Katherine Barber, Canada's "Word Lady," is one of the foremost authorities on Canadian English. She has appeared frequently in all Canadian media to discuss matters of language in general and Canadian English in particular. As Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Dictionary Department at Oxford University Press, she supervised the publication of two editions of the Canadian Oxford Dictionary as well as many other smaller dictionaries.
Keynote Address: Pennies, Pies, And Pointing |
May 14, 2010 |
7:45 AM to 8:30 AM |
 John Bealle has been indexing for about a decade, focusing on humanities works for university presses. He was a software tester for Sky 7.0 and a contributor in the discussion of the design of new features. He lives in Cincinnati.
WS07: Sky Index 7.0 |
May 15, 2010 |
1:45 PM to 5:00 PM |
 Connie Binder and Becky Hornyak both began indexing in 1998 and are currently full-time freelance indexers. Connie has an MLS and Becky has an MA in Counseling. Both are officers in the Mid and South-Atlantic Chapter.
Seminar 3: Streamlining Our Work Processes |
May 14, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM |
 Sandi Frank, retired Director of The New York Botanical Garden Press, is currently working on the other side of the desk as a publishing consultant, freelance indexer, mentor, and editor. In addition to teaching "Freelance Indexing" at New York University's School of Continuing and Professional Studies, she has been actively involved with the American Society for Indexing's (ASI) Training in Indexing Course, as an Interim Course Administrator, Exam Grader, and now as the ASI Training in Indexing Course Manager. She divides her time between the northern suburbs of Westchester County, New York, and Cape May, New Jersey, with her husband, two mastiffs, and a cat.
Seminar 12: How to Open Your Freelance Indexing Business |
May 14, 2010 |
1:45 PM to 2:30 PM |
Seminar 25: ASI Training Course Q&A |
May 15, 2010 |
11:30 AM to 12:15 PM |
 Connie Binder and Becky Hornyak both began indexing in 1998 and are currently full-time freelance indexers. Connie has an MLS and Becky has an MA in Counseling. Both are officers in the Mid and South-Atlantic Chapter.
Seminar 3: Streamlining Our Work Processes |
May 14, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM |
 Janyne Ste Marie has been indexing since 2002 in various topics and using WordEmbed for the last 3-4 years. Her primary use of WordEmbed is for CUP-XML though she has used it occasionally for regular embedding.
Seminar 10: WordEmbed |
May 14, 2010 |
1:45 PM to 2:30 PM |
 Heather Hedden provides contract taxonomy and indexing services through Hedden Information Management. She also teaches online and onsite continuing education workshops in taxonomy creation and website indexing through Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science.
Heather is the founder and current manager of the Taxonomies & Controlled Vocabularies SIG of ASI, a past manager of the Web Indexing SIG, and past president of the New England Chapter of ASI. She is the author ofIndexing Specialties: Web Sites, a chapter in Index It Right: Advice from the Experts, Volume 2, and The Accidental Taxonomist (May 2010).
WS02: Taxonomy and Thesaurus Creation (Full Day) |
May 13, 2010 |
8:00 AM to 5:30 PM |
 Virginia Heinrich is a librarian and instructor at Minneapolis Community and Technical College where she teaches courses on library technical services, cataloging, and indexing and abstracting. She has worked on cataloging and indexing projects for the National Institute for Literacy and the American Library Association, and is a training volunteer for Minnesota Opportunities for Technical Services Excellence.
WS04: Will Someone Read This? Writing Abstracts that Work |
May 13, 2010 |
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM |
 Rudy Hirschmann has over fifteen years of experience in the computer field. It encompasses many aspects of systems development, including systems analysis, systems design, and development management. Prior to this technical career, Rudy was a professor of German literature at the University of Southern California. He is a founder of literary research done with the aid of computers. As the IT Manager for the Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology, Rudy is responsible for setting and implementing technical directions of a multi-site computing facility for academic publishing. Among his central responsibilities is to produce camera-ready copy of the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (CPAE) for Princeton University Press. Rudy's first experience with indexing came two years ago in the preparation of Volume 11 of the CPAE, which combined the indexes of the first ten volumes into a single cumulative index. His role in the project was to write software that automates the process as much as possible.
Seminar 15: After the Prize: Indexing the Albert Einstein Papers |
May 14, 2010 |
2:45 PM to 3:30 PM |
Becky Hornyak and Connie Binder both began indexing in 1998 and are currently full-time freelance indexers. Connie has an MLS and Becky has an MA in Counseling. Both are officers in the Mid and South-Atlantic Chapter.
Seminar 3: Streamlining Our Work Processes |
May 14, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM |
 Bill Morrison, an indexing supervisor, has been with WordCo since 1999. Bill specializes in indexing reference works and converting existing indexes into CINDEX format. When he is not indexing, Bill works as freelance jazz bass player, performing throughout New England.
6: A (Relatively) Quick Way to Create Name Indexes for Social Science Books |
May 14, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM |
 Ken Karpinski entered the publishing field from a unique angle -- as a four-time published author. He earned certificate degrees in copyediting, project management, and indexing and worked as a freelance indexer and copyeditor for several years following his earlier career path of financial consultant. Ken's strong rapport with academic authors of all stripes, plus his steadfast diplomacy in every conceivable situation, distinguish his tenure with Aptara. Ken handles Cambridge University Press books and has been with Aptara for 6 years.
Seminar 4: Working with Off-Shore Editors: Culture and Communication |
May 14, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM |
 Cheryl Landes, an award-winning technical writer, is the owner of Tabby Cat Communications in Seattle. She has more than 19 years of experience as an indexer and a technical writer in several industries: computer software, marine transportation, manufacturing, and the trade press. She is the Program Committee Coordinator of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the American Society for Indexing (PNW/ASI), a member of ASI's national Board of Directors, and active in the Society for Technical Communication (STC) on the chapter and international levels. She speaks frequently at ASI and STC meetings throughout the United States and Canada.
Seminar 23: Embedded Indexing in FrameMaker |
May 15, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 11:30 AM |
 Fred Leise has been indexing scholarly works in the humanities since 1995. He has taught extensively on both indexing and taxonomy design, including sessions in Brunei, Malaysia, and Great Britain. He has twice served on the board of ASI, including as president for 2008-2009. He currently works as UX Manager-Taxonomy for Sears Holdings Corporation.
Seminar 11: And So to Bed... |
May 14, 2010 |
1:45 PM to 2:30 PM |
WS06: More Naked Indexers |
May 13, 2010 |
1:30 PM to 5:30 PM |
 Diana Witt has been a freelance professional indexer for many years, after beginning her career as an indexer for the New York Times index. Diana has an MLS in Library Science from Simmons College, but has spent most of her professional life as an indexer and abstractor. She is very dedicated to the care and feeding of the indexing profession and is excited and challenged by the changes in information science and architecture that have occurred and will continue to happen. She looks forward to continued association with ASI and to working with her indexing colleagues in this new environment.
Seminar 8: Revitalizing Your Chapter Meetings |
May 14, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM |
Seminar 25: ASI Training Course Q&A |
May 15, 2010 |
11:30 AM to 12:15 PM |
WS01: Principles of Indexing (Full Day) |
May 13, 2010 |
8:00 AM to 5:30 PM |
 Max McMaster has been a freelance indexer for the past 17 years working predominantly on back of book indexing, but delving into database and journal indexing as well. He arrived at indexing after spending 19 years in the library and information fields, mainly involved with scientific disciplines in government organizations. He has in excess of 1750 indexes to his name.
Max lectures on indexing to editing and publishing students and technical communicators at a number of Australian universities. He also runs indexing training courses for the Australian and New Zealand Society of Indexers (ANZSI) and other organizations throughout Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. Max has been fortunate to have been awarded the Australian Society of Indexers Medal (now called ANZSI Medal) for back of book indexing on three occasions. He is a Life Member of ANZSI, and is currently a member of ANZSI Council.
Seminar 24: How to Handle Illustrative Material |
May 15, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 11:30 AM |
 Kate Mertes is sole proprietor of Mertes Editorial Services, providing indexing, information retrieval, and editorial expertise for complex, challenging projects in law and the humanities. Kate took her B.A. in medieval studies, a Ph.D. in medieval history, and a post-doctoral degree in theology, and after teaching at university level for several years moved into publishing with a stint at Oxford English Dictionaries. After nine years as a managing editor of indexing with Research Institute of America, a legal publishing company, Kate started her own business in 1998. She has lived in Alexandria, VA, since 1992. Kate served on the Board of the American Society for Indexing (ASI) from 1998 to 2004, and was president of ASI in 2002-2003; she is currently serving her second presidential term.
Seminar 22: Indexing the Bible |
May 15, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM |
WS05: On Aboutness |
May 13, 2010 |
1:30 PM to 5:30 PM |
 Kendra Millis has been indexing since 2008. Before she discovered indexing, she was in a Ph.D. program for Russian and Polish language and literature, and worked for a number of years in the field of international education. She enjoys indexing literary criticism and philosophy, but tries to balance scholarly and trade indexing. She has also recently taken on a number of projects involving early American military history.
Seminar 16: A Year in the Life of a Newbie |
May 14, 2010 |
2:45 PM to 3:30 PM |
 Bill Morrison, an indexing supervisor, has been with WordCo since 1999. Bill specializes in indexing reference works and converting existing indexes into CINDEX format. When he is not indexing, Bill works as freelance jazz bass player, performing throughout New England.
6: A (Relatively) Quick Way to Create Name Indexes for Social Science Books |
May 14, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM |
 Janet Perlman is a 25-year member of ASI. Janet has written for KeyWords and other indexing journals and is editor of Running An Indexing Business (ITI, 2002) and co-editor (with Enid Zafran) of Index It Right, Vol. II (ITI 2010). Janet was co-founder of the Arizona Chapter of ASI and has shared her knowledge through workshops given to chapters across the country.
At the national level, Janet has served on or chaired numerous ASI committees, including the H.W. Wilson Award for Excellence. Janet was the recipient of the Hines Award in 2006. She was the first Course Administrator for the ASITraining in Indexing instructional course (2006-2008), has recently served on the ASI Board of Directors, and is the incoming ASI Treasurer.
Seminar 7: Bidding and Pricing: As Always, "It Depends" |
May 14, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM |
 Ruth Pincoe has been working as a freelance indexer, editor, and researcher for more than 25 years. She is the winner of the Editors' Association of Canada Tom Fairley Award for Editorial Excellence (1994) and has served as national president for the Editors' Association and ISC/SCI. She presently serves as International Liaison for ISC/SCI, and she is also the Co-coordinator for the Committee of International Representatives of Indexing Societies. Ruth specializes in scholarly books and now works mainly in music, history, art, and literature, but she also has an extensive background in both trade and educational publishing, and she enjoys cookbooks.
Seminar 5: See and See Also: Rules and Controversies |
May 14, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM |
 David K. Ream is Leverage Technologies' chief consultant for publishers. He has a B.S. in Engineering and an M.S. in Computer Science from Case Western Reserve University. Mr. Ream has spent over 30 years working with publishers in the areas of typesetting design and production, database creation, editorial systems, and electronic publication design and production. One of Mr. Ream's earliest assignments (in the mid-seventies) involved creating custom programs to sort legal indexes into locator order and then back into alpha order. Since then he has worked on many indexing, abstracting, and thesaurus projects and systems. Currently, indexing projects center around integrating Indexing Research's CINDEX™ into corporate and governmental publishing operations including web applications. LevTech also performs computer consulting and programming for editorial applications as well batch composition services. Mr. Ream can be reached by e-mail at DaveReam@LevTechInc.com or by visiting the LevTech web site at www.LevTechInc.com.
Seminar 20: Guiders: A Web Site Navigation Tool |
May 15, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 9:30 AM |
 Alice Redmond-Neal is the in-house specialist in thesaurus construction and knowledge base development for Access Innovations, Inc. Her work in psychology, linguistics, and communication disorders transferred well to the field of information sciences. Alice has created numerous thesauri on topics ranging from general information to highly technical subject matter. As Access Innovations' Training Director, Alice is responsible for coaching clients in the use of Data Harmony software. Alice has written on thesaurus construction and categorization and has presented workshops and lectures at several conferences.
Seminar 2: How Not to Taxonomize |
May 14, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM |
 Kay Schlembach has been passionate about teaching beginning indexers for more than a decade. A dedicated, vivacious teacher, Kay is a partner with Potomac Indexing, LLC, and served as an ASI director, and ASI Training Course committee member and evaluator. Coming from a diverse background, including homeschooling gifted children and real estate appraisal, Kay has been a full-time indexer since 1997.
Seminar 21: Working with Subcontractors: Benefits and Perils |
May 15, 2010 |
9:30 AM to 10:15 AM |
 Richard Shrout has indexed books on computer-related, engineering, and social science subjects for over 15 years. He has served as Secretary and Chair of his local chapter of ASI and has served on the national Board of ASI in various capacities, including Director, Treasurer, and now President Elect. Richard is one of the founding partners and now one of the managing partners of Potomac Indexing, LLC. Prior to retirement from the federal government, Richard served as the Director of Technical Services for a system of federal libraries for over 20 years.
Seminar 13: Indexing Working Styles |
May 14, 2010 |
2:45 PM to 3:30 PM |
Seminar 21: Working with Subcontractors: Benefits and Perils |
May 15, 2010 |
9:30 AM to 10:15 AM |
 Janyne Ste Marie has been indexing since 2002 in various topics and using WordEmbed for the last 3-4 years. Her primary use of WordEmbed is for CUP-XML though she has used it occasionally for regular embedding.
Seminar 10: WordEmbed |
May 14, 2010 |
1:45 PM to 2:30 PM |
 Maria A. Sullivan is a freelance indexer providing technical support services to Indexing Research. She lives and works in Rochester, NY.
Seminar 26: CINDEX - Back to Basics |
May 15, 2010 |
1:45 PM to 3:15 PM |
 Margie Towery has been in publications work for over two decades, and she has been indexing for over fifteen years. She won the H. W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing in 2002 and 2008. Along with various contributions to Key Words, she is the editor of Indexing Specialties: History, coeditor of Indexing Specialties: Scholarly Books (which includes Margie's article "The Quality of a Scholarly Index"), and has essays in the recent Indexing Specialties: Cookbooks and Index It Right, vol. 2.
Seminar 19A: Confessions of an Award-Winning Indexer: Part I |
May 15, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM |
Seminar 19B: Confessions of an Award-Winning Indexer: Part II |
May 15, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM |
WS06: More Naked Indexers |
May 13, 2010 |
1:30 PM to 5:30 PM |
 Carolyn Weaver is a former academic health sciences librarian who has been indexing since 1991, specializing in health, behavioral, and social sciences books and journals. She was a moonlighter for 9 years before transitioning to full-time freelancing in 2000. A past president of ASI (2007-2008), she is currently chair of the History-Archaeology SIG and a webmaster for ASI and the Business Indexing SIG. In the summer, she can often be found indexing on the road at one of her favorite Pacific Northwest campgrounds.
Seminar 14: Camera-ready Indexing of Word Documents... |
May 14, 2010 |
2:45 PM to 3:30 PM |
Seminar 18: Indexing for Career-Changers |
May 15, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM |
 Diana Witt has been a freelance professional indexer for many years, after beginning her career as an indexer for the New York Times index. Diana has an MLS in Library Science from Simmons College, but has spent most of her professional life as an indexer and abstractor. She is very dedicated to the care and feeding of the indexing profession and is excited and challenged by the changes in information science and architecture that have occurred and will continue to happen. She looks forward to continued association with ASI and to working with her indexing colleagues in this new environment.
Seminar 8: Revitalizing Your Chapter Meetings |
May 14, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM |
 Janet Perlman is a 25-year member of ASI. Janet has written for KeyWords and other indexing journals and is editor of Running An Indexing Business (ITI, 2002) and co-editor (with Enid Zafran) of Index It Right, Vol. II (ITI 2010). Janet was co-founder of the Arizona Chapter of ASI and has shared her knowledge through workshops given to chapters across the country.
At the national level, Janet has served on or chaired numerous ASI committees, including the H.W. Wilson Award for Excellence. Janet was the recipient of the Hines Award in 2006. She was the first Course Administrator for the ASITraining in Indexing instructional course (2006-2008), has recently served on the ASI Board of Directors, and is the incoming ASI Treasurer.
Seminar 7: Bidding and Pricing: As Always, "It Depends" |
May 14, 2010 |
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM |
WS03: Indexing in InDesign Workshop |
May 13, 2010 |
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM |
 Enid L. Zafran is the owner of Indexing Partners, LLC, which specializes in indexing the subjects of public policy as well as legal, art, history, psychology, and education. She was president of ASI (2004-2005) and has given numerous presentations at ASI conferences both nationally and locally. She has edited Starting an Indexing Business, Indexing Specialties: Law, and Indexing Specialties: Scholarly Books, and writes a regular column on indexing style for ASI's newsletter Key Words.
Seminar 1: Public Policy Indexing |
May 14, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM |
Seminar 17: Getting Paid |
May 15, 2010 |
8:45 AM to 10:15 AM |