Locator format: vol. #: page #
Locators for 2016 (volume 24), wherein pagination was not continuous, also include the issue number in parentheses: vol. # (issue #): page #
This index was prepared and edited by Pilar Wyman, former Editor, Key Words, with the assistance of Laurie Hlavaty Holod, Vicki Austin, Amron Gravett, and Jean Bruce.
- (conf rpt)—report of a professional meeting
- (letter)—letter to the editor
- (rvw)—review of a publication or product
See head note for further information.
“Rachel’s Realizations of Freelance Indexing” (Rice), 8:93
Radebaugh, Jacqueline
“Basic HTML for Indexers” (conf rpt), 9:122
“Indexing for Radio and Television” (Reale), 8:87
“The TJ Taxonomist Show: Indexing, Part I: with Seth Maislin, Talk Jockey” (Wyman, ed.), 9:170–175
Ragland, Gary
“So You Want to Learn Indexing! An Update on the ASI Training in Indexing Course” (Perlman), 16:78
Rainaldi, Linda
“Legal Indexing: Specialties Within the Specialty” (Zafran, Creeden, Schneider, Diggins, Rainaldi, and Davis) (conf rpt), 11:87, 101
“’Raising’ Rochester History: The History of an Index” (Aslin), 9:76–82
Ramsden, Michael J.
“Vale John Simkin,” 22:75–76 photos
“A Rare, Shining Moment of Indexer Glory” (Walls), 23:136
Rasmussen, Thomas
“Southern California Chapter Winter Workshop Evaluating Indexes: A Fresh Perspective for Indexers,” 23:35, 35 photo
“Tea Time with the Southern California Chapter” (Barr) (conf rpt), 22:72 photos
Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals (Wise and Goodall), 8:149
Rayment, Jan
“Collaborate and Innovate: SfEP/SI First Joint Conference, 5–7 September 2015, York, England” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 23:141–143
Rayward, W. Boyd
The History and Heritage of Scientific and Technological Information Systems (Rayward and Bowden, Editors) (rvw), 14:62–67
RC (The Resource Center for Associations)
“ASI Staffing Update” (Stumph), 20:114 photo
“Congratulations to RC!,” 14:7
Editor’s File (Reveal) (column), 20:113
“A Time to Give Thanks” (President’s File) (Wyman), 20:112, 115
RDA (Resource Description and Access), 23:114
Read, Jane
"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135
“Readers Required to Go Online for Indexes” (rvw), 9:98, 155
Reale, Michael A.
“The Changing Role From Indexer To Index Editor,” 9:180–181
“Indexing for Radio and Television,” 8:87
“Real-Life Marketing” (White) (conf rpt), 19:91
Ream, David K. (Dave), 20:95 photo
“Anatomy of an EPUB e-book,” 20:85, 106
“ASI Conference Recognition” (Lennie) (conf rpt), 19:86, 95 photo
“ASI Conference Report” (Hamilton-White), 23:89 photo
“ASI Key Words Interview with Sanders Kleinfeld” (Ream and Wyman), 23:7–15
“ASI Publications Revamp: eBooks and an Index Mashup” (Ream and Wyman), 22:156–157
“Bits and Bytes” (conf rpt), 13:91
“Case Studies in HTML Indexing” (Hedden, Cooper, Craven, Lemmens, Ream, and Wyman) (conf rpt), 14:94–95
“A Comparative Look at Embedded Index Entry Encoding in Selected Publishing Systems,” 24(4):18–24
“Conference Pictures,” 15:90 photo; 16:96 photo
“2014 Conference Reports,” 22:103 photo
“Congratulations to our 2014 Order of the Kohlrabi award winners,” 22:69 photo
“Converting a Legacy Print Book to an EPUB with Pinpoint Index Linking,” 20:83–84
“Cross-references: Beyond the Usual,” 9:84–86
“Data Exchange Between Indexing Applications,” 22:113–114
“Digital Book/Book Expo America 2014,” 22:98–99
“Digital Book (DB)/Book Expo America (BEA) 2015 Trip Report” (conf rpt), 23:84
“Digital Trends” (Delaney) (conf rpt), 20:92–93 photos
“Digital Trends Task Force,” 19:111
“Digital Trends Task Force Proposal,” 20:8
“Digital Trends Task Force Update,” 20:80
“DTTF Report from the 2015 Annual Conference,” 23:70
“DTTF Update” (Ream), 23:20
“ASI Elections, 2004: New Members of the ASI Board of Directors,” 12:79
“Embedded Indexing Survey Results,” 24(3):20–22
“Enhancing Productivity through Technology” (Ream and Zafran) (conf rpt), 11:85
“EPUB Indexes Specification,” 21:151 (December)
“Extracting Plant Names” (conf rpt), 13:95
“Extreme Dummy Page Number Projects,” 20:121, 130
“From the President’s Desk” (Shrout), 20:6, 40–41
“A Good Laugh” (Reveal) (Editor’s File), 16:41
“Improving Indexing Speed” (Apel), 20:58–61
"An Indexer’s Cornucopia: The Middle/South Atlantic Fall Conference" (Clocker), 19:10
“Indexes in eBooks,” 22:96
“Indexes in Fiction,” 11:62
“International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) DigiCon 2016 Report,” 24(3):19–20
“Liberating the Index From Proprietary Formats: An XML Tagging Scheme for Describing Index Information” (Matheu) (conf rpt), 15:85
Matrix Group Int’l, 24(3):15 photo
“Microsoft Products for Indexers” (Maislin, Ream, and Young) (conf rpt), 12:94
“Multiple Index Publications: Four Case Studies” (conf rpt), 8:130
“Parliamentary Indexing” (McClung, Kotler, Cartmell, Chan, Dunlop, Hudson, and Ream) (conf rpt), 14:96
“President’s File” (Lennie) (column), 19:40, 43
“Reflections on Indexes for Discovery,” 23:115
“Repurposing Print Indexes for the Web,” 19:16–18
“The Status of ASI” (Gravitz), 22:67–68
“A Time to Give Thanks” (Wyman), 20:115
“Treasurer’s Report for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2004,” 13:82
“Treasurer’s Report for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2005,” 14:82
“Unicode and Indexing,” 20:22–23, 27
“Usability Test, Index vs. Keyword Search” (Cuerden) (conf rpt), 22:104
“When Not to Bother,” 10:42
“XML: A DTD for Indexers” (Ream and Maislin) (conf rpt), 10:100–101
Reardon, Joan
“The Joy of Cookbook Indexing” (Wenzel) (conf rpt), 11:25–26
“Recognition for Indexers” (Banks) (letter), 10:90
“Sharing the Glory” (Walls), 16:126
“Recollections of a New Author: ASI Book Serves as Stepping Stone to Paid Information Today, Inc., Book” (Hedden), 18:55–57
“Reconceptualizing the Old West: A Tale of Two Indexes” (Cronshaw), 11:120–122
recreational readers
“Indexes: Tools for the Recreational Reader” (Walls), 16:120, 123
Redmond-Neal, Alice
“Bridging the Great Indexing Divide,” 16:127–129
“From the President’s Desk” (Mertes), 18:40
“How Not to Taxonomize: Alice Redmond-Neal” (Hedden) (conf rpt), 18:91
“Taxonomy Essentials: Start Here!” (Riley) (conf rpt), 22:34
“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Thoughts on Free Trade” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 12:41
Reed, Carol
“Heartland Chapter Report” (Seckman), 16:80
“Indexing May Be Hazardous to Your Health” (Hornyak), 20:56–57 illus
“An Ounce of Prevention: Intentional Communication with Authors,” 23:39–41
Reed, Patricia (Patty)
“Golden Gate Chapter Report,” 16:117
Reese, Chip
“Subcontracting Panel” (Wenzel) (conf rpt), 16:97
“Workshop Report: Indexing Art Books and Exhibition Catalogs” (Linzer), 16:96
reference materials
“Culinary Indexers’ Reference Sources” (Sassen) (conf rpt), 22:100
“Favorite Reference Books” (Ste Marie), 15:17–18, 47–48, 62, 124–125
“An Indexer’s Reference Shelf” (Burt) (conf rpt), 11:56–57
“Online Resources for Foreign Names” (Nedrow), 11:109
“Referrals to Other Indexers” (Patton), 11:47
“Refine and Shine Conference; Editing and Marketing for Indexers” (Manner), 20:44 photos
“Reflections on Indexes for Discovery” (Ream), 23:115
“Reflections on My Life as an Indexer, and the Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789” (Smith), 9:114–115
“Reflections on the Wilson Judging for 2012” (Towery) (conf rpt), 20:99
“Regular Expressions — a Workshop” (Lefevre) (conf rpt), 19:93, 109 (errata)
Reglein, Kay
“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshop 2009: Practice, Support, and Practice” (Leise), 18:7 photo
“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops” (Presto and Jackson) (conf rpt), 22:164 photo
“Regular Expressions — a Workshop” (Lefevre) (conf rpt), 19:93, 109 (errata)
Rehabilitation Act
“Getting a Grip on WORD Files: What Do MS Word, Styles, Section 508, and XML Have in Common” (Davis), 19:55–56
“Rekeying or Re-Indexing: Secrets for Doing it Fast” (Matheu) (conf rpt), 15:88
“Adventures in Indexing: Scriptural Indexes” (Reveal) (Editor’s File), 19:41
“EJIW Index: New Publishing Technologies Enabling Team Indexing” (Leise) (conf rpt), 22:22 photos
“Indexing the Bible: Kate Mertes” (Mauer) (conf rpt), 18:91, 91 photo
“Remembering Those Who Have Left Us – Susan DeRenne Coerr, 1939–2007,” 15:107
“Renewal” (Leise) (President’s Message), 24(2):2
“Repagination Projects: Knowing When to Walk Away and Knowing When to Run” (Haskins), 18:27–31
“Report: ASI/MSA Chapter News April/May 08” (Swope), 16:81
“Report from Heathrow Airport, London, England” (Lennie) (President’s File), 11:68
“Report of the American Medical Writers Association National Conference” (MacAllen), 9:21
“Report on International Relations and the International Affiliation Agreement” (Lathrop), 8:24–25
“Report on Strategic Planning, May 2000” (Witt), 8:117–118
“Report on the Society of Indexers 2001 Conference in Sheffield, England” (Lathrop), 9:148–149
“Report on the Society of Indexers (SI) Conference: The University of York, September 11-13, 2009” (Hanks), 18:137
“Repurposing Print Indexes for the Web” (Ream), 19:16–18
Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
“Key Words in RFP Machine and RFP Express” (Jimerson), 18:100–104
“Indexing and Vocabulary Development Research at Graduate Schools of Library and Information Science” (Kelsch), 13:24–26
Research Support Tool (RST) (rvw), 10:164–165
The Resource Center for Associations. see RC
Resource Description and Access (RDA), 23:114
“Resources for Indexing Fiction,” 9:91
The Resource Shelf
“Keynote Speaker, Gary Price” (conf rpt), 12:92
“Getting Started: Resume Strategies for the New Indexer” (Hernandez), 8:208–212
Reveal, Judy
“Conference Information,” 19:59–61
“Conference Note from the Editor,” 19:81
“Conference Pictures,” 15:70 photos
“Editor’s File” (column), 15:5; 18:5, 41, 77, 113; 19:5, 73, 75, 109; 20:5, 41, 77, 113
“Adventures in Indexing: Scriptural Indexes,” 19:41
“Another Year Gone By!,” 17:5
“Communication,” 15:37
“A Conference Journal,” 15:69
“Editor’s Notes on Another Conference,” 16:77
“Editor’s Page,” 17:41
“From the Cutting Room Floor,” 15:105; 16:5
“A Good Laugh,” 16:41
“Interview with Seth Earley, CEO of Earley & Associates,” 16:113
“From the President’s Desk” (Shrout), 20:40–41
A Guide for the Freelance Indexer (Davis) (rvw), 20:141–142
Indexing for Editors and Authors: A Practical Guide to Understanding Indexes (Leise, Mertes, and Badgett, eds.) (rvw), 16:141–142
“Mid- and South-Atlantic Chapter Workshop at the National Library of Medicine” (Shear) (conf rpt), 17:46 photo
“Minding Your Own Business,” 15:58
“Thank you!” (conf rpt), 20:86 photo
“A Time to Give Thanks” (Wyman), 20:112, 115
“Traveling and Indexing: Interviews with Experienced Indexers” (Drialo), 18:125–129
“Writing for ASI” (conf rpt), 15:86 photo
reviews. see also book reviews; New Products (column); software reviews
“Analysis of Serials Indexed in Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA)” (Kristick), 11:123–124
“The Answer Machine,” 8:61
“The Anti-Thesaurus: A Proposal for Improving Internet Search While Reducing Unnecessary Traffic Loads” (Carroll), 10:78–79
“The Anti-Thesaurus Part 2: Expansion of Proposal for Increasing Search Relevance” (Carroll), 10:78–79
“ASIS Summit 2000: Information Architecture,” 8:149
Authority Control in Organizing and Accessing Information: Definition and International Experience (Taylor and Tillett, ed.), 15:29–30
“Automatic Indexing of Documents from Journal Descriptors: A Preliminary Investigation” (Humphreys), 8:103
“Beyond MEDLINE,” 8:148
Bibliography: Dead Duck or Useful Tool? Proceedings of a Conference Held in Johannesburg on 26th June 2002 (Kalley, ed.), 11:124
“Bibliometrics of electronic journals in information science” (Hawkins), 10:164
“Common Medical Terminology Comes of Age, Part One: Standard Language Improves Healthcare Quality” (Rose, et al.), 11:28
“Creating Web Site Indexes” (Hedden Information Management), 13:136–138
“Do I Have to Draw You a Map? Site Guides and Indexes Made Easy,” 8:147
“The Ecology of Publishing and Printing: Seven Elements That Shaped the Modern World of the Book” (Stevenson), 10:27
“Eliminate Your Index Hassles: Don’t Create One” (Miller), 8:147–148
Hazel Bell, Indexing in the ’60s (DVD), 18:69–70
“How Do People Evaluate a Web Site’s Credibility? Results from a Large Study,” 11:60–61
“Indexing Boot Camp: A Review” (Ewald), 19:22–23
Indexing for Technical Communicators (McMaster and Woolley), 14:67–68
“The Indexing of Scholarly Journals: A Tipping Point for Publishing Reform?,” 10:164–165
“Indexing with Open Source Tools” (Brown), 14:140
Index Morganagus, A Full-Text Index of Library-Related Electronic Serials (Morgan), 10:164
IXMLembedder Utility, 24(3):29–30
“Library Terms That Users Understand,“ “Library Terms Evaluated in Usability Tests and Other Studies,“ “Terms Found on Usability-Tested Library Home Pages” (Kupersmith), 11:125–126
“The Literature of the Book: Indexing” (Bell), 12:68–69
“Looking Inside: Enterprise search offers companies several options to deal with data overload” (Jones), 11:29
“Mind Maps: Proposed Hot New Tools for Cyberspace Librarians,” 8:29
“More Than a Database: Mining Your Data for Decision-making Success” (Farishta), 11:28
“The NASA Image Collection Visual Thesaurus,” 8:61
“Newspaper Indexing Policies and Procedures” (Semonche), 8:218
“The New York Public Library Digital Collection” (Jones), 24(2):24–25
“Nursing Knowledge Indexes,” 8:147
“Portals Empower Corporations: Gathering, Organizing, Distributing Information” (McKinley), 8:148
“Put Your Index in Order” (Lindstrom), 11:61
“Scanning Your Entries Automatically” (Wright), 8:105–106
“Searching for Spies, a Review of the SEARCH-O-METER, the “question authority“ index to Totally MAD, a 7-CD-ROM collection of every issue of MAD Magazine” (Patton), 8:73, 80–82
“Searching Intelligently” (Lamont), 8:149
“Search Sites Brush Up on People Skills” (Weise), 8:61–62
“Search Technology: SAS uncovers text-mining deal” (Sullivan), 11:28
“The 15th Edition of The Chicago Manual of Style: Highlights” (Mulvany), 12:66
Totally MAD CD-ROM set (Patton) (letter), 8:113
“Revised Chapter Manual Now Available Online,” 15:42
revised indexes
“Extreme Dummy Page Number Projects” (Ream), 20:121, 130
“The First Cut Isn’t Always the Deepest” (From A to Zafran), 16:12–13
“A Little Revision – Right! How I Defanged A Data Entry Monster” (Ste Marie), 16:14–15
“The TJ Taxonomist Show: Indexing, Part III: with Seth Maislin, Talk Jockey” (Wyman, ed.), 10:38–39
Reymann, Stephanie
conference report, 22:33 photo
“Twin Cities Chapter Report: Experienced Indexers Share Wealth of Knowledge” (Brazel), 18:9
RFP Express
“Key Words in RFP Machine and RFP Express” (Jimerson), 18:100–104
RFP Machine (Kadient)
“Key Words in RFP Machine and RFP Express” (Jimerson), 18:100–104
Rhoades, Gale
conference report, 16:95 photo
“Editing in the Age of e-Everything” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:33–34
"An Indexer’s Cornucopia: The Middle/South Atlantic Fall Conference" (Clocker), 19:10
“Macrex v9,” 23:103 photo
“MACREX Workshop,” 19:113
“Macrex Workshop and More,” 17:34
“Macrex 8 Workshop at Denver ASI Conference” (Wendt) (conf rpt), 16:98
“Macrex Workshop & More,” 22:141
“Peer Review Reports” (letter), 10:118
“Tips for a Healthy PC,” 15:53–55
Rice, Rachel
“Fast Field Guide Indexes” (Kozak) (rvw), 11:124
“Rachel’s Realizations of Freelance Indexing,” 8:93
Richardson, Antona
“About Our Conference Report Contributors,” 18:81
“Will Someone Read This? Writing Abstracts that Work: Virginia Heinrich” (conf rpt), 18:86, 94
Richardson, Bill
“Opening Keynote Address” (conf rpt), 11:83
Richardson, Bob
“Richardson’s Theory of Inherent Informational Conflict,” 9:147
Richardson, Deborah
“Mid-South Atlantic (MSAC) Chapter Report” (Binder), 18:44 photo
Richardson, Samuel
Clarissa, or the History of a Young Lady, 9:111
“Indexing Clarissa” (Karpuk), 9:116–118
“Richardson’s Theory of Inherent Informational Conflict” (Richardson), 9:147
Richmond, Elspeth
“Digital by Design: A Case Study in Creating a Web-Friendly Cumulated Journal Index” (Richmond, Simpson, Murray, and Pauls) (conf rpt), 11:89–91
“Interview with Elspeth Richmond, Sheilagh Simpson, and Susan Wilson-Murray, members of ASI organizational member Bookmark: Editing & Indexing” (Wyman, ed.), 14:46–47
“Riding the Wave of the Future” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 13:112
“Riding the Waves” (Rogers), 20:42
Ridley, Damon D.
Information Retrieval: SciFinder and SciFinder Scholar (rvw), 11:123
Riley, Elizabeth
“Taxonomy Essentials: Start Here!” (conf rpt), 22:34
Riley, Jenn
Metadata for Digital Resources: Implementation, Systems Design and Interoperability (Foulonneau and Riley) (rvw), 17:33–34
Rimmer, Patricia (Pat)
“Congratulations to our 2014 Order of the Kohlrabi award winners,” 22:69 photo
“Indexing Best Practices” (Cuerden) (conf rpt), 22:102
Riofrancos, Maro
“Business, Ethics & Technology” (London) (conf rpt), 12:61, 69
The Rise of Benedict XVI: The Inside Story of How the Pope Was Elected and Where He Will Take the Catholic Church (Allen), 14:69
Roberts, Carol
ASI Training in Indexing course markers, 14:81
“A Bit of Indexing Haiku,” 14:44
“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter of the American Society of Indexers Fall Workshops” (Wendt), 15:108 photo
“ASI Elections, 2003: New Members of the ASI Board of Directors,” 11:71
“Financial Planning for Indexers” (conf rpt), 13:95
“Heartland Chapter Report” (Seckman), 16:80
“Let’s Get Profitable! Workshop Summary,” 8:132
“Marketing” (Roberts and Schroeder) (conf rpt), 13:98
Marketing Your Indexing Services, 3rd edition (Leach, ed.), 19:49
“Painless Index Editing” (conf rpt), 14:97
“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Strange), 16:118
“Scholarly Indexing: Thoughts and Tips” (conf rpt), 9:122
“Scholarly Indexing Workshop” (Ste Marie) (conf rpt), 15:129
“Subcontracting Panel” (Wenzel) (conf rpt), 16:97
“Tips from CINDEX™ Users” (Hudoba, Patton, Roberts, and Smiley) (conf rpt), 12:94
Rochester History
“Historical Indexing, in the News,” 9:80
“’Raising’ Rochester History: The History of an Index” (Aslin), 9:76–82
Rocky Mountain Chapter
“Adventures of a Would-be Indexer” (Ross) (conf rpt), 20:55, 63
“Annual Meeting” (conf rpt), 20:81; 23:85 photo
“Digital Indexing - Variations on a Theme” (conf rpt), 19:112
“Fall Indexing Skills Workshop” (conf rpt), 19:112
“Fall Indexing Skills Workshop” (Guilinger) (conf rpt), 21:136–137
“Fall Indexing Skills Workshop” (Ross) (conf rpt), 20:11
“Fall Meeting” (Walker) (conf rpt), 20:116–117 photo
“Fall Workshop” (Niederhoff) (conf rpt), 22:140 photo; 23:124 photo
“Fall Workshop Report” (Jones), 21:155 (December)
“Increasing Speed in Indexing” (Walker) (conf rpt), 24(3):10
“Report” (Drialo), 16:43
“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Conference” (Strange) (conf rpt), 17:9 photos
“Rocky Mountain Chapter Hosts Fred Leise at October Meeting” (Walls) (conf rpt), 15:109
“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Greenblatt), 19:9
“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Walls and Jones), 18:8 photo, 13
“Spring Meeting Report” (Jones), 21:107
Roell, Donna
“Editor’s File” (Reveal), 20:113
Rogers, Annette, 16:103 photo
“ASI Conference Broadens its Scope and Planning Structure,” 19:6, 34
“ASI 2012 Post Conference Evaluation Summary” (conf rpt), 20:78
“ASI Releases Results of 2009 Professional Activities and Salary Survey,” 18:42
“ASI Staffing Update” (Stumph), 20:114 photo
“ASI staff offers untapped resources for Chapters and SIGs,” 19:42
“ASI Unveils New Website and Other News,” 18:114
“Editor’s File” (Reveal), 20:77
“20/80 Engagement,” 20:7
“From the President’s Desk” (Shrout), 20:40–41
“Indexer Locator Committee Report” (Ste Marie), 16:78
“Milestones and Metamorphosis,” 19:74
“Riding the Waves,” 20:42
“SIG meeting — ASI Conference” (Gravitz) (conf rpt), 19:96
“A Time to Give Thanks” (Wyman), 20:115
“Why I Can’t Wait to Get to Work,” 19:110
Rogers, Jennifer
“Editor’s File” (Reveal), 20:113
“History Indexing: Bringing the Past into the Future” (conf rpt), 19:84
“Keeping Your Indexing Business Alive” (Rogers) (conf rpt), 19:96
Roget, John, 9:156
Roget, Peter Mark, 9:156
Rombauer, Irma S.
“Indexes in Classic Cookbooks: An Analysis of the Indexes in The Joy of Cooking, 1931-1997” (Sassen), 9:9–11
“The Joy of Cookbook Indexing: A Reader Responds” (letter) (Klein), 9:138
“The Joy of Cookbook Indexing: The Indexer Responds” (letter) (Wolff), 9:138–139, 141
Ronhausen, Chris
“Voice Recognition: A Golden Gate Chapter Conference” (Coates) (conf rpt), 9:150–151
Rooney, Peter
ASI Board 2007, 16:98 photo
“A Brief History of the American Society for Indexing,” 16:135–137, 142
“Chinese Society of Indexers (Zhongguo Suoyin Xuehui)” (conf rpt), 14:27–28
“ASI Elections, 2006: New Members of the ASI Board of Directors,” 14:79
“From the President’s Desk” (Leise), 17:4
“How to Translate an Index from English to Another Language,” 14:25, 34
“Introduction to Robert J. Palmer, Hines Award 2004 Recipient,” 12:84–85
“New York Chapter Lunch Meetings,” 17:43 photo
“Translating English to Foreign Indexes” (conf rpt), 12:95
Rose, Jeffrey S.
“Common Medical Terminology Comes of Age, Part One: Standard Language Improves Healthcare Quality” (Rose et al.) (rvw), 11:28
Rosenfield, Louis
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web (Rosenfeld and Morville), 8:219–220 (rvw); 10:155
Rosewood, Mary
“Indexers in the Classroom: Taking an Index to School” (Dunham and Rosewood), 12:26–27
“You Mean You Get Paid to Read? More Questions from Students” (Dunham and Rosewood), 12:27
Ross, Chip
“Adventures of a Would-be Indexer,” 20:55, 63
“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Indexing Skills Workshop” (conf rpt), 20:11
Ross, Jan
“Publishing Technology Group Report” (SI), 20:65
Ross, Janine
"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135
Rossa, Michael C., 10:120
Roth, Randall W.
Broken Trust: Greed, Mismanagement & Political Manipulation at America’s Largest Charitable Trust (King and Roth), 14:106
Roth, Ruth
“ASI Unveils New Website and Other News” (Rogers), 18:114
round tables
“Mid- and South-Atlantic Chapter: January and February Round Table Reports” (Kaplan), 16:42
Rowland, Marilyn
Beyond Book Indexing: How to Get Started in Web Indexing, Embedded Indexing, and Other Computer-Based Media (Brenner and Rowland), 8:104–105 (rvw)
“Comparison of Textbooks and Specialty Books on Indexing” (Fetters), 21:158
Rubens, P.
Science & Technical Writing: A Manual of Style (rvw), 9:152–155
“Running On” (Zafran), 12:46–47
Ruppel, Peggy
“Bridging the Great Indexing Divide” (Redmond-Neal), 16:128
“Ruppel’s Rules of Database Indexing,” 14:57
Russell, Janet
“ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing 2004: Acceptance Speech,” 12:87–88
“ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing 2004: Introduction” (Perlman), 12:86
“ASI/H. W. Wilson Company Indexing Award 2004,” 12:43
“Book Indexing Part 1 and Part 2” (Saller), 20:100–101
“From the President’s Desk” (Mertes), 18:11
“From the President’s Desk” (Weaver), 16:4
“Golden Gate Chapter Meetings” (Olafsson), 18:47, 47 photo
“Golden Gate Chapter Report” (Patterson), 16:9
“Golden Gate Chapter Report” (Reed), 16:117
“Improving Indexing Speed” (Apel) (conf rpt), 20:58–61
Indexing Names (Bridge, ed.) (rvw), 20:105–106
Index It Right! Advice from the Experts, Volume 2 (Perlman and Zafran, eds.) (rvw), 18:142
letter to the editor, 18:5, 26
"A Tribute to a Friend" (Duran), 20:115
“Wilson Award Introduction” (Russell), 16:100
Russell, Mary, 24(3):11 photo
“The Challenging Future of Indexing” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 19:31 photo, 33
“Collaborate and Innovate: SfEP/SI First Joint Conference, 5–7 September 2015, York, England” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 23:141–143
“From the President’s Desk” (Shrout) (President’s File), 19:108
“Indexing Letters – The VIC February 2012,” 20:64–65 illus, 70 illus
"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135 photo
“International Committee of Representatives of Indexing Societies Report,” 20:102
“Society of Indexers Conference” (conf rpt), 21:129–130
“Standing Up for Indexing” (Wyman, Russell, Pincoe, Kingdom, and MacGlashan), 20:33
Rutgers University
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies, 13:25
Ryan, Brenda
“So You Want to Learn Indexing! An Update on the ASI Training in Indexing Course” (Perlman), 16:78
Ryan, Christine Nelsen
“Usability Testing at Macmillan USA” (Ryan and Henselmeier), 8:189, 199–202
Ryan, Sheila
“2014 Conference Reports,” 22:103 photos
“The Pacific Northwest Chapter Regional Meeting” (Staigmiller) (conf rpt), 22:151
Ryland, Ray
Catholic Q and A: Essentials of the Faith Explained
“Web Indexing Award 2015” (Walker), 24(2):22–23