Author Archive | Gwen Henson


Call for Nominations for 2023 Hines Award

Nominations Due March 10, 2023 Call for Hines Nominations ASI’s Theodore C. Hines Award recognizes those who have made exceptional contributions to ASI and to the indexing profession. The deadline for submitting a nomination for the 2023 award is March 10, 2023. Please consider making a nomination for ASI’s highest service honor! Hines Award nominees […]

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ASI Seeks New Webmaster Team Member

We’re looking for volunteers to join the webmaster team! If you enjoy updating and tinkering with your own website, this could be the perfect job for you. The workload is fairly light and we help each other out as needed, so the responsibility never feels too onerous. It’s a great way for newer members to […]

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Call for ASI Board Nominations for 2023

Who do you know who would be a good board member? ASI’s Nominating Committee invites your participation and assistance. ASI needs your energy, experience, creativity, and commitment to ensure the continued dynamic growth of this unique organization of information professionals. In return, by serving ASI you will gain a more nuanced and in-depth understanding of […]

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ASI Webinar Replay: An Introduction to Abstracting

ASI Webinar: An Introduction to Abstracting—A Way to Enhance Your Indexing on September 28 with Lisa Ryan. Abstracting is an indexing specialty that adds value to a document by providing a summary and bibliographic detail of the work. Abstracts are formal summaries, giving a brief objective summary of the essential content of a book or […]

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Health and Wellness Round-Up from LIG

In partnership with our exclusive health coverage provider, LIG Solutions, we hope you and your family continue to have a safe and healthy 2022! Check out the Summer 22 newsletter, chock full of articles to expand your health and wellness awareness and learn about new health insurance solutions. You’ll find Healthy Living Ideas from some […]

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Take the ASI Conference Survey for 2023

In planning ASI’s 2023 Conference and future conferences, we need to find out if you are ready to meet at an in-person event or if you prefer an online conference. We want to ensure we choose the options that best suit our members’ preferences, whether location, investment level, or type of conference. Hearing from you […]

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