ASI Indexer Jobs Hotline Submission Form

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A FREE Service for Publishers, Authors, and ASI Members

ASI wants to provide as many methods as possible for indexers and clients to find each other, just as a good indexer wants to give the reader as many routes to information as possible. The Jobs Hotline and the Indexer Locator provide two complementary ways to list a job or to find an indexer.

If you need to find an indexer and would like to advertise the opening here, just complete the job form. Ads are only accepted for positions containing the words indexer or indexing and from organizations or individuals that identify themselves. Ads will be sent by e-mail to ASI members who have expressed interest in job postings. The Indexer Jobs Hotline is a free service provided by the American Society for Indexing.

Jobs Hotline Submission

Job Title: *

On Site? (Indicate whether or not job is on site) *

Job Status (required): *

Salary/Payment: *

Contact: *

Your Address: *

Your Address 2:

Your City: *

Your State/Province: *

Your ZIP/Postal Code: *

Your Country: *

Business Phone: *


Your Email: *

Your Website:

Description: * Describe the job in as much detail as necessary. You may include
information about the type of material, intended audience, time requirements,
index specifications, or software requirements.

Experience: * Specify amount of experience, subject area background, or
special knowledge or skills required. Since the number of responses to a
job posting can be large, it helps to state your needs explicitly.

By clicking the submit button below, you authorize ASI to share
the information you have provided with indexers who have
requested information about jobs posted here.

Security Code *
Please type the Security Code shown above in the box above.
Note: the characters are case-sensitive