Author Archive | Gwen Henson


Health and Wellness Round-Up from LIG

In partnership with our exclusive health coverage provider, LIG Solutions, we hope you and your family continue to have a safe and healthy 2022! Check out the Summer 22 newsletter, chock full of articles to expand your health and wellness awareness and learn about new health insurance solutions. You’ll find Healthy Living Ideas from some […]

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Take the ASI Conference Survey for 2023

In planning ASI’s 2023 Conference and future conferences, we need to find out if you are ready to meet at an in-person event or if you prefer an online conference. We want to ensure we choose the options that best suit our members’ preferences, whether location, investment level, or type of conference. Hearing from you […]

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Welcome to ASI’s new board members

ASI’s new board members were installed at the ASI annual meeting, held online on May 20, 2022. Joining the board are Cheryl Lenser, treasurer; and Amy Hall, Judy Staigmiller, and Amanda Wilson, directors. These four new members join continuing board members Gina Guilinger, ASI’s new president; Michele Combs, past president; Theresa Duran, president-elect; Shelley Quattrocchi, […]

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Please take the Indexer Locator Survey

The Indexer Locator is a valuable tool that enables clients to find the indexers who can best help them with their book(s). It’s an important benefit of membership, and a great way to let potential customers know your areas of expertise, working methods, and interests as well as helping them connect with you as an […]

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Software Segments on Wednesday, May 4

Join us on Wednesday, May 4, when experts and users of indexing software tools will discuss updates, share tips, and respond to your questions about four different software applications. If you’re interested in the latest developments in the software you use or are curious about other applications, here’s the perfect opportunity to explore. Come for […]

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Changes are afoot! ASI seeks next editor of See Also

ASI is seeking a new editor for See Also, ASI’s monthly newsletter. See Also contains news of ASI events, industry news and news from sister associations, prepared in easily digestible bites. The goal of ASI is to create a publication that keeps members informed and well represents the association in the public eye.

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