Key Words Index 2000 – 2016 (Vol. 8 – 24)

Locator format: vol. #: page #

Locators for 2016 (volume 24), wherein pagination was not continuous, also include the issue number in parentheses: vol. # (issue #): page #

This index was prepared and edited by Pilar Wyman, former Editor, Key Words, with the assistance of Laurie Hlavaty Holod, Vicki Austin, Amron Gravett, and Jean Bruce.


  • (conf rpt)—report of a professional meeting
  • (letter)—letter to the editor
  • (rvw)—review of a publication or product

See head note for further information.



Wachtel, Eleanor

“Keynote Address: The Lives of Writers” (conf rpt), 14:91

Wager, Debbie

“Chapter Report: A to Zia New Mexico Indexers,” 20:82 photo

Waite, Nathan

“2015 ASI/EIS Award Remarks,” 23:72; 24(1):14 photos

Walden (Thoreau)

“Indexing a Classic: Thoreau’s fully annotated Walden, 2004” (Conrad), 12:137–140, 142

Walker, Alan

“Dalian Conference of International Exchange, October 19, 1999: Forward,” 8:174

“Editing in the Age of e-Everything” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:33–34

“2015 Write | Edit | Index Conference” (Wright) (conf rpt), 23:92, 93 photo

Walker, Dwight

“Indexes for Digital Publications LinkedIn Group” (Casey and Walker), 24(2):23

“Web and Electronic Indexing SIG,” 24(2):23

“Web Indexing Award 2015” (Walker), 24(2):22–23

Walker, Elizabeth (Liz)

“Announcement of Hines Award Recipient for 2014: Kate Mertes,” 22:45 photo

“Announcing the Newly-Elected ASI Board Members!,” 21:57

“Congratulations to our 2014 Order of the Kohlrabi award winners,” 22:69 photo

“New ASI Indexing Awards,” 24(2):9

“Rocky Mountain Chapter: Increasing Speed in Indexing” (conf rpt), 24(3):10

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Conference” (Strange) (conf rpt), 17:9 photos

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Meeting” (conf rpt), 20:116–117 photo

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Drialo), 16:43

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Greenblatt), 19:9, 9 photo

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Strange), 16:118 photo

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Walls and Jones), 18:8 photo

Wall, Krista

“Microsoft Learning’s News Generation Indexing Process” (Zafran) (conf rpt), 13:93–94

Wallace, Barbara (Barb)

“ASI Co-sponsors Networking Happy Hour at Tucson Festival of Books” (Perlman), 22:44

“Southern California Chapter Winter Workshop Evaluating Indexes: A Fresh Perspective for Indexers,” 23:35 photo

Walls, Madge

“Author! Author! Congratulations Madge Walls!,” 17:51 photo, 66

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops” (Presto), 19:11

“Getting Started in Indexing with Madge Walls” (Delaney) (conf rpt), 20:91 photos

“Indexers as Authors” (Badgett), 23:50

“Indexes: Tools for the Recreational Reader,” 16:120, 123

“It’s in the Index, Stupid!,” 19:23

letter to the editor, 16:41

Marketing Your Indexing Services, 3rd edition (Leach, ed.), 19:49

“Pacific Northwest Chapter Marketing Tips” (Gerth), 19:46

“The Pacific Northwest Chapter Regional Meeting” (Staigmiller) (conf rpt), 22:151

“A Rare, Shining Moment of Indexer Glory,” 23:136

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Hosts Fred Leise at October Meeting” (conf rpt), 15:109

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Drialo), 16:43

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Strange), 16:118 photo

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Walls and Jones), 18:8 photo, 13

“Sharing the Glory,” 16:126

Wann, Janet L.

“Practical Introduction to Indexing” (conf rpt), 22:33

“Taxonomy Programs for the Short on Time” (conf rpt), 22:19 photo

War Fever (Ballard), 10:134

Warhol, Andy

Andy Warhol’s Index (Book), 10:79

“A Warm Welcome to the Canadian We(s)t Coast” (Pauls), 11:9

Warren, Lyle

“Legal Indexing SIG Report” (Harper), 19:12

“The WNY-ASI Chapter Fall Meeting,” 19:47

“WNY Chapter: A Message From Our President” (conf rpt), 21:43

Washington, DC chapter (DC/ASI)

“Dancing Backwards in High Heels: An Introduction to Database Indexing” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 10:70–74

“Indexing Children’s Books with Barbara DeGennaro” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 12:30, 34

“Joint Meeting with the National Writers Union Washington, DC Chapter, ASI (DC/ASI), September 22, 2005” (Wyman), 14:58

“The Textile Museum: Collections Management and Data Systems” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 13:100–101

“To Mark, or Not to Mark: That Is the Question!” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 11:54–55

“Washington Books Bring Out Index Fingers” (Lee), 12:83, 85

Washington State Penitentiary (Walla Walla, WA)

“Behind Prison Walls, a Considerable Indexing Project is Underway” (Dunham), 15:116–119

Waters, Tricia

“Indexing Clothing at the ASI Conference,” 11:80

Watsky, Clare

“Conference Report: Newbies in Albuquerque -- Reflections on Their First ASI Conference,” 8:136–139

Watson, Liz

“Liz Watson succeeds Elspeth Pope as ASI Archivist,” 9:38

Watt, Peter Ridgway

The Alternative Sherlock Holmes: Pastiches, Parodies and Copies (Watt and Green), 13:69

Watts, Gillian

“ISC/SCI: Co-presidents’ Report” (Newberry and Watts), 20:103

Wayne State University

Library and Information Science Program, 13:25

Way Out in West Virginia: A Must-Have Guide to the Oddities and Wonders of the Mountain State (Mozier), 10:136

Weaver, Carolyn, 16:76 photo, 98 photo, 100 photo; 23:120 photo

The Accidental Taxonomist (Hedden) (rvw), 18:141

“The ASI Best Practices Proposal is Now Available” (Weaver), 22:95

“ASI Conference Recognition” (Lennie) (conf rpt), 19:86

“ASI Co-sponsors Networking Happy Hour at Tucson Festival of Books” (Perlman), 22:44 photo

“2013 ASI/H. W. Wilson Award Announced,” 21:57

ASI Training in Indexing course markers, 14:81

“Camera-ready Indexing of Word Documents; The Good, the Bad, and the Very Ugly: Carolyn Weaver” (Daniel) (conf rpt), 18:80, 80 photo

“Carolyn Weaver Wins Hines Award,” 23:34; 24(1):14 photo

“Celebrate ASI’s 40th Anniversary in Philadelphia in 2007!,” 14:101

“Conference Pictures,” 15:70 photo, 90 photo, 91 photo

“Congratulations to our 2014 Order of the Kohlrabi award winners,” 22:69

“Coordinating Style Sheets with Clients” (DeBoer) (conf rpt), 22:20 photo

“ASI Elections, 2006: New Members of the ASI Board of Directors,” 14:78

“From the President’s Desk,” 15:68, 71, 104; 16:4–5, 40

“From the President’s Desk” (Lennie), 18:76, 112

“The Gist of Journal Indexing,” 10:16–22

“H. W. Wilson Award Introduction 2013,” 21:108–109

“Health Sciences Indexing” (conf rpt), 12:92

“Hines Award 2004 Presentation to Robert Palmer,” 12:84

“Hines Award Remarks,” 23:73–74 photo

“History Indexing: Bringing the Past into the Future” (Rogers) (conf rpt), 19:84

“The Indexer as Consultant: Collaborative Indexing of Community Newspapers,” 14:18–23, 33

“The Indexer as Consultant: Collaborative Indexing of Community Newspapers” (conf rpt), 13:92–93

“Indexer Locator Committee Report” (Ste Marie), 16:78

“Indexer Locator Directory” (Ste Marie), 16:24

“In Memoriam: Elspeth Pope,” 21:89

“In Search of Excellence” (Coughlin, Patton, and Weaver) (conf rpt), 14:95

“Introducing The Business of Indexing - A New Self-study Course from ASI,” 21:29

“Introducing the New Officers,” 15:68 photo

“New ASI Webmaster!” (Haskins, Lane, Weaver), 13:43

“New Webmasters” (Lane and Harris), 12:43

“OfficeMax Partnership” (Weaver and Adrian), 15:106

“Open Credentialing Committee” (Coughlin, Mertes, Weaver, and Hightower) (conf rpt), 14:98–99

“The Pacific Northwest Chapter Regional Meeting” (Staigmiller) (conf rpt), 22:151

“10 Reasons to Plan Now for Vancouver in June 2003,” 10:151

“SIG Information: History/Business,” 19:48

“Ten Commandments of Moonlighting,” 8:210

“Thanks to graphics volunteers!” (Weaver), 13:43

“Things to Do in Seattle When You’re Not Indexing,” 23:28

“A Time to Give Thanks” (Wyman), 20:115

“Traditional Skills In High-tech Environments Report” (conf rpt), 8:95

“Training in Indexing Course, Second Edition,” 21:79

“Traveling and Indexing: Interviews with Experienced Indexers” (Drialo), 18:125–129

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing, 2005,” 13:84

“Wilson Award Introduction” (Russell), 16:100

“The 2001 Webby Awards Judging Criteria,” 9:181

Web & Electronic Indexing SIG

“New ASI Indexing Awards” (Walker), 24(2):9

“A SIG for Digital Publications Indexing” (Hedden), 24(4):10

“Web and Electronic Indexing SIG” (Walker), 24(2):23

“Web Indexing Awards,” 23:97–98

“Web Indexing Award 2015” (Walker), 24(2):22–23


“ASI Online Learning: Learning about KPS (Kerntiff Publishing Systems) Indexing-related Plugins for InDesign,” 23:47

“Do you have an idea for a webinar?” (Millis), 23:21

Social Networking 101 (Chapter Report Twin Cities Chapter), 18:48

“Web Indexing Awards,” 23:97–98

“Web Indexing Award 2015” (Walker), 24(2):22–23

Web Indexing SIG

“Web Indexing SIG Award” (Crooks), 15:112

“Web Indexing SIG – The Most International SIG” (Hedden), 15:43

“Web Indexing Special Interest Group,” 17:12

“Web Indexing Special Interest Group” (Hedden), 13:43

“Website Indexing Award,” 16:23, 34

“Winners of the 2008 Web Indexing SIG Award” (McCurdy-Crooks), 16:82

Web services

CatchTheWeb (rvw), 10:138–139

Movable Type (rvw), 10:166

website indexing

Indexing Specialties: Web Sites (Hedden), 15:132–133 (rvw)

“Comparison of Textbooks and Specialty Books on Indexing” (Fetters), 21:159

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Indexing Skills Workshop” (Ross) (conf rpt), 20:11

“Web Indexing SIG Award” (Crooks), 15:112

“Website Indexing, A-Z: A Report on the Presentation of November 11, 2007” (Diltz), 16:25

“Website Indexing Award,” 16:23, 34

“Website Indexing Comes to The Netherlands” (van der Laan), 15:121

“Website Indexing:The Evolution and Legacy of an Online Course” (Hedden), 21:31–32

web sites

“Announcement: Sports-Fitness Indexing SIG Web site,” 10:94

“ASI Board Teleconference Report” (Witt), 10:4

ASI members-only page, 8:78; 10:4

“ASIS Summit 2000: Information Architecture” (rvw), 8:149

“AusSI Web Index Award 2002-4,” 10:109–110

“AusSI Web Indexing Prize” (Jermey), 10:44

“Basic HTML for Indexers” (Radebaugh) (conf rpt), 9:122

“Constructing Web Indexes and Other Navigational Aids – a world tour” (Brown) (conf rpt), 12:100–102

“Creating Website Indexes” (Hedden) (conf rpt), 14:99

“Creating Web Site Indexes” (Hedden Information Management) (rvw), 13:136–138

“Designing a Web Site for Freelance Indexing Services” (Hedden) (conf rpt), 15:82–83

“Designing a Web Site for Freelance Indexing Services” (Wenzel) (conf rpt), 15:82

“Designing for Online Findability” (Brown) (conf rpt), 14:96

“Do I Have to Draw You a Map? Site Guides and Indexes Made Easy” (rvw), 8:147

“How Do People Evaluate a Web Site’s Credibility? Results from a Large Study” (rvw), 11:60–61

Indexes: Visitors to Content in Two Clicks (Lamb) (rvw), 14:105–106

Indexing: Enhancing Access to Information Within Websites, 2nd edition (Browne and Jermey) (rvw), 13:32–33

“Indexing on the Web” (Humphreys) (letter), 9:165–167

“Information Architecture: A New Reason to Index” (Spern and Bahnatka), 8:206–207

Information Architecture for the World Wide Web (Rosenfeld and Morville), 8:219–220 (rvw); 10:155

“The Internet is a Library – Not a Shopping Mall” (Carpenter), 9:185

“Making Indexes for Web sites – A Taste of the Challenge” (Zeng), 9:43–45

“MSA Chapter Information,” 20:43

“Online Content Course,” 19:33

“Portals Empower Corporations: Gathering, Organizing, Distributing Information” (McKinley) (rvw), 8:148

“Repurposing Print Indexes for the Web” (Ream), 19:16–18

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Annual Meeting” (conf rpt), 20:81

“Search Sites Brush Up on People Skills” (Weise) (rvw), 8:61–62

The TAO of Topic Maps: Finding the Way in the Age of Infoglut (Pepper) (rvw), 9:66

“A Time to Give Thanks” (President’s File) (Wyman), 20:112, 115

“Usability of Web Indexes at an Academic Institution” (Kingsley) (conf rpt), 14:92–93

“Usability Study of Web Indexes at an Academic Institution” (Kingsley) (conf rpt), 13:96–97

Website Indexing: Enhancing Access to Information Within Websites (Browne and Jermey) (rvw), 10:162–163

“Website Indexing and Cross-References” (Browne) (letter), 11:38

“Website Indexing and Cross-References” (Weinberg) (letter), 11:38–39

“A Week in the Life of a Board Member” (Mertes), 18:105–106

“Weight Matters and Other Book Design Tips” (Lange-Thorsett), 17:21–22

Wei Haisheng

“The China Society of Indexers” (Wei and Niu) (conf rpt), 14:98, 114 (errata)

Weinberg, Bella Hass, 13:7

“ASIS ’99: A Filtered Summary for Indexers” (conf rpt), 8:12–20

“Classification Schemes and Information Architecture,” 10:152–155, 156

“Hines Award Presentation to Linda Fetters,” 9:106–107

“Index Density” (letter), 10:6

“Information Amateurism in Y2K,” 8:1, 20

Information Retrieval Design: Principles and Options for Information Description, Organization, Display, and Access in Information Retrieval Databases, Digital Libraries, Catalogs, and Indexes (Anderson and Pérez-Carballo) (rvw), 13:64–67

“On Index Matrices and Arrays” (letter), 12:42

“Pinpointing the Topic: Analysis of Entries in Book Indexes” (conf rpt), 9:120

“Terminology” (letter), 10:33

“Thesaurus Design for Semantic Information Management” (conf rpt), 12:90

Website Indexing: Enhancing Access to Information Within Websites (Browne and Jermey) (rvw), 10:162–163

“Website Indexing and Cross-References” (letter), 11:38–39

Weir, Sal

“Indexes in Popular Culture,” 10:133

Weirdo World (Seckman) (rvw), 21:9

Weise, Elizabeth

“Search Sites Brush Up on People Skills” (rvw), 8:61–62

“Welcome to a Brave New World” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 14:5

“Welcome to SIGs” (Gravitz), 15:11

Wellisch, Hans, 12:44

Indexing from A to Z

“Comparison of Textbooks and Specialty Books on Indexing” (Fetters), 21:158

Wendt, Mary

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshop 2009: Practice, Support, and Practice” (Leise), 18:7 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops,” 15:108

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Spring Practicum” (Jackson) (conf rpt), 16:43 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Spring Workshop” (Jackson), 18:78, 78 photo

“Legal Indexing SIG Report” (Harper), 19:12

“The Legal Indexing SIG” (Sosnowski), 16:44

“Macrex 8 Workshop at Denver ASI Conference” (conf rpt), 16:98

“A Note from Mary Harper” (Legal Indexing SIG), 20:13

Wendt, Stephany

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshop 2009: Practice, Support, and Practice” (Leise), 18:7 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Spring Workshop” (Jackson), 18:78 photo

Wenzel, Caryl

“Adapting to Change” (conf rpt), 15:92

“Call for Hines Award Nominees,” 15:127

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter ASI” (conf rpt), 22:72 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops,” 20:9 photo; 22:140

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops” (Leise), 18:7 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops” (Presto), 19:11 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops” (Presto and Jackson), 22:164 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Spring Practicum” (Jackson) (conf rpt), 16:43 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Spring Workshop” (Jackson), 18:78, 78 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Winter Chat” (Jackson), 19:44 photo

“Designing a Web Site for Freelance Indexing Services” (conf rpt), 15:82

“Getting Paid” (Zafran) (conf rpt), 18:97

“Hines Award Introductory Speech,” 16:99, 103

“The Joy of Cookbook Indexing” (conf rpt), 11:25–26

“Learning from Indexing “Disasters”” (conf rpt), 16:93

“Reflections on the Wilson Judging for 2012” (Towery) (conf rpt), 20:99

Science & Technical Writing: A Manual of Style (rvw), 9:152–155

“Spring Lunch Chat, March 17, 2012” (Jackson), 20:43 photo

“Subcontracting Panel” (conf rpt), 16:97

Wert, Angela

“Indexer Locator Directory” (Ste Marie), 16:24

Western New York Chapter

“A Message From Our President” (Warren) (conf rpt), 21:43

“Conference and Annual Meeting: Niche Indexing” (Klefstad), 21:123

“The New England and Western New York ASI Chapters Fall Meeting” (Guiliano), 23:121–123 photos

“The WNY-ASI Chapter Fall Meeting” (Warren), 19:47

The West Wing, 10:78

Westwood, Hilary

"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135

Wetzel, Karen

“Karen Wetzel joins NISO as Standards Program Manager,” 15:56

“What if I Can’t Be in Two Places at Once? Planning Your Time at the ASI Annual Conference” (Hartsorn), 9:56–59

What is an Index?: A Few Notes on Indexes and Indexers (Wheatley) (rvw), 12:63

“What’s Going On with Embedded Indexing? Ebooks and the Future of Indexing(---ers)” (Ingle), 23:137–138

“What’s Going On with Embedded Indexing? The Way Forward” (Ingle), 23:151–153

What to Charge: Pricing Strategies for Freelancers and Consultants (Lewis) (rvw), 9:65–66

“What You Should Know About Book Publishing Today” (Fogelman) (conf rpt), 10:101

Wheatley, Henry Benjamin

How to make an index (rvw), 12:63–65

What is an Index?: A Few Notes on Indexes and Indexers (rvw), 12:63

Wheatley Medal

“From the Newsletter of the Society of Indexers; Issue No. 4, Winter 2009” (Forrest), 18:32

“Indexing Achievements Recognized: Wheatley Medal 2012” (Kingdom), 20:137

“An Open Letter to the Panel Judging the Wheatley Award” (Bell) (letter), 8:113–114

“Outstanding indexes wanted: Wheatley Medal 2010,” 18:67

“Outstanding indexes wanted: Wheatley Medal 2011,” 19:62

“Wheatley Medal Criteria” (Blake) (letter), 8:159

Wheeler, WIlliam J.

Visualizing Subject Access for 21st Century Information Resources (Cochrane and Johnson) (rvw), 9:184

“When Not to Bother” (Ream), 10:42

“When Numbers Meet Letters” (From A to Zafran), 18:117–119

“When the Check Isn’t in the Mail” (Zafran), 13:22–23

White, Marsha

“Breaking Into Indexing — Panel Discussion” (conf rpt), 19:94

“How to Start Your Freelance Indexing Business: A Personal Reflection” (conf rpt), 19:95

“Real-Life Marketing” (conf rpt), 19:91

White, Martin, 20:95 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshop 2009: Practice, Support, and Practice” (Leise), 18:12, 12 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Lunch Chat and Spring and Fall and Workshop Plans,” 17:44

“Conference Pictures,” 15:90 photo

“From the President’s Desk” (Weaver), 16:4

“The Glory and the Nothing of a Name” (Kwilos) (conf rpt), 20:88

Indexing Names (Bridge, ed.) (rvw), 20:105–106

“Lives and Letters” (Towery and White) (conf rpt), 13:89

“Whither the eBook Without the Index!” (Humphreys), 20:19–21, 24

“Who’s Joining ASI and Why” (Dunham), 11:42

“Who’s On First? Designing Indexes from Shared Content for Multiple Delivery Formats” (Atwater) (conf rpt), 11:85

“Why Embedded Indexes Are Different, Not Better” (Prout), 12:134–136, 142

“Why I Can’t Wait to Get to Work” (Rogers) (ASI News), 19:110

“Why I Love the AMA” (Coughlin), 8:89

“Why You Don’t Want to Index E-Books” (Sottong) (conf rpt), 10:101

Wikert, Joe

“Ereading, Indexes, Joe Wikert, and the Future of Word-Work” (Wright), 24(3):14–18 photo

“Here’s How Indexing Could Evolve with Ebooks,” 24(3):13

“The Lost Art of Indexes in Ebooks,” 24(2):15

"The Wild Wild Web: Staying Safe Online" (Matheu) (conf rpt), 15:72

Williams, Jan, 14:106

Williams, Paula L.

Indexing Children’s Books (Bakewell and Williams) (rvw), 9:29

Williamson, Heather

“Library Science Schools and Indexing Education” (conf rpt), 12:96

Willinsky John

“The Indexing of Scholarly Journals: A Tipping Point for Publishing Reform?” (rvw), 10:164–165

Research Support Tool (RST) (rvw), 10:164–165

Willison, Frank

“Frankly Speaking: Pocket References Indexes,” 10:42

“Will Someone Read This? Writing Abstracts that Work: Virginia Heinrich” (Richardson) (conf rpt), 18:86, 94

Wilmot, Laura

“ASI NY Chapter Conference” (Manner), 18:10

Wilson, Jackie

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter” (conf rpt), 22:72 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Winter Chat” (Jackson), 19:44 photo

“Spring Lunch Chat, March 17, 2012” (Jackson), 20:43 photo

Wilson, Maria

“Golden Gate Chapter Report” (Patterson) (conf rpt), 16:9

Wilson, Marla

“Golden Gate Chapter Report” (Patterson) (conf rpt), 16:9

Wilson Award. see now EIS Publishing Award

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing, 2004” (Perlman), 12:86

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing, 2004” (Russell), 12:87–88

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing, 2005” (Weaver), 13:84

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing, 2000” (Wyman), 9:111–112

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Company Indexing Award, 2004,” 12:43

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Company Indexing Award, 2003” (Anderson), 11:81

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Company Indexing Award, 2003” (Gottlieb), 11:81

“The ASI/H. W. Wilson Award” (Gravitz), 18:92

“2002 ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing,” 10:96

“2002 ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing Acceptance Speech,” 10:97–98

“2005 ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing Submissions,” 12:115; 13:7

“2006 ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing Acceptance Speech” (Trantino), 14:87–89

“2006 ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing Presentation Speech” (Patton), 14:86–87

“2013 ASI/H. W. Wilson Award Announced” (Weaver), 21:57

“ASI Now Accepting Submissions for the 2003 ASI/H. W. Wilson Company Indexing Award,” 10:149; 11:11

“ASI/Wilson Award Renamed,” 21:135

“ASI Wilson Award Submissions,” 11:119; 12:7

“The Award-Winning Index for 2007” (Banning), 15:94

“Book Indexing Part 1 and Part 2” (Saller), 20:100–101

“Call for Submissions,” 14:7, 116; 15:9, 126; 16:6, 114; 18:115

“Cartographers, Indexers, and Mapping Information” (Towery), 16:100–102

criteria for, 8:79, 196; 10:8, 149

“From the President’s Desk” (Lennie), 18:112

“From the President’s Desk” (Wyman), 20:76–77

“H. W. Wilson Award Acceptance Speech ” (Brackney), 19:99–100

“H. W. Wilson Award Acceptance Speech” (Mertes), 21:110–111

“H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence” (Mauer), 18:6, 8

“H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing” (Gravitz), 18:6

“H. W. Wilson Award Introduction” (Gravitz), 19:98

“H. W. Wilson Award Introduction” (Weaver), 21:108–109

“Hines and Wilson Award Winners for 2002 Announced,” 10:62

“Indexing Clarissa” (Karpuk), 9:116–118

“Judging Excellence in Indexes: Demystifying the Process” (Perlman and Gottlieb) (conf rpt), 11:84

“Nominations for the 2013 Wilson Award Are Now Open!,” 21:6

“Nominations for the 2013 Wilson Award Due by February 28, 2013,” 21:26

“Reflections on My Life as an Indexer, and the Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789” (Smith), 9:114–115

“Reflections on the Wilson Judging for 2012” (Towery) (conf rpt), 20:99

“Solving Puzzles: Compiling the Cumulative Index for the Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789” (Gephart), 9:112–113

“Spotlight on the H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing” (Towery), 19:129–131

“Margie Towery’s Matthew Arnold Index Receives Award for Excellence,” 10:96

“Tribute to a Friend” (Duran), 20:115

“Wilson Award Introduction” (Russell), 16:100

“1999 Wilson Award Presentation” (Lennie), 8:109, 121

“Wilson Award Speech, May 25, 2007” (Stauber), 15:95–96

“Wilson Award Submissions,” 19:6

“Wilson Award Submissions” (Towery), 19:122

“1999 Wilson Award to Nedalina Dineva,” 8:109, 121, 124

Wilson-Burns, Tracy

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Walls and Jones), 18:8 photo

Wilson-Murray, Susan

“Interview with Elspeth Richmond, Sheilagh Simpson, and Susan Wilson-Murray, members of ASI organizational member Bookmark: Editing & Indexing” (Wyman, ed.), 14:46–47

Wisconsin Chapter, ASI

“An Indexer’s Reference Shelf” (Burt) (conf rpt), 11:56–57

Wisconsin Chapter Dissolution, 11:7

Wise, Steven M.

Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals (Wise and Goodall), 8:149

Wiseman, Michelle

“Peer Reviews: The “Why’s“ and “Where’s“,” 10:66–67

Witt, Diana, 16:76 photo, 98 photo

“ASI Albuquerque Conference Evaluations,” 8:163

“Approaches to Embedding: Indexing for Cambridge University Press” (Gibbs) (conf rpt), 22:23

“ASI 2001: An Odyssey to the Future, Conference Update,” 9:39

“ASI 2001: Conference Update,” 9:74–75

“ASI Conference Report” (Hamilton-White), 23:89 photo

“ASI/ISC-SCI 2016 Chicago Conference” (Arnold-Boyd), 24(4):8–9 photos

“Ask an Indexer” (Wyman, Witt, and Leach) (conf rpt), 13:93

“Board Election results for 2015,” 23:32

“Conference Pictures,” 15:70 photo, 91 photo

“Editor’s File” (Reveal), 18:5

Indexes in the News (column), 13:132

“Introducing the New Officers,” 15:68 photo

“Learning from Indexing “Disasters”” (conf rpt), 16:93

“Legal Indexing SIG Report” (Harper), 19:12

“Managing Large Projects” (conf rpt), 14:91

Member News (column), 14:82

“New Southern US ASI Chapter Formed,” 18:79

“PDFs In the Indexing Process” (Matheu) (conf rpt), 15:86, 86 photo

President’s File (column), 9:104–105, 136, 164; 10:32

“ASI Board Teleconference Report,” 10:4

“Final Reflections as ASI President,” 10:60

“President’s Message,” 24(3):3 photo; 24(4):3

“Report on Strategic Planning, May 2000,” 8:117–118

“Revitalizing Your Chapter Meetings” (Dunn) (conf rpt), 18:87

“Strategic Planning Update,” 8:57

“To All Chapter and SIG Leaders,” 16:79, 81

“Traveling and Indexing: Interviews with Experienced Indexers” (Drialo), 18:125–129

Wleklinski, Joann

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter: Spring Workshop” (Jackson), 18:78 photo

Wolff, Nancy

“The Joy of Cookbook Indexing: The Indexer Responds” (letter), 9:138–139, 141

Wolfson, Larry

“The Indexing of Scholarly Journals: A Tipping Point for Publishing Reform?” (rvw), 10:164–165

Research Support Tool (RST) (rvw), 10:164–165

Wood, Jenny

“2015 Write | Edit | Index Conference” (Wright) (conf rpt), 23:93

Woolley, Sue

Indexing for Technical Communicators (McMaster and Woolley) (rvw), 14:67–68

WordCo Indexing Services

“Indexing as a Balancing Act” (Schoun) (conf rpt), 19: 92–93

“Interview with Stephen Ingle, founder of ASI organizational member WordCo Indexing Services” (Wyman, ed.), 13:117–118

“Taking Charge of the Book: Using the WordCo Approach to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Indexing Projects” (Ingle) (conf rpt), 14:93

“Updating and Reflowing Indexes: The Three-Screen Method” (Schacher) (conf rpt), 19:89


“Digging In for the Long Haul: How to Get a Handle on the Embedded Word Indexing Utilities Out There” (Haskins), 13:51–56

WordIndexers list, 8:115

word search

Indexing Word Search (Hoskin), 18:120

work/life balance

“Personal Strategic Planning for Work/Life Balance” (Spidal), 15:122–123, 125

work methods

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter; Fall Workshops: Ctrl/Shift/Y,” 20:9

“Confessions of an Award-Winning Indexer: Margie Towery” (Flatoff) (conf rpt), 18:95, 95 photo

“Extreme Dummy Page Number Projects” (Ream), 20:121, 130

“How do I index thee? Indexers count the ways: Part I” (Kells, ed.), 12:54–57

“How do I index thee? Indexers count the ways: Part II” (Kells, ed.), 12:124–126

“Improving Indexing Speed” (Apel), 20:58–61

“Indexing from a Foreign Country, Part III: The Work Process,” 8:164, 173

“Indexing Working Styles: Richard Shrout” (Carlson) (conf rpt), 18:94, 94 photo

“Index or Perish” (Saigh), 12:123, 129

“More Naked Indexers: Fred Leise and Margie Towery” (Kastern) (conf rpt), 18:84

“On Indexer Work Methods” (Saigh) (letter), 12:78

“Rekeying or Re-Indexing: Secrets for Doing it Fast” (Matheu) (conf rpt), 15:88

“Streamlining Our Work Processes: Connie Binder, Becky Hornyak and Bonnie Hanks” (Krumholz) (conf rpt), 18:82–83, 82 photo

“Workshop: Indexing for Apps” (DeBoer) (conf rpt), 21:125–126

“Workshop Report: Indexing Art Books and Exhibition Catalogs” (Linzer), 16:96


“Indexing May Be Hazardous to Your Health” (Hornyak), 20:56–57 illus

World Bank

“Enterprise Taxonomies – Context, Structures, and Integration” (Bedford) (conf rpt), 12:97

Wormell, Irene

Information Consulting: Guide to Good Practice (with Olesen and Mikulás) (rvw), 20:69–70

Worrall, Jan

“Collaborate and Innovate: SfEP/SI First Joint Conference, 5–7 September 2015, York, England” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 23:141–143

"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135

“Worthy of Our Hire?,” 19:133

would-be indexers

“Adventures of a Would-be Indexer” (Ross), 20:55, 63

“Would you read that back to me, please?” (Zafran), 15:114–115

Wright, Jan

“Adventures of a Would-be Indexer” (Ross), 20:55, 63

“ASI at PubWest 2016” (Henson) (From the Executive Director), 24(2):6 photo

“ASI Conference Recognition” (Lennie) (conf rpt), 19:86

“ASI Conference Session on Taxonomies” (Hedden) (conf rpt), 20:31

“Bidding and Pricing: As Always, ’It Depends’ — Jan Wright and Janet Perlman” (Nauman-Montana and Sweum) (conf rpt), 18:85, 85 photo

“Digital Indexing - Variations on a Theme” (conf rpt), 19:112

“Digital Trends” (Delaney) (conf rpt), 20:92–93 photos

“Digital Trends Task Force” (ASI News), 19:111

“Digital Trends Task Force Proposal,” 20:8

“Double-Posting Online,” 11:47

“Embedded Indexing” (Augst) (conf rpt), 15:89

“Ereading, Indexes, Joe Wikert, and the Future of Word-Work,” 24(3):14–18 photo

“From the President’s Desk” (Mertes), 18:40

“From the President’s Desk” (Shrout), 19:108; 20:4–5, 40–41

Hines Award 2013, 23:120 photo

“Indexes and eBooks Roundtable” (Schoun) (conf rpt), 19:90

“Indexing with InDesign” (Delaney) (conf rpt), 20:94 photos

Index It Right! Advice from the Experts, Volume 2 (Perlman and Zafran, eds.) (rvw), 18:142

ISC/SCI Annual Conference 2012, 20:67

“Jan Wright’s Embedded Indexing Workshop” (Ball) (conf rpt), 16:115

“Learning from Indexing “Disasters”” (conf rpt), 16:93

“Managing a Multi-Volume Indexing Project: An Evolutionary Approach” (Berman, Perry, and Wright) (conf rpt), 11:84–85

Matrix Group Int’l, 24(3):15 photo

Member News (column), 10:120

“My Last Index” (Pascoe), 20:62–63

“News from ASI’s Digital Trends Task Force,” 20:79

“Niceties or Necessities: A Response to Peter Meyer’s ’Missing Entry: Whither the eBook Index’ ,” 20:17–18, 24

“PDFs In the Indexing Process” (Matheu) (conf rpt), 15:86, 86 photo

“President’s File” (Lennie) (column), 19:40, 43

“Publishing Technology Group Report” (SI), 20:65

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Indexing Skills Workshop” (Ross) (conf rpt), 20:11

“Scanning Your Entries Automatically” (rvw), 8:105–106

“Sonar Bookends Automatic Index Generator: A Review,” 8:153, 179, 181–185

Table Talk, 19:95 photo

“A Time to Give Thanks” (Wyman), 20:115

“The Tools We Need Now for Technical Indexing” (Parks and Wright) (conf rpt), 8:130

“Traveling and Indexing: Interviews with Experienced Indexers” (Drialo), 18:125–129

“Whither the eBook Without the Index!” (Humphreys), 20:19–21, 24

“2015 Write | Edit | Index Conference” (Wright) (conf rpt), 23:91 photo

“WritersUA Thirteenth Annual Conference,” 13:57


“Keynote Address: The Lives of Writers” (Wachtel) (conf rpt), 14:91


“Conference Report: WritersUA West” (Wyman), 22:70–71 photos

“WritersUA Thirteenth Annual Conference” (Wright), 13:57

“Writing for ASI” (Reveal) (conf rpt), 15:86

Wygant, Larry

“Sun, Sand, and the Rest is History! 2002 ASI Annual Meeting and Conference Galveston, Texas,” 10:34–35

Wyman, Pilar, 24(3):11 photo

“The ABCs of Indexing in the New Millennium: Part 3,” 8:204–205, 207

“The ABCs of Indexing in the New Millennium: Part 1,” 8:1, 20

“The ABCs of Indexing in the New Millennium: Part 2,” 8:85, 93

“The ABCs of Indexing in the New Millennium: Part 4; A Conversation About Indexing with Nancy Mulvany,” 9:140–141

“Achieving the Ideal Index: Workshop Summary,” 8:133–135

“Analysis of Serials Indexed in Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA)” (Kristick) (rvw), 11:123–124

Anthology for the Millennium (Halliday) (rvw), 8:105

“The Anti-Thesaurus: A Proposal for Improving Internet Search While Reducing Unnecessary Traffic Loads” (Carroll) (rvw), 10:78–79

“The Anti-Thesaurus Part 2: Expansion of Proposal for Increasing Search Relevance” (Carroll) (rvw), 10:78–79

“2002 ASI Annual Conference Report, from Galveston, TX” (conf rpt), 10:100–102

“ASI Conference Report,” 23:103 photo

“ASI Conference Report” (Hamilton-White), 23:88–89, 89 photo

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing, 2000,” 9:111–112

“ASI Keywords Interview with Hugh McGuire” (Wyman and Ingle), 21:59–65

“ASI Key Words Interview with Sanders Kleinfeld” (Ream and Wyman), 23:7–15

“ASI Publications Revamp: eBooks and an Index Mashup” (Ream and Wyman), 22:156–157

“ASI Releases Two Essential Indexing Reference Books by Master Indexers Perlman and Towery,” 24(3):30 photo

“ASI Salary Survey 2004 – Executive Summary” (Hughes and Wyman, ed.), 13:16–17

ASI Training in Indexing course markers, 14:81

“Ask an Indexer” (Wyman, Bridge, and Pincoe) (conf rpt), 14:96–97

“Ask an Indexer” (Wyman, Witt, and Leach) (conf rpt), 13:93

“Between the lines / Entre les lignes / 2013 Indexing Society of Canada / Société Canadienne d’Indexations” (conf rpt), 21:115–116

“Beyond MEDLINE” (rvw), 8:148

“Bibliometrics of electronic journals in information science” (Hawkins) (rvw), 10:164

“Books on Indexing: Reviewing the Old and Meeting the New” (Mischler) (conf rpt), 23:102

“Building Skills, Bridging Ideas” (conf rpt), 14:26

“The Business of Being in Business,” 14:130–133, 141

“Call for Hines Award Nominations,” 16:114; 17:8

“Case Studies in HTML Indexing” (Hedden, Cooper, Craven, Lemmens, Ream, and Wyman) (conf rpt), 14:94–95

“The Challenging Future of Indexing” (conf rpt), 19:28–33, 33 photo

“Choosing Indexing Projects” (Delaney) (conf rpt), 20:88 photos

“Collaborate and Innovate: SfEP/SI First Joint Conference, 5–7 September 2015, York, England” (conf rpt), 23:141–143

“Common Medical Terminology Comes of Age, Part One: Standard Language Improves Healthcare Quality” (Rose, et al.) (rvw), 11:28

“Conference Pictures,” 15:90 photo

“Conference Report: WritersUA West,” 22:70–71 photos

“Conference Reports,” 9:120–127

“2014 Conference Reports,” 22:103 photo

“Congratulations to our 2014 Order of the Kohlrabi award winners,” 22:69 photo

“Consortium of Indexing Professionals: ’Facing the Electronic Challenge’ Inaugural Symposium 2000,” 8:207

“Coordinating Style Sheets with Clients” (DeBoer) (conf rpt), 22:20 photo

The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Seventh Edition (CSE Style Manual Committee) (rvw), 14:139

“Dancing Backwards in High Heels: An Introduction to Database Indexing” (conf rpt), 10:70–74

“DTTF Report from the 2015 Annual Conference” (Ream), 23:70

“Editing in the Age of e-Everything” (conf rpt), 20:33–34

Editor’s File (column), 8:43, 110

“Best Indexes, Best Wonders,” 24(2):4

“Business Issues,” 10:33

“The business of survival, or, What I learned when I went to Israel in February 2003,” 11:37, 39

“Checking In and Out of the Indexing Library,” 11:101

“Cure for the Wintertime Blues,” 12:5–6

“Digging In and Out,” 13:41

“Disclaimer,” 8:76

“Future Directions for Key Words,” 12:77

“Great Moments in Indexing,” 8:156

“Happy New Year!,” 13:5

“The History of Indexing,” 9:4

“Indexing Foreign Names,” 10:117

“Journal Indexing,” 10:5

“Judging Indexes,” 13:77–78

Key Words Goes Quarterly,” 10:145–146

“Kudos to Anne Leach!,” 11:69

“Loony Tunes for Loony Times,” 12:113

“Metadata is Our Friend,” 14:40

“Michael Thompson, Key Words’ New Managing Editor,” 9:36

“Penultimate Postings,” 14:77

“Picking up the Pieces,” 9:165

“Pointers, the Pointing Men and Women,” 24(3):4 photo

“Putting the Index Pieces Together,” 9:137–138

“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Thoughts on Free Trade,” 12:41

“Riding the Wave of the Future,” 13:112

“She’s ba-a-a-ck!,” 24(1):4

“Special Conference Issue,” 9:105; 10:89

“The Times, They Are A-Changin’,” 14:113

“Usability Testing for Indexes,” 8:192–193

“Welcome, New Members and Indexers!,” 10:61

“Welcome to a Brave New World,” 14:5

“The Year of the Sheep,” 11:5

“You Are Here, X Marks the Spot,” 24(4):4

“Editor’s File” (Reveal), 18:113; 20:113

“Eliminate Your Index Hassles: Don’t Create One” (Miller) (rvw), 8:147–148

Facing the Text: Content and Structure in Book Indexing (Stauber) (rvw), 13:30–32

“The 15th Edition of The Chicago Manual of Style: Highlights” (Mulvany) (rvw), 12:66

“From the Editor of The Indexer” (MacGlashan), 16:104

“From the President’s Desk,” 20:76–77

“From the President’s Desk” (Shrout), 19:108; 20:6, 40–41

“Hines Award Introductory Speech” (Wenzel), 16:99, 103

“How Do People Evaluate a Web Site’s Credibility? Results from a Large Study” (rvw), 11:60–61

HTML Indexing Course, Broccoli Information Management (rvw), 9:182–183

“The Human-Written Index: Why It Will Survive,“ LOGOS (Mulvany) (rvw), 13:32

“I is for Indexing: The Art and Craft of Indexing” (conf rpt), 13:88–99

Indexers and Indexes in Fact & Fiction (Bell) (rvw), 10:77–78

Indexes: Visitors to Content in Two Clicks (Lamb) (rvw), 14:105–106

“Indexes and eBooks Roundtable” (Schoun) (conf rpt), 19:90

“Indexes for Apps; Preliminary thoughts,” 20:124–130 illus

“Indexes in Fiction,” 10:134

“Indexes in the News,” 14:141

“Indexes vs. Indices: A summary of postings on Index-L” (Mauer and Haskins, Wyman ed.), 13:127

INDEXING: Engage, Enlighten, Enrich: Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers Conference, Melbourne, March 18-19, 2005 (Gillen, ed.) (rvw), 14:103–105

Indexing: Enhancing Access to Information Within Websites, 2nd edition (Browne and Jermey) (rvw), 13:32–33

“Indexing Children’s Books with Barbara DeGennaro” (conf rpt), 12:30, 34

“An Indexing Odyssey: From Core Competencies to Future Visions” (conf rpt), 12:90–99

“The Indexing of Scholarly Journals: A Tipping Point for Publishing Reform?” (rvw), 10:164–165

"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (conf rpt), 20:133–135 photos

Indexing Outreach Update, 13:113

Indexing Specialities: Medicine

“Comparison of Textbooks and Specialty Books on Indexing” (Fetters), 21:159

“Indexing with Open Source Tools” (Brown) (rvw), 14:140

Index Morganagus, A Full-Text Index of Library-Related Electronic Serials (Morgan) (rvw), 10:164

Information Representation and Retrieval in the Digital Age (Chu) (rvw), 13:63–64

Information Retrieval: SciFinder and SciFinder Scholar (Ridley) (rvw), 11:123

“Interview with Bruce Hubbard, of Canada’s House of Commons Information Management Unit,” 14:125–126, 142

“Interview with Elspeth Richmond, Sheilagh Simpson, and Susan Wilson-Murray, members of ASI organizational member Bookmark: Editing & Indexing,” 14:46–47

“Interview with Karin Newton, representative of ASI organizational member Matthew Bender,” 12:116–118

“Interview with Stephen Ingle, founder of ASI organizational member WordCo Indexing Services,” 13:117–118

“Intrepid Indexing: Indexing without Boundaries” (conf rpt), 21:100–101

“Joint Meeting with the National Writers Union Washington, DC Chapter, ASI (DC/ASI), September 22, 2005,” 14:58

“Keeping Your Indexing Business Alive” (Rogers) (conf rpt), 19:96

“Learning from Indexing “Disasters”” (conf rpt), 16:93

“Let’s Get Profitable! Workshop Summary,” 8:132

“Library Terms That Users Understand,“ “Library Terms Evaluated in Usability Tests and Other Studies,“ “Terms Found on Usability-Tested Library Home Pages” (Kupersmith) (rvw), 11:125–126

“Looking Inside: Enterprise search offers companies several options to deal with data overload” (Jones) (rvw), 11:29

Matrix Group Int’l, 24(3):15 photo

“More Than a Database: Mining Your Data for Decision-making Success” (Farishta) (rvw), 11:28

“Navigating the Future of Technical Communication: STC’s 51st Annual Conference,” 12:100–104

negative indexing

letter to the editor (Russell), 18:5, 26

“Negative Indexing: Hands Across the see” (Bell and Wyman), 19:64

“Northern Entries, 2003 Joint ASI-IASC/SCAD Annual Conference Report,” 11:82–93

“Nursing Knowledge Indexes” (rvw), 8:147

“Open Mike for New Indexers” (Wyman, Badgett, and Schroeder) (conf rpt), 12:94

Pocket Guide to Technical Presentations & Professional Speaking (Zwickel and Pfeiffer) (rvw), 14:31

“Portals Empower Corporations: Gathering, Organizing, Distributing Information” (McKinley) (rvw), 8:148

Practical RDF (Powers) (rvw), 13:135

“President’s File: A Time to Give Thanks,” 20:112, 115

“President’s Message” (Trantino), 22:147

“President’s Message: Milestones” (Leise), 24(1):1

“President’s Report: Everything’s Blooming!,” 21:55–56

“President’s Report, January 2013,” 21:3–4

“President’s Report: River Edition,” 21:77–78

“President’s Report: Time to Spread Some Love!,” 21:23

“President’s Report: Tools of Change,” 21:39–40

“Put Your Index in Order” (Lindstrom) (rvw), 11:61

“Searching Intelligently” (Lamont) (rvw), 8:149

“Search Technology: SAS uncovers text-mining deal” (Sullivan) (rvw), 11:28

“SoCAL Medical Indexing Panel Discussion: Part 1; a panel discussion with Maria Coughlin, Elaine Kaplan, and Frances Lennie,” 9:13–20

“SoCAL Medical Indexing Panel Discussion: Part 2; a panel discussion with Frances Lennie, Maria Coughlin, and Elaine Kaplan,” 9:47–51

“Standing Up for Indexing” (Wyman, Russell, Pincoe, Kingdom, and MacGlashan), 20:33

“The Status of ASI” (Gravitz), 22:67–68

“Technical Communicators: A Winning Community” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 14:100

“Ten for Ten: Perfecting Our Craft — ISC/SCI Annual Conference, May 26-27, 2010” (conf rpt), 18:135–138, 142

“The Textile Museum: Collections Management and Data Systems” (conf rpt), 13:100–101

“The Literature of the Book: Indexing” (Bell) (rvw), 12:68–69

“The TJ Taxonomist Show: Indexing, Part I: with Seth Maislin, Talk Jockey,” 9:170–175

“The TJ Taxonomist Show: Indexing, Part II: with Seth Maislin, Talk Jockey,” 10:10–15

“The TJ Taxonomist Show: Indexing, Part III: with Seth Maislin, Talk Jockey,” 10:36–41

“TJ Taxonomist Talk: Indexing & Information Architecture,” 10:41

“To Mark, or Not to Mark: That Is the Question!” (conf rpt), 11:54–55

“Transforming Your Career: STC-Philadelphia Metro Chapter (STCPMC) Annual Conference 2005” (conf rpt), 13:128–132

“Triennial International Indexing Meeting and Conference” (Wyman, ed.) (conf rpt), 14:90–99

“USDA Indexing Courses: A Panel Discussion” (Kells, Pope, Schroeder, and Wyman) (conf rpt), 11:89

“Workshop: Indexing for Apps” (DeBoer) (conf rpt), 21:125–126

“Writing for ASI” (Reveal) (conf rpt), 15:86 photo

“Writing Medical Indexes: An Introduction” (conf rpt), 16:96 photo

“Pilar Wyman to Helm ASI Books,” 22:84

Yahoo! to the Max: An Extreme Searcher Guide (Hock) (rvw), 13:135–136