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Your Anthropology search returned 54 matches.
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Your Anthropology search returned 54 matches.
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Marilyn Anderson, PhD
Bozeman, Montana USA
Experienced full-time indexer. Wide range of books and materials indexed. Specialty in scientific, medical, and environmental topics. PhD in Biological Sciences, minor in Classics. Additional subject fields include arts, business, Details...
Bozeman, Montana USA
Experienced full-time indexer. Wide range of books and materials indexed. Specialty in scientific, medical, and environmental topics. PhD in Biological Sciences, minor in Classics. Additional subject fields include arts, business, Details...
Molly Hall
Hammonton, New Jersey USA
Over 25 years creating precise and concise indexes with particular expertise in the fields of behavior sciences, environmental/natural sciences, sustainable living, education, gender studies, life sciences, social/cultural history and theory, Details...
Hammonton, New Jersey USA
Over 25 years creating precise and concise indexes with particular expertise in the fields of behavior sciences, environmental/natural sciences, sustainable living, education, gender studies, life sciences, social/cultural history and theory, Details...
Laura Shelley
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
I produce fast, accurate, professional back-of-the-book indexes that can help sell books. My academic training is in history, education, library science and the humanities. Long time interests include: pet care, Details...
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
I produce fast, accurate, professional back-of-the-book indexes that can help sell books. My academic training is in history, education, library science and the humanities. Long time interests include: pet care, Details...
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