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Your Education search returned 62 matches.
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Caitlin Morgan
Caitlin Morgan
Morgan Indexing
Albany, Oregon United States
Professional indexing services that will add value to your book and help readers locate the content you have worked so hard to create. 10+ years working in higher education combined Details...
Cheryl Lenser
Cheryl Lenser
Greenfield, Indiana United States
I’ve worked in publishing for over 25 years, primarily indexing all levels of computer books but also many political science and business titles, high school and college textbooks, and travel Details...
Carolyn Weaver
Carolyn Weaver
Weaver Indexing Service
Bellevue, Washington USA
As a former academic medical librarian with a second Master’s in Public Administration, I offer over 20 years’ experience as an indexer of health, behavioral, and social sciences books and Details...
Devon Thomas, MILS
Devon Thomas, MILS
Chelsea, Michigan USA
A professional indexer since 2006, I provide back-of-the-book, embedded, and database indexing in a wide range of subjects, including history, literary criticism, business, cookbooks, and education. A generalist by nature, Details...
Thomas Kiefer, Ph.D.
Thomas Kiefer, Ph.D.
Logos Indexing LLC
Solon, Ohio United States
I am a professionally trained indexer with over four years of experience and a PhD in philosophy focused on ethics. I entered the world of indexing following seven years of Details...
Belle Tuten, PhD
Belle Tuten, PhD
Tuten Indexing
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania United States
I am a PhD in history and index both academic and creative nonfiction works. 27 years of academic experience–you can trust me with your book! Humanities and social sciences a Details...
Laura Abed, MLS
Laura Abed, MLS
Westmont Indexing
West Hartford, Connecticut, United States
At Westmont Indexing, I create thorough and accurate indexes that ensure your book’s content will be accessible to your readers. My work is delivered on time and to your specifications Details...
Mylinh Hamlington
Mylinh Hamlington
Mountain to Sea Indexing
Altadena, California United States
I am a former public children’s librarian/manager and current back-of-the-book indexer. The index that I will create for you will not only enhance your book but will also strengthen the Details...
Caryn Sobel
Caryn Sobel
Sobel Writing Services
Anne Arundel, Maryland USA
Sobel Writing Services provides accurate and thorough indexes, delivered on time, to your specifications, and in your desired format. My background includes sciences, geography, history, gender studies, and medicine, and Details...
Amron Lehte
Amron Lehte
Wild Clover Book Services
Tucson, Arizona USA
Full-time freelance indexer for Wild Clover Book Services (2011– present) INDEXING SERVICE DETAILS I fulfill spec, communicate clearly, and maintain a high level of professionalism with every client. * Back Details...
Maria Sullivan
Maria Sullivan
Maria A. Sullivan Indexing
Greenfield, Massachusetts USA
Michele Combs
Michele Combs
Carpe Indexum
LaFayette, New York USA

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