, click Save Directory Profile. Then look for Back to Website and click the link to go directly to your profile.
To make further changes, click Click Here to Edit at the bottom of your profile.
Frequently asked questions
Okay, some of these aren't questions, but they beg for an answer:
My login doesn't work
Both userid and password are case sensitive. Also, no spaces, including spaces before or after the userid and password. Check that before panicking or requesting the system issue a new password.
I forgot my password, or, I forgot my userid
When you're trying to login, there's an option for members who have forgotten their password or forgotten their userid. Click that option and an email will be sent to you with a link that will generate a new password and email you (in a second email) with the new password. This is a two-email process but can be done quickly. Note that we do not store your password in our system except in an encrypted mode so we can't tell you what it is. But the reset process should solve your situation
Your userid and email are both case sensitive, so note how they are displayed on your profile page when requesting a new password.
Where do I find my online profile?
Click "Find a Speake" in the menu at the top and search on your last name. Or, if you're logged in, click the View Your Profile link in the right sidebar.
My address or phone numbers look funny
Use multiple lines for your address, like you would address an envelope.
Put each phone number on a separate line.
My name sorts in the wrong place.
Alphabetical sorts use your Last Name. No, you can't change your last name to AAAble just to get a better sort.
How do I edit the copy that shows up next to my picture in searches?
This is the first part of your profile copy, limited to the first 30 words or so. In the Indexer Locator, it's the first part of the Locator promo copy. If you haven't entered any copy for your profile listing, your Locator copy will be used.
The text in my listing is cut off mid-sentence.
Promo copy is limited to 30 words or so. See above.
How much copy can go in my Indexer Locator listing?
So far, we haven't set a limit. This is your chance to do some marketing. Think of it as a nice online one-sheet or brochure where you can tout your business.
How do I show up in the Indexer Locator Specialty listing searches?
There's a long list of specialties that you can choose for listing in the database. These are the specialties used to find you in the Specialties Index search engine.
Under the various specialties, select one or more specialties by holding down the Ctrl, Command, or Apple key as you click on the desired topic headings. The bar at the right edge of each specialty list may be used the scroll through the list.
Can I change my password?
You can change your password. Enter a new password in the Password field, and type it again in the matching field. Leave these blank if you don't want to change your password.
It says my session has timed out.
The system stores your userid and password in a cookie on your computer so it's available as you move from page to page. If you change your password -- or wait too long -- the password no longer matches and you'll have to log in again.
How do I change my logo image or photograph?
Your color photograph or logo will look great on our website! It should be scanned as an RGB photograph, jpg format.
While you're logged in at your login page, you'll notice the area at the bottom where you upload your photograph. Before you do your upload, be sure you've saved any changes to your profile in the upper portion of the page.
By the way, your "Gravatar" photo will appear on the members-only directories if you've uploaded one at Photos uploaded there can also appear on thousands of other participating websites if you make a comment or otherwise participate at one of those websites. If you upload a photo here it will display instead of the Gravatar photo. And the Indexer Locator will not show a Gravatar photo, but only a photo or logo that you upload here.
How do I put an email address in my profile?
Your email address already appears at the top of your profile, next to your photograph.
If you need to put in a different email address for a special purpose, put it inside angle brackets, like this:
It will appear like this:, complete with a link that will work in the user's email program. Not only that, the email address will be scrambled in the underlying webpage code so it's less likely to be picked up by the spambots that constantly troll the internet looking for email addresses.
My profile looks funny. How do I fix it?
There are several secrets to editing your profile. There must be a blank line between paragraphs. Otherwise, the system will assume you wanted them to run together. (If you really must have several paragraphs together, without a blank line between them, like you might for an address, put two blank spaces at the end of each line. That will signal the system not to combine them into a single paragraph.) Don't start paragraphs with blank spaces or tabs. These trick the computer into messing up your page. Don't use HTML code in your profile. The system will strip it out.
Paragraphs are running together
See previous question.
How do I italicize a book title?
If you need to italicize your book title, surround the title with an asterisk, like this: Beth's book is *How To Succeed.*
That will appear like this:
Beth's book is How To Succeed.
How do I create a bulleted list?
To create a bulleted list, begin each line with a hyphen and a space, like this:
- Bulleted item #1
- Bulleted item #2
That will appear like this:
- Bulleted item #1
- Bulleted item #2
How do I create a subhead?
To create a subheadline, begin the paragraph with ###. (No, don't end the line with anything special.) You will type something like this:
###This is a short headline
It will appear like this:
This is a short headline
This only looks good if you do it for occasional, short headlines.
Please use these forms of emphasis sparingly, because the appearance of your profile reflects on the whole organization. If it's abused, we'll have to turn the feature off for everyone.
Question not answered here?