Author Archive | Gwen Henson


ASI Selects 2015 Hines Award Recipient

The 2015 Theodore C. Hines Award for continuous dedication and exceptional service to the American Society for Indexing (ASI) is awarded to Carolyn G. Weaver. Carolyn has been, and still is, a constant, calm, and competent presence within the ASI ranks. She serves her local chapter (Pacific Northwest) admirably in various capacities, and has served […]

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ASI Online Learning Course: Practical Taxonomy Creation

Practical Taxonomy Creation Three-Part Series with Heather Hedden “Practical Taxonomy Creation” is a 3-part ASI Online Learning course, taught by Heather Hedden. This is a terrific offering for indexers wanting to expand their skill set and create a wider vista for work. Where are taxonomies and controlled vocabularies needed? Periodical and database indexing and large, […]

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Join us for the 2015 ASI Conference in Seattle

American Society for Indexing — 2015 Conference Seattle, Washington, April 29–May 1 The Indexers’ Café Special discount through April 8, 2015 The state of the art of indexing and the publishing world is in constant flux, and keeping up with the evolution of the field requires lifelong learning. Where can you find what you need? […]

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Enid Zafran presents the Hines Award to Kate Mertes, the 2014 winner.

Hines Award Call for Nominations for 2015

Honors those who have provided exceptional service to ASI The Hines Award, named for Theodore Hines, was established to honor those who have provided exceptional service to the American Society for Indexing (ASI). If you know of someone who has offered distinguished service to ASI, then please consider nominating him or her.

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ASI Online Learning Course: Learning about KPS (Kerntiff Publishing Systems) Indexing-related Plugins for InDesign

Learning about KPS (Kerntiff Publishing Systems) Indexing-related Plugins for InDesign with Lucie Haskins Step-by-step instruction on how to use the helpful KPS plugins with Adobe’s most popular desktop publishing program InDesign Once you’re familiar with InDesign’s native indexing module, you’ll appreciate the spiffy KPS tools that can shortcut some tasks or augment with functions completely […]

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ASI Webinar Replay: Successful Subheadings with Fred Leise

September 17, 2014 This webinar will help you improve your indexing skills through an exploration of the world of subheadings. We will focus on three major areas: the purposes of subheadings, characteristics of successful subheadings, and common subheading problems. The core of the presentation is a discussion of 10 heuristics that are easy to follow […]

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2015 ASI Conference Call for Presentation Proposal

THE STATE OF THE ART Seattle, Washington, April 30–May 1 The state of the art of indexing and the publishing world is in constant flux, and keeping up with the evolution of the field requires lifelong learning. The primary source for information and education about indexing is the American Society for Indexing (ASI). At our […]

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ASI Webinar Replay: How to Increase Your Business Using the Indexer’s Best Secret Marketing Weapon

Indexer Locator—Crafting your listing for maximum effect with Connie Binder August 27, 2014 An Indexer Locator listing is one of the easiest and most effective marketing tools available to indexers. Learn what it is and how you can make it work for you. We’ll talk about who searches the Locator and how, statistics on Locator […]

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