Key Words Index 2000 – 2016 (Vol. 8 – 24)

Locator format: vol. #: page #

Locators for 2016 (volume 24), wherein pagination was not continuous, also include the issue number in parentheses: vol. # (issue #): page #

This index was prepared and edited by Pilar Wyman, former Editor, Key Words, with the assistance of Laurie Hlavaty Holod, Vicki Austin, Amron Gravett, and Jean Bruce.


  • (conf rpt)—report of a professional meeting
  • (letter)—letter to the editor
  • (rvw)—review of a publication or product

See head note for further information.



H. W. Wilson Company

ASI/H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing. see Wilson Award

“New York Chapter Tours H. W. Wilson Company” (Fisher), 8:67

Hadden, R. Lee, 11:30


“A Bit of Indexing Haiku” (Roberts), 14:44

Hall, Amy

“Marketing Your Indexing Business,” 16:46, 59

“Mid- and South-Atlantic Chapter Report” (Binder), 18:44 photo

“Mid- and South-Atlantic Chapter Workshop at the National Library of Medicine” (Shear) (conf rpt), 17:46 photo

Halladay, Sylvia

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshop 2009: Practice, Support, and Practice” (Leise), 18:7 photo

Halliday, Jill

“The Challenging Future of Indexing” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 19:33

"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135 photo

“International Indexing Panel” (Pincoe, Alakus, Cronshaw, Diepeveen, Fassbender, Halliday, and Saint-André) (conf rpt), 14:95

Halliday, John

Anthology for the Millennium (rvw), 8:105

Hallinger, Linda

Sibley’s Birding Basics (Sibley) (rvw), 11:124

Halteman, Jenny

“Traveling and Indexing: Interviews with Experienced Indexers” (Drialo), 18:125–129

Hamelin, Edward P.

Member News (column), 12:45

Hamilton, Donna

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Meeting” (Walker) (conf rpt), 20:116–117 photo

Hamilton, Lee

“Indexing Boot Camp: A Review” (Ewald) (rvw), 19:23

Hamilton-White, D’Ann

“ASI Conference Report,” 23:88–89

Hammer, David

“Chicago/Great Lakes Lunch Chat and Spring and Fall and Workshop Plans,” 17:44

“A Model Retrospective Newspaper Index,” 16:85–89, 106

Hammond, Sarah

“Publishing Technology Group Report” (SI), 20:65

Handbook of Indexing Techniques: A Guide for Beginning Indexers (Fetters)

“Comparison of Textbooks and Specialty Books on Indexing” (Fetters), 21:155

Hanks, Bonnie

ASI Board 2008, 16:76 photo, 103 photo

“Board Members” (Mertes), 18:122

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshops” (Presto), 19:11, 11 photo

“From the President’s Desk” (Lennie), 18:112

“MSA Chapter News” (Swope), 16:81

“Report on the Society of Indexers (SI) Conference,” 18:137

“Streamlining Our Work Processes” (Krumholz) (conf rpt), 18:82–83, 82 photo

Hanks, Ellen Todd

“Indexing the San Antonio Register; A Historical Source for African-Americans” (Fetters and Hanks) (conf rpt), 10:102

“South Central Chapter Meeting/Workshop” (Matson) (conf rpt), 16:8

Hansard indexing

“Parliamentary Indexing” (McClung, Kotler, Cartmell, Chan, Dunlop, Hudson, and Ream) (conf rpt), 14:96

HAPI (Hispanic American Periodicals Index)

“Rising to the Challenge: Staying Competitive at a Non-Profit Periodicals Index” (Mazurkiewicz and Gutierrez) (conf rpt), 13:95–96

“Happy New Year!” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 13:5

Harper, Mary

“ASI Conference Recognition” (Lennie) (conf rpt), 19:86

“Digital Trends Task Force” (ASI News), 19:111

“From the President’s Desk” (Shrout), 20:6, 40–41

“IDPF EPUB Indexes Working Group update” (Browne), 20:139

“Legal Indexing SIG Report,” 19:12

“The Legal Indexing SIG” (Sosnowski), 16:44

“Legal SIG Updates: A Note from Mary Harper,” 20:13

Marketing Your Indexing Services, 3rd edition (Leach, ed.), 19:49

“President’s File” (Lennie) (column), 19:40, 43

Harper, Richard

“Chapter Report: A to Zia New Mexico Indexers,” 20:82 photo

Harpring, Patricia

Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies: Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works (rvw), 18:140–141

Harris, Nora

“2002 ASI Annual Conference Report, from Galveston, TX” (conf rpt), 10:102–104

“Locating and Evaluating Online Indexing Resources” (conf rpt), 13:92

“New Webmasters” (Lane and Harris), 12:43

Public Speaking Handbook for Librarians and Information Professionals (Statz) (rvw), 12:69

Harrison, Larry

“Congratulations to our 2014 Order of the Kohlrabi award winners,” 22:69

“From the President’s Desk” (Lennie), 18:112

“NASCAR Indexing: Creating and Maintaining Speed” (Mertes) (conf rpt), 13:98–99

“The NLM Indexing Initiative” (Aronson) (conf rpt), 12:97–98

“Usability Study of Web Indexes at an Academic Institution” (Kingsley) (conf rpt), 13:97

Hartshorn, Erin

“What if I Can’t Be in Two Places at Once? Planning Your Time at the ASI Annual Conference” (conf rpt), 9:56–59

Haskins, Lucie, 24(1):14 photo

“ASI Co-sponsors Networking Happy Hour at Tucson Festival of Books” (Perlman), 22:44 photo

“ASI/EIS Publishing Award for Excellence in Indexing Call for Submissions,” 22:150, 163; 23:5

“ASI Online Learning: Learning about KPS (Kerntiff Publishing Systems) Indexing-related Plugins for InDesign” webinar, 23:47

“Conference Report: Newbies in Albuquerque -- Reflections on Their First ASI Conference,” 8:136–139

“Conference Reports – The Fun Stuff,” 9:129

“Demystifying IndexDeconstructor,” 18:20–26

“Digging In for the Long Haul: How to Get a Handle on the Embedded Word Indexing Utilities Out There,” 13:51–56

“ASI Election Results 2005: New Members of the ASI Board of Directors,” 13:79, 82

“Embedded Indexing in InDesign Webinar,” 22:126–127

“From the President’s Desk” (Lennie), 18:112

“From the President’s Desk” (Mertes), 18:11

“From the President’s Desk” (Shrout), 20:40–41

“Indexes vs. Indices: A summary of postings on Index-L” (Mauer and Haskins, Wyman ed.), 13:127

“Indexing in FrameMaker Without Tearing Your Hair Out,” 12:130–133

“Indexing with InDesign” (Delaney) (conf rpt), 20:94 photos

Index It Right! Advice from the Experts, Volume 2 (Perlman and Zafran, eds.) (rvw), 18:142

IXMLembedder Utility (rvw), 24(3):29–30

“New ASI Webmaster!” (Haskins, Lane, Weaver), 13:43

“New Webmasters” (Lane and Harris), 12:43

“The Pacific Northwest Chapter Conference Report” (Staigmiller), 21:151

“Repagination Projects: Knowing When to Walk Away and Knowing When to Run,” 18:27–31

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Annual Meeting” (conf rpt), 20:81

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Conference” (Strange) (conf rpt), 17:9 photos

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Workshop” (Niederhoff) (conf rpt), 22:140 photos

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Strange), 16:118 photo

“Save the Date – ASI Announces New Online Training Program,” 22:111

“Save the Date! Embedded Indexing in Indesign webinar,” 22:141

“Thank you!” (Reveal) (conf rpt), 20:86

“A Time to Give Thanks” (Wyman), 20:115

“Have a Phrase Handy” (Zafran), 15:15–16

Hawkins, Donald T.

“Bibliometrics of electronic journals in information science” (rvw), 10:164

Haynes, Kathleen

“Development of Controlled Vocabularies for Moving Image Documents (MIDs)” (conf rpt), 8:131

Hays, Keara

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall Workshop 2009: Practice, Support, and Practice” (Leise), 18:7 photo

headnotes. see introductory notes

health, indexers

“The Indexer’s A-Z Guide to Fitness” (London) (conf rpt), 15:78–81, 87

“Indexing May Be Hazardous to Your Health” (Hornyak), 20:56–57 illus

“Transformation from Within” (Schacher) (conf rpt), 19:85

health insurance

ASI Member Health Insurance Program, 15:106

“Health Sciences Indexing” (Weaver) (conf rpt), 12:92

Healy, Benjamin

“Benjamin Healy, ’Who’s Who’ Indexer, The Atlantic magazine” (conf rpt), 13:88–89

Heartland Chapter

“Another Heartland Author: The Plot Thickens” (Murray), 21:80–81

attendees at the 2001 Providence ASI Annual Conference, 19:91 photo

“Bestsellers in the Heartland” (Murray), 21:9

“Fall 2013 Meeting: Playing the Marketing Game with Sue Klefstad” (Klefstad), 21:124

“Heartland Chapter Fall Workshops, 2008” (Seckman), 17:11

“Heartland Chapter Meeting Plans: “Evaluating Indexes” with Margie Towery” (Murray), 21:58

“Heartland Chapter Profile,” 8:64–65

“Heartland Chapter Report,” 18:13

“Heartland Chapter Report” (Seckman), 16:80

“Heartlands” (Seckman), 15:40

Hedden, Heather, 20:90 photo

“About Our Conference Report Contributors,” 18:81, 81 photo

The Accidental Taxonomist (rvw), 18:141

Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Volume 39 (rvw), 13:105–106

“ASI Conference Report” (Hamilton-White), 23:89 photo

“ASI Conference Session on Taxonomies” (conf rpt), 20:31

“ASI/ISC-SCI 2016 Chicago Conference” (Arnold-Boyd), 24(4):8–9 photo

ASIS&T Thesaurus of Information Science, Technology, and Librarianship, Third edition (Redmond-Neal and Hlava) (rvw), 16:139–141

“Back of the Book Indexing and Thesaurus Creation: A Comparison,” 20:49–51

“Board Election results for 2015,” 23:32

book signing, photo

“Breakout Session 5: Designing a Web Site for Freelance Indexing Services (Presenter: Heather Hedden)” (conf rpt), 15:83 photo

“Bridging the Great Indexing Divide” (Redmond-Neal), 16:127

“Case Studies in HTML Indexing” (Hedden, Cooper, Craven, Lemmens, Ream, and Wyman) (conf rpt), 14:94–95

“Conference Review: Society for Scholarly Publishing,” 16:124–125

“Creating Website Indexes” (conf rpt), 14:99

“Creating Web Site Indexes” (Hedden Information Management) (rvw), 13:136–138

“The Curious Lives of Full-Time Taxonomists” (Hedden), 23:154–155

“Designing a Web Site for Freelance Indexing Services” (conf rpt), 15:82–83

“From the Editor of The Indexer” (MacGlashan), 16:68

“From the President’s Desk” (Mertes), 18:11

“How Not to Taxonomize: Alice Redmond-Neal” (conf rpt), 18:91

“Indexer Locator Committee Report” (Ste Marie), 16:78

Indexing Names (Bridge, ed.) (rvw), 20:105–106

Indexing Specialties: Web Sites (rvw), 15:132–133

“Comparison of Textbooks and Specialty Books on Indexing” (Fetters), 21:159

Index It Right! Advice from the Experts, Volume 2 (Perlman and Zafran, eds.) (rvw), 18:142

Information Consulting: Guide to Good Practice (Wormell, Olesen and Mikulás) (rvw), 20:69–70

Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies: Terminology for Art, Architecture, and Other Cultural Works (Harpring) (rvw), 18:140–141

“Marketing your Indexing Business – A Panel Discussion on What Works and What Doesn’t” (Dunn) (conf rpt), 18:79

Metadata for Digital Resources: Implementation, Systems Design and Interoperability (Foulonneau and Riley) (rvw), 17:33–34

“NEASI Chapter Report for Fall Meeting 2010: From Indexer to Accidental Taxonomist” (Dunn), 19:9, 12

“New Taxonomies & Controlled Vocabularies SIG approved,” 16:44

“New Taxonomies & Controlled Vocabularies SIG website,” 16:11

“Opportunities in Freelance Taxonomy Work,” 22:165–167

Organising Knowledge: Taxonomies, Knowledge and Organisational Effectiveness (Lambe) (rvw), 15:130–132

“Practical Taxonomy Creation,” 22:153–154, 166

“President’s Message” (Trantino), 22:160

“Proposed New ASI SIGs,” 15:71, 92

“Recollections of a New Author: ASI Book Serves as Stepping Stone to Paid Information Today, Inc., Book,” 18:55–57

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Drialo), 16:43

“A SIG for Digital Publications Indexing,” 24(4):10

Structures for Organizing Knowledge (Abbas) (rvw), 20:140–141

The Taxobook (Hlava) (rvw), 24(2):25–26

“Taxonomy and Thesaurus Creation Workshop” (Strange) (conf rpt), 16:98

“Taxonomy Boot Camp” (conf rpt), 16:30–31

“Taxonomy Tuesdays,” 19:56

“Two Proposed New SIGs Set up Online Discussion Groups,” 15:112

“Web Indexing Special Interest Group,” 13:43

“Website Indexing, A-Z: A Report on the Presentation of November 11, 2007” (Diltz), 16:25

“Website Indexing: The Evolution and Legacy of an Online Course,” 21:31–32

“Website Indexing Comes to The Netherlands” (van der Laan), 15:121

“Web Site Indexing SIG - The Most International SIG,” 15:43

“Winners of the 2008 Web Indexing SIG Award” (McCurdy-Crooks), 16:82

“Writing for ASI” (Reveal) (conf rpt), 15:86, 86 photo

XRefHT32 (rvw), 13:141–142

Hedges, Jennifer

Ewart-Daveluy Indexing Award, 23:93 photo

Heffernan, John

“Dancing Backwards in High Heels: An Introduction to Database Indexing” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 10:70–74

Heinrich, Virginia

“Will Someone Read This? Writing Abstracts that Work: Virginia Heinrich” (Richardson) (conf rpt), 18:86, 94

“Hello Again” (Lundy) (Editor’s File), 23:83

“Helping Too Much” (From A to Zafran), 23:75–77

Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library

“Nursing Knowledge Indexes” (rvw), 8:147

Henein, Louise

“Who’s Joining ASI and Why” (Dunham), 11:42

Henselmeier, Sandra

“Usability Testing at Macmillan USA” (Ryan and Henselmeier), 8:189, 199–202

Hensher, Philip

The Fit (rvw), 13:30

Henson, Chris

“ASI Conference Recognition” (Lennie) (conf rpt), 19:86

Henson, Gwen, 24(3):11 photo

“ASI Conference Report,” 23:88–89 photo, 102 photo

“ASI Co-sponsors Networking Happy Hour at Tucson Festival of Books” (Perlman), 22:44

“ASI/ISC-SCI 2016 Chicago Conference” (Arnold-Boyd), 24(4):8–9 photos

“Executive Director’s Report,” 21:135

“From the Executive Director,” 22:4, 83; 23:1

“From the Executive Director: ASI at PubWest 2016,” 24(2):6 photo

“From the Executive Director: ASI Board Plans for the Future,” 24(4):6–7

“My Kind of Town, Chicago,” 24(1):15 photos

“President’s Message” (Trantino), 22:147, 149

“The Status of ASI” (Gravitz), 22:67–68

“Here’s How Indexing Could Evolve with Ebooks” (Wikert), 24(3):13

Hernandez, Susan Danzi

“Getting Started: Resume Strategies for the New Indexer,” 8:208–212

“A Marketing Action Plan,” 8:89–91

Marketing Your Indexing Services, 3rd edition (Leach, ed.), 19:49

“Slow Pay/No Pay Strategies” (Hernandez), 11:49–50

Heung, Lai Lam

“The Glory and the Nothing of a Name” (Kwilos) (conf rpt), 20:88

Hider, Philip

“2015 Write | Edit | Index Conference” (Wright) (conf rpt), 23:92

“Hierarchical Relationships in Indexes” (Brown), 11:113–115

Hightower, Paul

“From the President’s Desk” (Weaver), 16:40

“Open Credentialing Committee” (Coughlin, Mertes, Weaver, and Hightower) (conf rpt), 14:98–99

Hilgenberg, Sharon

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Fall 2011 Workshops: Ctrl/Shift/Y,” 20:9 photo

Hill, Gerard

“Indexing Achievements Recognized: Wheatley Medal 2012” (Kingdom), 20:137

“The Hillary Index” (Borowitz), 9:89

Hinchey, Melanie

“Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter Spring Practicum” (Jackson) (conf rpt), 16:43 photo

Hines Award

“Call for Nominations,” 12:114; 13:8; 15:9, 127; 16:114; 17:8; 18:6; 21:6, 26; 22:5, 16, 150, 162; 23:4, 120; 24(1):14

Fetters, Linda

“Hines Award Acceptance Speech,” 9:108

“Hines Award Presentation to Linda Fetters” (Weinberg), 9:106–107

“From the President’s Desk” (Lennie), 18:112

Gravitz, Ina

“2016 Hines Award Acceptance Speech,” 24(3):8

“Hines Award Recipient for 2016” (Schroeder), 24(3):7

“Hines Award: Deadline March 1, 2003,” 10:150; 11:10

“Hines Award: Deadline March 1, 2004,” 11:103; 12:7

Leach, Anne

“ASI Honors Anne Leach as 2003 Hines Award Recipient,” 11:76

“Hines Award 2003 Acceptance Speech: Elongating Your Lifespan,” 11:78

“Hines Award 2003 Presentation to Anne Leach” (Fetters), 11:76–77

“Kudos to Anne Leach!” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 11:69

Lennie, Frances, 23:120 photo

“Hines Award Acceptance,” 13:81

“Hines Award 2005 Presentation” (Mertes), 13:80

Mertes, Kate, 22:102 photos, 103 photos; 23:120 photo

“Announcement of Hines Award Recipient for 2014: Kate Mertes,” 22:45 photo

Milstead, Jessica

“ASI Honors Jessica Milstead, 2002 Hines Award Recipient,” 10:92

“Hines and Wilson Award Winners for 2002 Announced,” 10:62

“Hines Award Acceptance Speech,” 10:94

“Hines Award Presentation to Jessica Milstead” (Fetters), 10:92–93

Mulvany, Nancy

“Hines Award Acceptance,” 8:122, 124

Osgood, Martha

“Hines Award Introductory Speech” (Wenzel), 16:99, 103

“In Appreciation of Your Appreciation,” 16:99, 103

Palmer, Robert J.

“ASI Honors Robert J. Palmer as 2004 Hines Award Recipient” (Anderson), 12:43

“Hines Award 2004 Presentation to Robert Palmer,” 12:84

“Introduction to Robert J. Palmer, Hines Award 2004 Recipient” (Rooney), 12:84–85

Perlman, Janet, 23:120 photo

“American Society of Indexers Selects 2006 Hines Award Recipient,” 14:43

“Hines Award Acceptance Speech,” 14:80–81

“Theodore C. Hines Award for 2006 Presentation Speech” (Mertes), 14:79

Schroeder, Sandi

“Hines Award 2007 Announcement” (Mertes), 15:93, 96

Weaver, Carolyn

“Carolyn Weaver Wins Hines Award,” 23:34, 120 photo; 24(1):14 photo

“Hines Award Remarks,” 23:73–74, 73 photo

Wright, Jan C., 23:120 photo

Zafran, Enid L., 23:120 photo

“Enid Zafran: Acceptance Speech — Hines Award,” 18:99 photo, 106

“Hines Award Presentation” (Patton), 18:98 photo

Hinrichs, Berkeley

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Report” (Walls and Jones), 18:8 photo

Hirschman, Rudy

“The Challenging Future of Indexing” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 19:30


MetaPackager, 8:218

Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)

“Rising to the Challenge: Staying Competitive at a Non-Profit Periodicals Index” (Mazurkiewicz and Gutierrez) (conf rpt), 13:95–96

Historic Keywords (column)

“Do You Have an Indexer Personality?” (Stauber), 19:134

“Publicity — It’s Everybody’s Job” (Perlman), 19:101–102

history: indexing

“Behind Prison Walls, a Considerable Indexing Project is Underway” (Dunham), 15:116–119

“Historical Indexing, in the News,” 9:80

“History Indexing: Bringing the Past into the Future” (Rogers) (conf rpt), 19:84

“How to Index Conventions and Treaties” (From A to Zafran), 20:118–120, 142

“Indexing Historical Documents” (Perlman) (conf rpt), 22:32

“Indexing the San Antonio Register; A Historical Source for African-Americans” (Fetters and Hanks) (conf rpt), 10:102

“More Notes From a Newbie: The Continuing Saga of a Newbie Indexing an Historical Periodical” (Barr), 22:115–118

“’Raising’ Rochester History: The History of an Index” (Aslin), 9:76–82

“Reconceptualizing the Old West: A Tale of Two Indexes” (Cronshaw), 11:120–122

“Reflections on My Life as an Indexer, and the Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789” (Smith), 9:114–115

“Solving Puzzles: Compiling the Cumulative Index for the Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789” (Gephart), 9:112–113

The History and Heritage of Scientific and Technological Information Systems (Rayward and Bowden, Editors) (rvw), 14:62–67

History-Archaeology SIG

“History-Archaeology Special Interest Group” (Gottlieb), 15:113

“History Indexing: Bringing the Past into the Future” (conf rpt), 19:84

“SIG Information: History/Business” (Weaver), 19:48

history of indexing

“A Brief History of the American Society for Indexing” (Rooney), 16:135–137, 142

“The Golden Age of Indexing” (Fetters), 8:205

“Great Moments in Indexing” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 8:156

“Hines Award Acceptance Speech” (Fetters), 9:108

“Hines Award Acceptance Speech” (Milstead), 10:94

“Hines Award Presentation to Jessica Milstead” (Fetters), 10:92–93

“A History of Indexing Style” (Lennie and Mertes) (conf rpt), 8:131

“The History of Indexing” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 9:4

Hitchcock, Jayne A.

“Conference Dinner and Keynote Address: The Wild Wild Web: Staying Safe Online” (Matheu) (conf rpt), 15:72

“Conference Pictures,” 15:91 photo

“Hitting the High Notes” (From A to Zafran), 20:46–48, 54

Hlava, Marjorie M.K.

The Taxobook (rvw), 24(2):25–26

Hock, Randolph

The Extreme Searcher’s Internet Handbook, 3rd Edition (rvw), 18:68–69

Yahoo! to the Max: An Extreme Searcher Guide (rvw), 13:135–136

Hogan, Brian

“Ten for Ten: Perfecting Our Craft — ISC/SCI Annual Conference, May 26-27, 2010” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 18:136

Hogan, Margaret, 19:84

Holbert, Susan

“How to Make More Money” (conf rpt), 9:125–126

“NEASI Hosts Prize-Winning Indexer-Writer Glenda Browne” (Blough) (conf rpt), 16:10

Holmes, Olive Cousins, 11:103

Holmes, Sherlock

The Alternative Sherlock Holmes: Pastiches, Parodies and Copies (Watt and Green), 13:69

Holtzinger, Lori

“Mid-South Atlantic (MSAC) Chapter Report” (Binder), 18:44 photo

home: indexing from

“Indexing May Be Hazardous to Your Health” (Hornyak), 20:56–57 illus

“Psychological Issues in Indexing at Home” (Hornyak), 8:92–93

Hornyak, Becky

“Getting Paid” (Zafran) (conf rpt), 18:97

Indexes in the News (column), 13:132

“Indexing May Be Hazardous to Your Health,” 20:56–57 illus

“MSA Chapter Honors Index Appreciation Day,” 20:12 photos

“MSA Chapter Information,” 20:43

“Psychological Issues in Indexing at Home,” 8:92–93

“Report: ASI/MSA Chapter News April/May 08” (Swope), 16:81

“Streamlining Our Work Processes: Connie Binder, Becky Hornyak and Bonnie Hanks” (Krumholz) (conf rpt), 18:82–83, 82 photo

horticultural indexing

Editor’s File (Reveal) (column), 20:41

Horton, Jane

"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135

Hoskin, Benjamin

Indexing Word Search, 18:120

Hoskin, Christine

Editor’s File (Reveal), 18:113

“The New England and Western New York ASI Chapters Fall Meeting” (Guiliano), 23:121–123 photo

“Hot! Hot!! Hot!!! ASI’s 32nd Annual Conference” (Evans), 8:54–55

Hotimlanska, Leah

ASI Training in Indexing course markers, 14:81

“Heartland Chapter Report” (Seckman), 16:80

Houppert, Anne Marie

“Lost in Translation: Common Index Errors and Strategies to Avoid Them,” 13:125–126

“Strategies for Sizing an Index, Part One: Before and During the Indexing Process,” 16:28–29

“Strategies for Sizing an Index, Part Two: After the Index Is Completed,” 16:47–48

House of Commons (Canada)

“Interview with Bruce Hubbard, of Canada’s House of Commons Information Management Unit” (Wyman, ed.), 14:125–126, 142

Howard, Angela

“ASI Co-sponsors Networking Happy Hour at Tucson Festival of Books” (Perlman), 22:44 photo

“ASI So. Cal. Chapter Meeting Recap: October 26, 2013” (Barr and Howard) (conf rpt), 21:154 (December)

“Rocky Mountain Chapter Fall Workshop” (Niederhoff) (conf rpt), 22:140 photo

“Southern California Chapter Winter Workshop Evaluating Indexes: A Fresh Perspective for Indexers,” 22:152; 23:6, 35 photo

“Southern California Fall Chapter Meeting” (Barr), 20:10 photo

“Tea Time with the Southern California Chapter” (Barr) (conf rpt), 22:72 photo

“How Can We Take A Socio-Cognitive Approach in Teaching Indexing and Abstracting?” (Fourie) (conf rpt), 11:88–89

“How do I index thee? Indexers count the ways: Part I” (Kells, ed.), 12:54–57

“How do I index thee? Indexers count the ways: Part II” (Kells, ed.), 12:124–126

“How Do People Evaluate a Web Site’s Credibility? Results from a Large Study” (rvw), 11:60–61

“How Many Hats do You Wear?” (Humphreys), 17:24–25, 32

“How Not to Taxonomize: Alice Redmond-Neal” (Hedden) (conf rpt), 18:91

“How to Attend an ASI Conference” (Schaefer), 11:41

“How to Be the Newspaper of Record” (Tifft and Jones), 10:23

how-to books

“Lick the Needle, Not the Thread: A How-to Guide for How-to Books” (Badgett), 12:127–129

“How to Handle Illustrative Materials: Max McMaster” (Ewald) (conf rpt), 18:86 photo

“How to Index Conventions and Treaties” (From A to Zafran), 20:118–120, 142

How to make an index (Wheatley) (rvw), 12:63–65

“How to Make More Money” (Holbert) (conf rpt), 9:125–126

“How to Start Your Freelance Indexing Business: A Personal Reflection” (White) (conf rpt), 19:95

“How to Start Your Indexing Business: Sandi Frank” (Ewald) (conf rpt), 18:89 photo

“How to Translate an Index from English to Another Language” (Rooney), 14:25, 34

HTML indexing

“Basic HTML for Indexers” (Radebaugh) (conf rpt), 9:122

“Case Studies in HTML Indexing” (Hedden, Cooper, Craven, Lemmens, Ream, and Wyman) (conf rpt), 14:94–95

“Creating Website Indexes” (Hedden) (conf rpt), 14:99

HTML Indexing Course, Broccoli Information Management (rvw), 9:182–183

“Repurposing Print Indexes for the Web” (Ream), 19:16–18

XRefHT32 (rvw), 13:141–142

Hubbard, Bruce

“Interview with Bruce Hubbard, of Canada’s House of Commons Information Management Unit” (Wyman, ed.), 14:125–126, 142

Hudoba, Teresa A. (Teri), 16:102 photo

“Access to the World of Legal Material: AustLII (Australasian Legal Information Institute),,” 8:213–214

ASI Board 2007, 16:98 photo

ASI Board 2008, 16:76 photo

“ASI Conference Recognition” (Lennie) (conf rpt), 19:86

“ASI Elections, 2006: New Members of the ASI Board of Directors,” 14:79

ASI Training in Indexing course markers, 14:81

Chapter Report Twin Cities Chapter”, 18:48

“From the President’s Desk” (Weaver), 16:40

“Introducing the New Officers,” 15:68 photo

“Revitalizing Your Chapter Meetings” (Dunn) (conf rpt), 18:87

“Subcontracting Panel” (Wenzel) (conf rpt), 16:97

“Tips from CINDEX™ Users” (Hudoba, Patton, Roberts, and Smiley) (conf rpt), 12:94

“Twin Cities Chapter: Fall Workshop Report” (Baker), 19:8, 8 photo

“Twin Cities Chapter Report: Experienced Indexers Share Wealth of Knowledge” (Brazel), 18:9

Hudon, Michèle

“Ten for Ten: Perfecting Our Craft — ISC/SCI Annual Conference, May 26-27, 2010” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 18:135–138

Hudson, Ann

“Collaborate and Innovate: SfEP/SI First Joint Conference, 5–7 September 2015, York, England” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 23:141–143

"An Indexing Olympiad: International Perspectives" (Wyman) (conf rpt), 20:133–135 photo

Hudson, Brenda

“Parliamentary Indexing” (McClung, Kotler, Cartmell, Chan, Dunlop, Hudson, and Ream) (conf rpt), 14:96

Huerster, Robert

“Indexing the Consumer’s Union Web Site” (conf rpt), 9:125

Hughes, Sharon

“AND... now for something completely different: An Informal Start-up Survey” (Hughes), 11:51

“ASI Salary Survey 2004 – Executive Summary” (Hughes and Wyman, ed.), 13:16–17

“The Human-Written Index: Why It Will Survive,“ LOGOS (Mulvany) (rvw), 13:32


“An American in Glasgow Sings” (Jensen), 11:122

“Book Indexing Part 1 and Part 2” (Saller), 20:100–101

“Conference Reports – The Fun Stuff” (Haskins), 9:129

“Disclaimer” (Wyman) (Editor’s File), 8:76

“Funny Stuff” (Franke), 8:81

“The Hillary Index” (Borowitz), 9:89

“Humor in Indexing” (Klein) (letter), 8:159

“Humor in Indexing -- A Sampling of Entries,” 8:83

“The Index Embraces Its Silly Side” (Beam), 13:68–69

“Indexer Traits or the Indexer Silly Survey of the Month,” 8:94

“Indexing Jokes From Albuquerque” (Lennie), 8:140

“Indexing the Totally MAD CD-ROM Archive” (Brodsky) (conf rpt), 8:130–131

“The Joy of Work ... for Information Professionals” (Urquhart) (conf rpt), 11:91

Kohlrabi Indexers Day, 9:129

“’Owed’ to the IRS Madams and SIRS From an Indexing Mind that Incessantly WhIRS” (Klein), 8:51

“Rachel’s Realizations of Freelance Indexing” (Rice), 8:93

“Richardson’s Theory of Inherent Informational Conflict” (Richardson), 9:147

“Searching for Spies, a Review of the SEARCH-O-METER, the “question authority“ index to Totally MAD, a 7-CD-ROM collection of every issue of MAD Magazine” (Patton), 8:73, 80–82

“Sweet Humor from Scott Smiley” (Smiley), 19:48

Humphreys, Nancy

“Golden Gate Chapter Report” (Patterson) (conf rpt), 16:9

“How Many Hats do You Wear?,” 17:24–25, 32

“Indexing on the Web” (letter), 9:165–167

“Looking for Hazel Bell” (Adase), 19:24–26

“Mind Maps: Proposed Hot New Tools for Cyberspace Librarians” (rvw), 8:29

“Whither the eBook Without the Index!,” 20:19–21, 24

Humphreys, Susanne M.

“Automated Indexing” (Humphreys) (letter), 8:157–159

“Automatic Indexing of Documents from Journal Descriptors: A Preliminary Investigation” (rvw), 8:103

Hundt, GeriLee

“The Joy of Cookbook Indexing” (Wenzel) (conf rpt), 11:25–26

Hunter, Margaret

“Collaborate and Innovate: SfEP/SI First Joint Conference, 5–7 September 2015, York, England” (Wyman) (conf rpt), 23:141–143

Huse, Hannah

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) (column), 8:66–67, 102, 145, 149, 177–178, 217; 9:27–28, 63–64, 96

Hyatt, Candace

“Indexers in the News” (column), 13:82

Hyslop, Marjorie, 10:55