I was excited when I heard that Enid Zafran and Kate Mertes were developing the Business of Indexing course module. I purchased it as soon as it became available, and I have not been disappointed.
This module is absolutely critical for anyone beginning a career as a freelance indexer. It covers initial business set up, including budgeting and financial arrangements, banking, credit cards, equipment and office setup, how to get work, how to get paid for that work, forms of payments from clients, and taxes.
Long-time indexers will also find it worth their time and money because it covers topics such as business expansion, time management, goal-setting and rewards, avoiding burnout, and avoiding procrastination and workaholism. There are sections on data protection and security, file management, copyright, and insurance.
This is an extremely practical course, delightfully written, and full of humor. It arrives as a .pdf file, similar to a book. It is written in a chatty paragraph style, with important points summarized in lists at the ends of sections.
A comprehensive how-to course, you can work through it in order, or jump to the section that you need at the moment. It all works together, but each section can stand alone. Section headings are clearly named and make it easy to find information.
I highly recommend it.
Connie Binder, MLS Freelance Indexing and Database Services