Newbies Class Back On!!
Wednesday, April 29 2015
ASI Conference, Seattle, WA
The Newbies Class is back in business! Though we lost our original teacher due to family issues, we found a wonderful presenter in Enid Zafran, who has graciously agreed to instruct the Newbies Class. Enid is an acclaimed teacher whose Indexing Boot Camp, offering one-on-one instruction, has started a number of indexers on a successful career path.
Rank beginners, students taking or having just graduated from an indexing course, or anyone thinking of getting back into indexing and seeking some refresher instruction will benefit from taking this one-day introductory course.
The overall goal of this one-day training is to introduce you to the art and method of indexing and to understand how indexers manage their projects and business. Participants should gain a basic knowledge of indexing principles and see if they are suited to the profession of indexing. We will
- Review the basic concepts, terminology, and purpose of subject indexing, and the structure and arrangement of subject indexes;
- Learn how to make basic decision in designing and creating indexes;
- Acknowledge the relationship of indexing decisions to the needs of index users and to successful research outcomes;
- Gain insights into the subject analysis of documents and the translation of subjects into indexing language; and
- Learn why indexers use custom indexing software in their work.
Materials with examples will be handed out to workshop participants, and a small indexing project will be done as part of the hands-on approach.
Discussion will offer practical advice on how to approach indexing as a business.
Enid was one of the co-presenters of this same session last year and the feedback from those participants can be summed up by this comment:
“I have to tell you how satisfied I am that I attended this session. I learned a lot.”
If you are thinking of becoming an indexer, if you have finished or are in the process of taking an indexing class, or if you are interested in an overview of indexing, this is the perfect opportunity for you.
Enid says, “I have indexed over 30 years and still enjoy it as much as when I started. I want others to learn the joys of this field and excel.”
Sign up now for this valuable opportunity to learn from an expert in the indexing industry. Register today to ensure your seat!
Enid L. Zafran, a winner of ASI’s Hines Award for outstanding service to the indexing community, has been an active indexer for over twenty-five years, specializing in legal and scholarly texts. Her company, Indexing Partners, located in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, uses a team of indexers as subcontractors. Enid managed ASI’s publications program from 1994 to 2014, producing at least one book per year and often two or three. She has managed one of the largest in-house indexing departments for the Bureau of National Affairs in Washington, DC. Enid writes and edits articles for ASI’s publications, including the “A to Zafran” column in Key Words. She was instrumental in the development and initial organization of the ASI training course. Enid has long mentored a series of newcomers to indexing, providing them with training and often their first paid work, and she has worked tirelessly to promote ASI at every opportunity. Enid has served on the board of ASI for numerous terms, starting in the mid-90s, in the capacities of secretary, president, and director. She has also presented programs at many national conferences. At the chapter level, Enid has served as an officer of the Mid- and South Atlantic Chapter and has been a guest speaker at many of ASI’s chapters.
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