Key Words Index 2000 – 2016 (Vol. 8 – 24)

Locator format: vol. #: page #

Locators for 2016 (volume 24), wherein pagination was not continuous, also include the issue number in parentheses: vol. # (issue #): page #

This index was prepared and edited by Pilar Wyman, former Editor, Key Words, with the assistance of Laurie Hlavaty Holod, Vicki Austin, Amron Gravett, and Jean Bruce.


  • (conf rpt)—report of a professional meeting
  • (letter)—letter to the editor
  • (rvw)—review of a publication or product

See head note for further information.



Pacific Northwest (PNW) Chapter

“Fall Meeting: Winning the ASI/EIS Award” (Staigmiller) (conf rpt), 23:136 photo

“Kudos for Pacific Northwest Chapter Pro Bono Program,” 11:72

My First (Real) Indexing Job (Pacific Northwest Chapter), 19:46, 46 illus

“Networking Dinners Unite and Reunite Indexers from Far Corners” (Landes), 17:10

“The Pacific Northwest Chapter Conference Report” (Staigmiller), 21:151

“Pacific Northwest Chapter Marketing Tips” (Gerth), 19:46

“The Pacific Northwest Chapter Regional Meeting” (Staigmiller) (conf rpt), 22:151

“PNW Chapter Staffs ASI Booth at National Publishing Conference” (Smith), 8:35

profile, 8:99–100

“Sherry Smith Award for New Indexers,” 24(3):9

Page, Molly

“Four Things to Do in Chicago Before You Die,” 24(2):8 photos

page layout

“Effective Page Layout for the Nonartist” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 13:128

“Page Number Decorations” (From A to Zafran), 19:114–118

page proofs

“On the Disposal of Page Proofs and Manuscripts” (Linzer), 15:14

“Painless Index Editing” (Roberts) (conf rpt), 14:97

Palmer, Robert J. (Bob)

“ASI Honors Robert J. Palmer as 2004 Hines Award Recipient” (Anderson), 12:43

“Hines Award 2004 Presentation to Robert Palmer,” 12:84

“Introduction to Robert J. Palmer, Hines Award 2004 Recipient” (Rooney), 12:84–85

“Robert J. Palmer: Indexer and Activist, 1924-2009” (Linzer), 17:41–42

“A Paren’s Worth of Information” (From A to Zafran), 16:83–84

Parks, Caroline

“The Tools We Need Now for Technical Indexing” (Parks and Wright) (conf rpt), 8:130

Parks-Davis, Bonnie, 8:40

parliamentary indexing

“Interview with Bruce Hubbard, of Canada’s House of Commons Information Management Unit” (Wyman, ed.), 14:125–126, 142

“Parliamentary Indexing” (McClung, Kotler, Cartmell, Chan, Dunlop, Hudson, and Ream) (conf rpt), 14:96

“Part of the Indexing Pie: Q&A on Industry Entry Points” (Sweum), 18:130–131, 139

Pasadena, California

“I is for Indexing: The Art and Craft of Indexing” (Wyman, ed.) (conf rpt), 13:88–99

Pascall, Jeremy

GOD: The Ultimate Autobiography, 11:62

Pascoe, Judith

“My Last Index,” 20:62–63

“The Secret Lives of Indexers,” 21:90–95

passings. see deaths

Paterson, David E.

“A perspective on indexing slaves’ names,” 11:109


“The Logic and Language of Patterns” (Sosnowski) (conf rpt), 23:101

“Patterns in CINDEX™ Workshop: A prelude, or what you might like to know before attending the workshop in San Antonio, April 20th 2013” (Lennie), 21:33–34

Patterson, Lee

“Golden Gate Chapter Report,” 16:9

“Golden Gate Chapter Report” (Reed), 16:117

“Wilson Award Introduction” (Russell), 16:100

Patton, Deborah

“Annotated Indexes,” 10:136

“2006 ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing Presentation Speech, June 16, 2006, Toronto, Ontario, Canada” (Patton), 14:86–87

“Bridging the Great Indexing Divide” (Redmond-Neal), 16:128

“Business Models” (Coughlin, Leise, Nickerson, and Patton) (conf rpt), 12:93

“Call for Hines Award Nominations,” 16:114; 17:8

“Easy Steps for Getting the Most Value from your ASI Membership,” 9:168

“From the President’s Desk” (Lennie), 18:112

“Hines Award Presentation,” 18:98, 98 photo

“Indexing Political Science and Public Policy” (Patton, Smiley, McVey, and Zafran) (conf rpt), 13:92

“Indexing the Dumbarton Oaks Garden Archives,” 23:125–129

Index It Right! Advice from the Experts, Volume 2 (Perlman and Zafran, eds.) (rvw), 18:142

“In Search of Excellence” (Coughlin, Patton, and Weaver) (conf rpt), 14:95

Inside Indexing: The Decision-Making Process (Smith and Kells) (rvw), 13:138–139

“Mid- and South-Atlantic Chapter Workshop at the National Library of Medicine” (Shear) (conf rpt), 17:46 photo

“Referrals to Other Indexers,” 11:47

“Resolution: Appreciation for Deborah Patton, Tax Status Volunteer,” 9:75

“Searching for Spies, a Review of the SEARCH-O-METER, the “question authority“ index to Totally MAD, a 7-CD-ROM collection of every issue of MAD Magazine” (rvw), 8:73, 80–82

“Tips from CINDEX™ Users” (Hudoba, Patton, Roberts, and Smiley) (conf rpt), 12:94

Totally MAD CD-ROM set (letter), 8:113

Paul, Cher

“How do I index thee? Indexers count the ways: Part II” (Kells, ed.), 12:125–126

Pauls, Naomi

“Digital by Design: A Case Study in Creating a Web-Friendly Cumulated Journal Index” (Richmond, Simpson, Murray, and Pauls) (conf rpt), 11:89–91

“A Warm Welcome to the Canadian We(s)t Coast,” 11:9

payment for indexing services

“ASI 2000 Professional Activities and Salary Survey,” 8:5

“ASI 2004 Professional Activities and Salary Survey,” 13:18–21

“ASI Releases Results of 2009 Professional Activities and Salary Survey” (Rogers), 18:42

“ASI Salary Survey 2004 – Executive Summary” (Hughes and Wyman, ed.), 13:16–17

“Bidding and Pricing: As Always, ’It Depends’ — Jan Wright and Janet Perlman” (Nauman-Montana and Sweum) (conf rpt), 18:85, 85 photo

“Choosing Indexing Projects” (Delaney) (conf rpt), 20:88 photos

“Getting Paid” (Zafran) (conf rpt), 18:97

“How to Make More Money” (Holbert) (conf rpt), 9:125–126

“How to Set Your Indexing Rates” (Tulic), 11:50

“Late Payment Blues” (Perlman), 8:45–46

National Writer’s Union (NWU), 8:122, 124

“Nitty-Gritty Marketing and Pricing for Freelancers” (Kowles) (conf rpt), 18:79

“Salary Survey Results” (Zafran) (President’s File), 13:4

“Slow Pay/No Pay Strategies” (Hernandez), 11:49–50

“When the Check Isn’t in the Mail” (Zafran), 13:22–23

“Worthy of Our Hire?,” 19:133

Payne, Paul

“ASI Conference Report,” 23:103 photo

Payton, Patricia

“Book Indexes in Metadata, an Interview with Patricia Payton (Bowker, Proquest) and Allison Feist (Proquest)” (Ream and Wyman), 24(2):16–21

“Book Indexes in Metadata” (Payton and Feist), 23:113–114


“The Art and Craft of Using PDFs in the Indexing Process” (Perlman) (conf rpt), 22:34 photo

“Converting a Legacy Print Book to an EPUB with Pinpoint Index Linking” (Ream), 20:83–84

“Making the Most of PDFs” (From A to Zafran), 19:50–51

“PDFs In the Indexing Process” (Matheu) (conf rpt), 15:86

“Searching PDFs: One Indexer’s Experience” (Johns) (conf rpt), 18:45

“Using PDFs in Indexing” (Johns) (conf rpt), 18:45

Peace, Alexandra

“ASI/ISC-SCI 2016 Chicago Conference” (Arnold-Boyd), 24(4):8–9 photo

Peck, Bob

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter: Spring Workshop” (Jackson), 18:78 photo

Peck, Shawn

“Microsoft Learning’s Next Generation Indexing Process” (Wall) (conf rpt), 13:93–94

Pedersen, Kay

“MSA Chapter Honors Index Appreciation Day,” 20:12 photos

“Peer Recognition Indexing Awards” (Schroder) (conf rpt), 19:96

peer reviews

BLT (Below Lone Tree) Peer Review Group

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Drialo), 16:43

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter: Spring Workshop” (Jackson), 18:78

“Considerations for On-Line Peer Reviews” (Osgood), 10:66

“Golden Gate Chapter” (conf rpt), 20:81

“Golden Gate Chapter Peer Review Meeting” (Duran), 24(1):16

IndexPeers list, 8:25

“Logistics for Peer Reviews” (Osgood), 12:120–121

Peer Review Checklist, 10:107

“Peer Review Discussion Guidelines” (Smith and Linn), 10:65

“Peer Reviewer Guidelines” (Osgood), 12:119

“Peer Review Reports,” 10:106

“Peer Review Reports” (Rhoades) (letter), 10:118

“Peer Reviews: Doing It Well” (Osgood) (conf rpt), 12:93

“Peer Reviews: The “Why’s“ and “Where’s“” (Wiseman), 10:66–67

“Peer Reviews as a Solution to Index Feedback Deprivation” (Osgood), 10:63–65

“Practice Indexes and Learning Indexing” (Kells), 10:67

Pekar, Kara

“MSA Chapter Honors Index Appreciation Day,” 20:12 photos

“Penultimate Postings” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 14:77

“People Do That? Musings on one of the world’s most anonymous professions” (Murray), 21:157–158 (December)

Pepper, Steve

The TAO of Topic Maps: Finding the Way in the Age of Infoglut (rvw), 9:66

Perel, David

Bat Boy Lives! The WEEKLY WORLD NEWS Guide to Politics, Culture, Celebrities, Alien Abductions, and the Mutant Freaks that Shape Our World, 14:69

Pérez-Carballo, José

Information Retrieval Design: Principles and Options for Information Description, Organization, Display, and Access in Information Retrieval Databases, Digital Libraries, Catalogs, and Indexes (Anderson and Pérez-Carballo) (rvw), 13:64–67

Periodical & Database Indexing SIG

“Two Proposed New SIGs Set up Online Discussion Groups,” 15:112

Periodical/Database SIG

“New Periodical/Database SIG approved,” 16:119


“Analysis of Serials Indexed in Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA)” (Kristick) (rvw), 11:123–124

“The Answer Machine” (rvw), 8:61

“Automated Indexing” (Humphreys) (letter), 8:157–159

“Automatic Indexing of Documents from Journal Descriptors: A Preliminary Investigation” (Humphreys) (rvw), 8:103

“Back of the Book Indexing and Thesaurus Creation: A Comparison” (Hedden), 20:49–51

“Beyond MEDLINE” (rvw), 8:148

“The Daily Grind: Indexing Daily Publications at BNA” (Summers) (conf rpt), 9:126–127

“Digital by Design: A Case Study in Creating a Web-Friendly Cumulated Journal Index” (Richmond, Simpson, Murray, and Pauls) (conf rpt), 11:89–91

“From the Alamo to Zydeco Music: Create a Periodical Index for Your State/Region — Tips from the Experts” (Goetting, Ahrberg, Inouye, Kiesel, Kim, Minatodani, Stack, Stewart, and York) (conf rpt), 13:89

“The Gist of Journal Indexing” (Weaver), 10:16–22

“How to Be the Newspaper of Record” (Tifft and Jones), 10:23

“The Indexer as Consultant: Collaborative Indexing of Community Newspapers” (Weaver) (conf rpt), 13:92–93

“The Indexer as Consultant: Collaborative Indexing of Community Newspapers” (Weaver), 14:18–23, 33

“The Indexing of Scholarly Journals: A Tipping Point for Publishing Reform?” (rvw), 10:164–165

“Journal Indexing” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 10:5

“Library Terms That Users Understand,“ “Library Terms Evaluated in Usability Tests and Other Studies,“ “Terms Found on Usability-Tested Library Home Pages” (Kupersmith) (rvw), 11:125–126

“Magazine Content Index at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia” (Sowder) (conf rpt), 13:94–95

“More Notes From a Newbie: The Continuing Saga of a Newbie Indexing an Historical Periodical” (Barr), 22:115–118

NewsIndexer (rvw), 9:29

“Newspaper Indexing Policies and Procedures” (rvw), 8:218

“Notes From a Newbie” (Barr), 21:16–18

“Nursing Knowledge Indexes” (rvw), 8:147

“Oklahoma Periodicals” (Ahrberg) (conf rpt), 12:94–95

“Oregonian Index Conversion Project” (Bear) (conf rpt), 13:91

“’Raising’ Rochester History: The History of an Index” (Aslin), 9:76–82

“Rising to the Challenge: Staying Competitive at a Non-Profit Periodicals Index” (Mazurkiewicz and Gutierrez) (conf rpt), 13:95–96

“Searching for Spies, a Review of the SEARCH-O-METER, the “question authority“ index to Totally MAD, a 7-CD-ROM collection of every issue of MAD Magazine” (Patton), 8:73, 80–82

“Searching Intelligently” (Lamont) (rvw), 8:149

“Search Sites Brush Up on People Skills” (Weise) (rvw), 8:61–62

“Showcasing Pro Bono Work and the Benefits of Collaboration” (Gravett and Nauman-Montana), 21:112–114, 116

“Ten Things I Learned Teaching a Workshop on Periodical/Database Indexing Online” (Dunn), 19:78–80

Totally MAD CD-ROM set (Patton) (letter), 8:113

“The Unbearable ’Aboutness’ of Periodical and Database Indexing” (Dunn) (conf rpt), 15:84–85

“Welcome to a Brave New World” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 14:5

Perlman, Janet, 16:102 photo; 23:120 photo

“American Society of Indexers Selects 2006 Hines Award Recipient,” 14:43

“Announcement of Hines Award Recipient for 2014: Kate Mertes,” 22:45 photo

“Announcing the Newly-Elected ASI Board Members!,” 21:57

“The Art and Craft of Using PDFs in the Indexing Process” (conf rpt), 22:34

“ASI Conference Report” (Hamilton-White), 23:88–89

“ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing 2004: Introduction,” 12:86

“ASI Training in Indexing Course,” 15:39

ASI Training in Indexing course markers, 14:81

“Benchmarks of a Quality Index“(conf rpt), 9:123–124

“Bidding and Pricing: As Always, ’It Depends’ — Jan Wright and Janet Perlman” (Nauman-Montana and Sweum) (conf rpt), 18:85, 85 photo

“Board Members on the Board” (Mertes), 18:121

“Books on Indexing: Reviewing the Old and Meeting the New” (Mischler) (conf rpt), 23:102

“Choosing Indexing Projects” (Delaney) (conf rpt), 20:88 photos

“Conference Pictures,” 15:90 photo

“Congratulations to our 2014 Order of the Kohlrabi award winners,” 22:69 photo

“Farewell to Elinor Lindheimer Pravda,” 23:33

“From the President’s Desk” (Leise), 16:76 photo

“From the President’s Desk” (Lennie), 18:112

“From the President’s Desk” (Mertes), 18:11

“From the President’s Desk” (Shrout), 20:40–41

“From the President’s Desk” (Weaver), 16:4

“Hines Award Acceptance Speech,” 14:80–81

“Hines Award Call for Nominations,” 22:5, 16, 150, 162

“How do I index thee? Indexers count the ways: Part I” (Kells, ed.), 12:55

“Indexers as Authors” (Badgett), 23:48, 50

“Indexing Historical Documents” (conf rpt), 22:32

Indexing Tactics & Tidbits: An A–Z Guide, 23:87 photo; 24(4):26 (rvw)

“ASI Releases Two Essential Indexing Reference Books by Master Indexers Perlman and Towery,” 24(3):30 photo

Index It Right! Advice from the Experts, Volume 2 (Perlman and Zafran, eds.), 18:141–142 (rvw)

“Comparison of Textbooks and Specialty Books on Indexing” (Fetters), 21:158–159

“Judging Excellence in Indexes: Demystifying the Process” (Perlman and Gottlieb) (conf rpt), 11:84

“Keeping Your Indexing Business Alive” (Rogers) (conf rpt), 19:96

“Late Payment Blues,” 8:45–46

“Learning from Indexing “Disasters”” (conf rpt), 16:93

“Mashups,” 23:86–87

“Metatopic,” 24(1):17–20

“On,” 24(1):20

“Publicity — It’s Everybody’s Job” (Historic Keywords), 19:101–102

“Society for Technical Communicators (STC) 47th Annual Conference” (conf rpt), 8:171

“So You Want to Learn Indexing! An Update on the ASI Training in Indexing Course,” 16:78, 102

“The Status of ASI” (Gravitz), 22:67–68

“Theodore C. Hines Award for 2006 Presentation Speech” (Mertes), 14:79

“Treasurer’s Report,” 21:25, 122

What is an Index?: A Few Notes on Indexes and Indexers (Wheatley) (rvw), 12:63

What to Charge: Pricing Strategies for Freelancers and Consultants (Lewis) (rvw), 9:65–66

Perry, Ellen

“Managing a Multi-Volume Indexing Project: An Evolutionary Approach” (Berman, Perry, and Wright) (conf rpt), 11:84–85

personality, indexers

“Do You Have an Indexer Personality?” (Stauber), 19:134

personal names

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshop 2009: Practice, Support, and Practice” (Leise), 18:12, 12 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops,” 20:9

“The Glory and the Nothing of a Name” (Bridge) (conf rpt), 14:92

“The Glory and the Nothing of a Name” (Kwilos) (conf rpt), 20:88

“The Glory & Nothing of a Name” (Agee) (conf rpt), 12:93

“How I Survived My First Author Index: Logistics for Large Name Indexes” (Truesdale), 11:110–112

“Indexing Foreign Names” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 10:117

“Indexing Indian Names” (Sahai), 11:106–108

Indexing Names (Bridge, ed.) (rvw), 20:105–106

“Indexing Personal Names” (Marsh) (letter), 11:6

“Indexing Personal Names, an Introduction: Some Common Problems” (Bridge), 10:122–125

“Indexing Slave Names” (Brown), 11:109

“Name Authority” (Lopez), 20:131–132 illus

“Online Resources for Foreign Names” (Nedrow), 11:109

“Personal Names” (SIdelights), 19:66

“Personal Strategic Planning for Work/Life Balance” (Spidal), 15:122–123, 125

“Personal Tech: Nikon’s new swiveler should turn heads” (Mello), 11:53

“The Personal Touch” (Sosnowski), 22:45

Persons, Animals, Ships and Cannon in the Aubrey-Maturin Sea Novels of Patrick O’Brian (Brown) (rvw), 9:97–98

Pesola-Krumholz, Phyllis

“About Our Conference Report Contributors,” 18:81

Peterson, Mary

“Editor’s File” (Reveal), 20:113

Pfahler, Robert (Bob)

“Adventures of a Would-be Indexer” (Ross), 20:55, 63

“2014 Conference Reports,” 22:103 photo

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Annual Meeting” (conf rpt), 20:81

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Meeting” (Walker) (conf rpt), 20:116–117 photo

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Walls and Jones), 18:8 photo

“So You Want to Learn Indexing! An Update on the ASI Training in Indexing Course” (Perlman), 16:78 photo

Pfeiffer, William Sanborn

Pocket Guide to Technical Presentations & Professional Speaking (Zwickel and Pfeiffer) (rvw), 14:31

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“Celebrate ASI’s 40th Anniversary in Philadelphia in 2007!” (Weaver), 14:101

“A Dark and Stormy Night” (Augst) (conf rpt), 15:81

philatelic indexing

“The VIC – An introduction to philatelic indexing,” 20:138

philofinfo, 10:76

Phipps, Christopher

“Collaborate and Innovate: SfEP/SI First Joint Conference, 5–7 September 2015, York, England” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 23:141–143

"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135

“Physical Fitness” (Manner) (conf rpt), 16:42

“Pick It Up or Pass It Up?” (From A to Zafran), 16:45, 55

“Picture This” (From A to Zafran), 23:51–56

Piggott, Mary, 11:93

Pinckard, Mara, 14:117

Pincoe, Ruth, 18:81 photo

“Ask an Indexer” (Wyman, Bridge, and Pincoe) (conf rpt), 14:96–97

“The Challenging Future of Indexing” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 19:30, 33

"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135 photo

“International Indexing Panel” (Pincoe, Alakus, Cronshaw, Diepeveen, Fassbender, Halliday, and Saint-André) (conf rpt), 14:95

See and See Also: Rules and Controversies: Ruth Pincoe” (Flatoff) (conf rpt), 18:87, 87 photo

“Standing Up for Indexing” (Wyman, Russell, Pincoe, Kingdom, and MacGlashan), 20:33

“Triennial International Indexing Meeting and Conference” (Wyman, ed.) (conf rpt), 14:90

“Pinpointing the Topic: Analysis of Entries in Book Indexes” (Weinberg) (conf rpt), 9:120

Pitchford, Jacqueline

“The Challenging Future of Indexing” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 19:31

Pittaro, Mauro

“Mid-South Atlantic (MSAC) Chapter Report” (Binder), 18:44 photo

plant names

“Extracting Plant Names” (Ream) (conf rpt), 13:95

“Please Do Not Harass the Duck, and Other Highlights of SI 2000” (Evans) (President’s File), 8:160

pocket references

“Frankly Speaking: Pocket References Indexes” (Willison), 10:42

Pocket Guide to Technical Presentations & Professional Speaking (Zwickel and Pfeiffer) (rvw), 14:31

Pocsik, Linda

“ASI Staffing Update” (Stumph), 20:114 photo


“An American in Glasgow Sings” (Jensen), 11:122

“A Bit of Indexing Haiku” (Roberts), 14:44

“Gonzo Indexing of a Poetry Oeuvre: The Gerald Locklin Collection” (Thomas), 11:116–119

“Indexing Nursery Rhymes” (McMaster), 19:66

Pofelski, David

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter ASI” (conf rpt), 22:72 photo

“Pointers, the Pointing Men and Women” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 24(3):4 photo

political science

“Indexing Political Science and Public Policy” (Patton, Smiley, McVey, and Zafran) (conf rpt), 13:92

“Polo, Pigeons and Potatoes: Book Indexes Tell Their Own Story” (Zellar), 13:68

Poncher, Stasia

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshop 2009: Practice, Support, and Practice” (Leise), 18:7 photo

Ponikiewska, Dorota

“The Future of MEDLINE Indexing” (Thomas) (conf rpt), 22:104

Poole, Joyce

“Image Tagging Strategies for Business” (conf rpt), 22:33

Pope, Elspeth

“In Memoriam: Elspeth Pope” (Weaver), 21:89

“Liz Watson succeeds Elspeth Pope as ASI Archivist,” 9:38

“Resolution: Appreciation for Elspeth Pope, ASI Archivist,” 9:75

Poplak, Lorna

“Indexing, The Art Of: Toronto Workshop” (conf rpt), 20:104

popular culture

“Indexes in Popular Culture” (column), 8:84, 149; 10:78, 133

Porpa, Edyie

“In Memory: Edyie Porpa,” 16:79

“Portals Empower Corporations: Gathering, Organizing, Distributing Information” (McKinley) (rvw), 8:148

Possession, 11:30


“Index Potato Litmus Test,” 20:12

Potomac Indexing

“Transformation from Within” (Schacher) (conf rpt), 19:85

Power Index

“Digging In for the Long Haul: How to Get a Handle on the Embedded Word Indexing Utilities Out There” (Haskins), 13:51–56

Powers, Shelley

Practical RDF (rvw), 13:135

“Power Wording or How to Get Umph into Your Keywords” (From A to Zafran), 17:47–48

“Practical Design of Controlled Vocabularies” (Leise) (conf rpt), 13:89

“Practical Introduction to Indexing” (Wann) (conf rpt), 22:33 photo

“Practical Introduction to Indexing Workshop” (Strange) (conf rpt), 16:97

“A Practical Meeting Planner” (Schulzinger) (conf rpt), 14:99

Practical RDF (Powers) (rvw), 13:135

“Practical Taxonomy Creation” (Hedden), 22:153–154, 166

“Practice Indexes and Learning Indexing” (Kells), 10:67

Pravda, Elinor Lindheimer

“Farewell to Elinor Lindheimer Pravda” (Perlman), 23:33

“Pre-ASI Conference: ’Dinner with Someone New’ at Andreas’ ” (Schoun) (conf rpt), 19:82

“Pre-ASI Workshop: On the Ground SKY Indexing — with John Bealle” (Schoun) (conf rpt), 19:84

Preschel, Barbara

“Conference Pictures,” 15:70 photo

President’s Column

Coughlin, Maria, 13:76

“Progress on national business,” 14:4, 6

Evans, Dick, 8:114

“ASI in Wonderland,” 9:5

“Draining the Swamp,” 9:37–38

“Five-Year Plan,” 9:72–73

“Living in Interesting Times,” 8:194

“Please Do Not Harass the Duck, and Other Highlights of SI 2000,” 8:160

Gravitz, Ina, 22:14–15

“August, 2013,” 21:120–121

“December, 2013,” 21:149–150 (December)

“July, 2013,” 21:105

“June, 2013,” 21:87, 95

“May, 2013,” 21:75, 83

“November, 2013,” 21:148–149

“The Status of ASI,” 22:67–68 photo

Leise, Fred

“From the President’s Desk,” 16:76, 112; 17:4, 40

“Milestones,” 24(1):1

“Omnia Mutantur,” 23:69–70

“President’s Message,” 23:59

“Professionalism,” 23:146–147

“Renewal,” 24(2):2

Lennie, Frances, 19:40, 43

“Communication: It’s not just a two-way street, it’s a traffic circle!,” 12:4

“Farewell Message, from Frances,” 12:40

“From the President’s Desk,” 18:76, 112; 19:4, 34

“Report from Heathrow Airport, London, England,” 11:68

Maislin, Seth

“ASI: Prospective and Retrospective, a Presidential Perspective,” 14:112

“From the President’s Desk,” 15:4–5, 36, 38

“Let’s Buy a Minivan,” 14:76–77

Mertes, Kate, 10:88–89

“ASI Term Benefits,” 10:116–117

“From the President’s Desk,” 18:4, 11, 40, 43

“In the Bleak Midwinter,” 11:4

“Into Thin Air, for an Indexer: Defining and Hiking Towards Goals in a Rarified Climate,” 11:36

“Of Conferences and Chrysanthemums,” 10:144–146

Schroeder, Sandi, 8:4–5, 77–78

Shrout, Richard

“From the President’s Desk,” 19:72, 83, 108; 20:4–5, 40–41

Trantino, Charlee

“2014 Conference Address,” 22:5–6

“President’s Message,” 22:81–82, 92–93, 108, 121, 134, 147, 149, 160, 162; 23:18, 21, 31, 45

Weaver, Carolyn

“From the President’s Desk,” 15:68, 71, 104; 16:4–5, 40

Witt, Diana, 9:104–105, 136, 164; 10:32

“ASI Board Teleconference Report,” 10:4

“Final Reflections as ASI President,” 10:60

“President’s Message,” 24(3):3 photo; 24(4):3

Wyman, Pilar

“Everything’s Blooming!,” 21:55–56

“From the President’s Desk,” 20:76–77

“January 2013,” 21:3–4

“River Edition,” 21:77–78

“A Time to Give Thanks,” 20:112, 115

“Time to Spread Some Love!,” 21:23

“Tools of Change,” 21:39–40

Zafran, Enid

“Agenda for Action,” 12:76

“Salary Survey Results,” 13:4

“Summer Doldrums? Not for Indexers!,” 12:112

Presley, Paula

“Kudos to Key Words, continued” (letter), 11:70

Pressman, Cory

“Workshop: Indexing for Apps” (DeBoer) (conf rpt), 21:125–126

Presto, Linda

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops,” 19:11; 20:9 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops: Ctrl/Shift/Y,” 20:9 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops” (Leise), 18:7 photo

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops” (Presto and Jackson), 22:164 photo

Price, Gary

“Keynote Speaker, Gary Price” (conf rpt), 12:92

“Principles of Indexing” (Maislin) (conf rpt), 19:89

print on demand (POD)

“ASI NY Chapter Conference” (Manner), 18:10

pro bono indexing

“Behind Prison Walls, a Considerable Indexing Project is Underway” (Dunham), 15:116–119

“Kudos for Pacific Northwest Chapter Pro Bono Program,” 11:72

“Notes From a Newbie” (Barr), 21:16–18

“Showcasing Pro Bono Work and the Benefits of Collaboration” (Gravett and Nauman-Montana), 21:112–114, 112–114, 116, 116

“The Process of Building Taxonomies” (Earley) (conf rpt), 14:96

“Producing and Selling After-Market Indexes” (Mauer), 8:165

product reviews. see also New Products (column); software reviews

“Scanning Your Entries Automatically” (Wright), 8:105–106

“ASI 2000 Professional Activities and Salary Survey,” 8:5

“ASI 2004 Professional Activities and Salary Survey,” 13:18–21

professional development

“Building a Collage for Indexers and Bibliographers: photo albums, mirrors, magnifying glasses and crystal balls out of Africa,” 18:58–63, 70


“The ABCs of Indexing in the New Millennium: Part 4; A Conversation About Indexing with Nancy Mulvany” (Wyman, ed.), 9:141

Best Professional Practices (ASI), 12:81

“Professionalism” (Leise) (President’s Message), 23:146–147

“Professionalism in Indexing” (Coughlin and Nickerson) (conf rpt), 9:121

“Professional Standards for Indexers” (Mertes) (conf rpt), 9:125

professional recognition awards

“In Search of Excellence” (Coughlin, Patton, and Weaver) (conf rpt), 14:95

“A Profile of Tim Brookes” (Ashton), 20:28–29

“Programmatic Aids for Indexers: Document Comparison” (Natale) (conf rpt), 12:93–94

“Progress on national business” (Coughlin) (President’s File), 14:4, 6

“Project to investigate the effectiveness of indexing, as opposed to word search, in academic settings” (Lundy), 22:112


“Lost in Translation: Common Index Errors and Strategies to Avoid Them” (Houppert), 13:125–126


“Book Indexes in Metadata, an Interview with Patricia Payton (Bowker, Proquest) and Allison Feist (Proquest)” (Ream and Wyman), 24(2):16–21

Prout, Dave

“From A to Zafran: Scattered References, continued” (Zafran), 13:119

Indexing Biographies & Other Stories of Human Lives, 3rd edition (Bell) (rvw), 13:29–30

“Why Embedded Indexes Are Different, Not Better,” 12:134–136, 142

Providence, Rhode Island

“Conference Information” (Reveal), 19:59–61

“Providential Transformation: ASI Annual Conference 2011” (conf rpt), 19:81–97

“Psychological Issues in Indexing at Home” (Hornyak), 8:92–93

Public Knowledge Project (The University of British Columbia) (rvw), 10:164–165

public policy

“Indexing Political Science and Public Policy” (Patton, Smiley, McVey, and Zafran) (conf rpt), 13:92

“Indexing the Hard Stuff: Theology, Literary Criticism, and Public Policy” (Mertes and Towery) (conf rpt), 14:91

“Public Policy Indexing: Enid L. Zafran” (Daniel) (conf rpt), 18:84, 84 photo, 96

public relations/publicity. see also business issues; marketing

“ASI Exhibits at Trade Shows” (Mortensen), 8:35

Index Publicity Announcement, 10:150; 11:8, 40; 12:45

“PNW Chapter Staffs ASI Booth at National Publishing Conference” (Smith), 8:35

“Publicity — It’s Everybody’s Job” (Perlman) (Historic Keywords), 19:101–102

“Publicity Progress” (Mortensen), 8:97

Public Speaking Handbook for Librarians and Information Professionals (Statz) (rvw), 12:69

publishers and publishing. see also marketing; public relations/publicity

“ASI Exhibits at Trade Shows” (Mortensen), 8:35

The Business of Books (rvw), 10:49–52

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter: Fall 2011 Workshops,” 20:9

“Educating Publishers” (Coughlin), 8:47

“PNW Chapter Staffs ASI Booth at National Publishing Conference” (Smith), 8:35

“A Profile of Tim Brookes” (Ashton), 20:28–29

“What You Should Know About Book Publishing Today” (Fogelman) (conf rpt), 10:101

“A Publisher’s Job is to Provide a Good API for Books - You can start with your index.” (McGuire), 21:47–50

Publishing Technology Group (SI)

“International Committee of Representatives of Indexing Societies Report” (Russell), 20:102

“Publishing Technology Group Report,” 20:65


“ASI at PubWest 2016” (Henson) (From the Executive Director), 24(2):6 photo

“ASI Co-sponsors Networking Happy Hour at Tucson Festival of Books” (Perlman), 22:44

Pulitzer Prize

“Indexes in Books Awarded the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction, 1962-2008” (Sassen), 17:26–31

Purple Pen Award

“Frances Curry Wins Institute of Certified Indexers New Indexers Context,” 23:108

“Newbie Indexing Contest Continues in Third Year,” 24(3):28

“Sam Arnold-Boyd Wins the 2016 ICI Purple Pen Award for New Indexers” (Zafran), 24(4):25 photo

“Stephen Ullstrom Wins Institute of Certified Indexers New Indexers Context,” 22:138 photo

“Year 2 Contest Announced for New Indexers,” 23:60

Putrino, Rosalba

“ASI Conference Report,” 23:103 photo

“Put Your Index in Order” (Lindstrom) (rvw), 11:61


Indexing Word Search (Hoskin), 18:120

Pym, Barbara, 21:91–95