Author Archive | Gwen Henson


Hines Award Call for Nominations for 2014

Nominations Due February 28, 2014 The Hines Award, named for Theodore Hines, was established to honor those who have provided exceptional service to the American Society for Indexing (ASI). Past winners of the Hines Award have been instrumental in writing and editing books, publicizing ASI programs and services, forming and supporting chapters or SIGs (or […]

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Registration for ASI 2014 Conference Now Open

BETTER – FASTER – STRONGER – SMARTER May 1–2, 2014, Charleston, South Carolina ASI is proud to announce the program for our 2014 Conference. Speakers, presentation descriptions, and further additional information is now available. If you have questions or comments, please contact Kate Mertes at The early bird member rate for the conference is […]

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IDPF Board Approves the EPUB Indexes 1.0 Specification Advancement to Public Draft Status

The American Society for Indexing (ASI) Digital Trends Task Force (DTTF) is pleased to report that the two-year effort by the International Digital Publishing Forum’s Indexes Working Group to produce a standard method for encoding indexes in EPUB publications has come to fruition. On November 7th the IDPF Board approved the EPUB Indexes 1.0 specification […]

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2014 Conference—Charleston, South Carolina

May 1–2, 2014 Come to the beautiful and historic city of Charleston, South Carolina, May 1–2, 2014, to join with other indexers in a conference devoted to the issues and skills that matter today to those in the information field. To provide the best value for ASI members, we have streamlined the conference structure and […]

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ASI Webinar: Business of Indexing

The Business of Indexing Module webinar took place on Thursday, March 7, 2013. The webinar was a great success with more than 75 participants. The webinar recording is available for download at no charge. Listen to the recording of this event.

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