Nominations Due February 28, 2016 The Hines Award, named for Theodore Hines, was established to honor those who have provided exceptional service to the American Society for Indexing (ASI). Past winners of the Hines Award have been instrumental in writing and editing books, publicizing ASI program and services, forming and supporting chapters or SIGs (or […]
Author Archive | Gwen Henson
2016 Indexing Conference Call for Presentation Proposals
Joint 2016 ASI-ISC/SCI Annual Conference Chicago, Illinois, United States June 15–18, 2016 Save the Date/Call for Papers The Indexing Conference for 2016 will be an international event! The Indexing Society of Canada/Société canadienne d’indexation (ISC/SCI) and the American Society for Indexing (ASI) have had a number of successful collaborations in the past (Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver) […]
ASI Webinar Replay: PDFs in the Indexing Process: Maximizing Your Efficiency
PDFs in the Indexing Process: Maximizing Your Efficiency with Connie Binder This fast-paced webinar will explore the use of Adobe Reader, Acrobat Standard/Pro, and Margaret Berson’s Megabit Macros in the indexing process, with the goal of increasing data-entry speed and accuracy. Topics will include: Find Advanced Search Setting Preferences Navigation and keyboard shortcuts Getting terms […]
ASI Online Learning Course: Embedded Indexing in InDesign
Embedded Indexing in InDesign Three-Part Series with Lucie Haskins Step-by-step instruction on how to index in Adobe’s most popular desktop publishing program and–exclusive to this course–how to use the helpful KPS plugins. This three-part series exemplifies ASI’s commitment to ongoing training for indexers wanting to learn more, in the comfort of their own homes (or […]
Keeping It Real: How Do You Find Your—and Everyone’s—Everyday Information?
Meet Our Keynote Presenter Everyday life information about health, community, employment, civics, relationships, shopping, culture, and more is intrinsic to existence—part of our social information fabric. For eons this has been created and shared socially per cultural norms and always affected by changing demographics, technology, and economics. This sort of everyday information is intrinsic to […]
Step Onto Your Successful Career Path with Indexing Newbies Class
Wednesday, April 29 2015 ASI Conference, Seattle, WA Enid Zafran has graciously agreed to instruct the Newbies Class. Enid is an acclaimed teacher whose Indexing Boot Camp, offering one-on-one instruction, has started a number of indexers on a successful career path. Beginners, students taking or having just graduated from an indexing course, or anyone thinking […]
ASI Announces Recipient of 2015 ASI/EIS Publishing Award for Excellence in Indexing
Kate Mertes earns award for The Church Historian’s Press title The American Society of Indexing announces that the recipient of the 2015 ASI/EIS Publishing Award for Excellence in Indexing is Kate Mertes for her index to The Joseph Smith Papers: Documents , Volume 3 (February 1833 — March 1834), published by The Church Historian’s Press. […]
ASI Webinar Replay: Ethics in Indexing
Ethics in Indexing with Heather Ebbs Although we often allude to ethics in online discussions or personal chats with other indexers, neither of the North American societies codifies ethical guidelines for indexers. Could we? Should we? What are the ethical responsibilities of indexers? of indexing societies? How do ethics relate to professionalism? The following scenarios […]
ASI Selects 2015 Hines Award Recipient
The 2015 Theodore C. Hines Award for continuous dedication and exceptional service to the American Society for Indexing (ASI) is awarded to Carolyn G. Weaver. Carolyn has been, and still is, a constant, calm, and competent presence within the ASI ranks. She serves her local chapter (Pacific Northwest) admirably in various capacities, and has served […]
ASI Online Learning Course: Practical Taxonomy Creation
Practical Taxonomy Creation Three-Part Series with Heather Hedden “Practical Taxonomy Creation” is a 3-part ASI Online Learning course, taught by Heather Hedden. This is a terrific offering for indexers wanting to expand their skill set and create a wider vista for work. Where are taxonomies and controlled vocabularies needed? Periodical and database indexing and large, […]