ASI Chapter/SIG Leaders Roles and Responsibilities

Please also refer to the Charter for ASI Committee Chapters and SIGs (PDF). Note that old chapter by-laws have been superseded, as chapters are no longer independent entities.

Roles and Elections

  • Chapters/SIGs must have 1–3 leaders. It is good practice to have at least two for financial oversight and to have a backup in case of temporary unavailability, but it is not required.
  • Division of duties is determined by the chapter or SIG. Duties are not tied to a specific role, though the chapter or SIG may decide to do this if it fits their needs.
  • Chapters/SIGs must elect leaders every year. The timing of the election is up to the chapter. Some prefer the calendar year, others hold elections in Spring or Fall. Elections must allow for anonymity. Tools such as SurveyMonkey allow for easy and anonymous elections. Please ask if you need help creating an election. Leaders need to inform the ASI general office and the Chapter/SIG Liaisons to the board of the election results.


  • Leaders serve as a point person for communications between ASI national and the Chapter/SIG members. They ensure that the group complies with applicable ASI bylaws and the Chapter/SIG Charter (PDF).
  • Leaders attend, or delegate a group member to attend, the Chapter/SIG meeting during ASI’s annual conference.
  • Leaders annually renew their chapter’s or SIG’s charter affiliation agreement.
  • Leaders manage the Chapter/SIG finances (see the Finances heading below).
  • Leaders field inquiries from new and potential indexers and/or members as well as general inquiries.
  • Leaders encourage and initiate Chapter/SIG activities. Chapters and SIGs can have several kinds of activities, including meetings with or without programming. Other activities include maintaining an email group, maintaining a website, offering indexing resources, and hosting indexer directories.
  • Leaders ensure that all information on their ASI Chapter information page or SIG information page is up-to-date, as well as all information on any associated websites, pages, groups, or other web presences (e.g., Facebook page, LinkedIn group, Google Group, standalone email lists).
  • Chapters and SIGs are not required to have meetings, either in-person or virtual. If meetings are held, Chapter/SIG leaders plan them or delegate the planning, with oversight, to another volunteer.


  • Chapter/SIG leaders make financial decisions for the Chapter/SIG, following ASI’s procedures. This may include gathering checks and cash to be deposited with ASI, paying for smaller expenses with personal funds (to be reimbursed), and arranging with the ASI office to pay for larger expenses (such as hotel deposits).
  • Chapter/SIG leaders maintain an accounting of the Chapter/SIG finances. While transactions go through the national ASI office, chapters and SIGs make their own financial decisions and need to maintain their records. Leaders report their group’s financial activities to the ASI Board in November and in April; they must also report on their financial activities to their members at least once a year (see the Reporting heading below).
  • If a chapter or SIG plans to spend $500 or more on a discrete item or 80% of their reserves on a discrete event, the committee needs to notify the Chapter/SIG Liaison and the ASI Treasurer and submit a budget.


  • In April, leaders report to the national office on their group’s activities during the last 12 months (i.e., since the preceding April). A report template will be provided.
  • In November, leaders report on the activities their group plans for the upcoming 12 months (i.e., through the following November). A report template will be provided. It is understood that plans can change, but we need to have an idea of what is planned.
  • Leaders report their group’s financial activities to their members at least once a year. Since the April financial report to the board includes this information, leaders could simply send that report to their members as well.